New, need to lose 160, and need friends!


Well, the title speaks for itself. I need friends who have almost impossible goals, too! If you have a lot to lose, I would love your support -- and you'd get mine, too! :)


  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    Hi Auralyn :smile: I want to assure you that you'll have plenty of friends and support here on MFP :) Lots of caring people are here on different journeys, but all with the same goal of being healthy. I'm Betty from Georgia and I came to MFP in July 2014 weighing 370lbs with a goal of losing over 220lbs. I've never been below 200lbs as an adult, so I just picked a goal weight of 150lbs. I can't even imagine what I'd look like or what life would be like at that weight :/ but I'm aiming for it anyways!!! After 18mths of being here with plenty of support and staying focused and faithful to my healthy eating and exercise, I have now lost nearly 120lbs. I won't lie. I've had many hard and frustrating times, but with the help of my friends here I've been able to work through them and carry on. I know that you will get that same care and encouragement here. I send good positive thoughts your way and I'll be keeping you in my prayers for a beautiful and successful journey to good health :)
  • jnc3000
    jnc3000 Posts: 7 Member
    Request sent!
  • mrsjason1208
    mrsjason1208 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, my name is Tracy and I know how you feel. My highest weight was 322.4 lbs. I am currently at 196.6. I know how you feel starting this journey. Rest assured you can do this. I will send you a friend request.
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    The first step is the hardest! you can do this, set smaller goals with rewards, mine is every 5 pounds!
  • Auralyn
    Auralyn Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the support!
  • escotech2883
    escotech2883 Posts: 546 Member
    I have a goal of 100. That seems impossible to me and i dont know where to begin
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    I also have a goal of 100 lbs. You just have to start. I am working on my eating habits first, then I will incorporate the exercise. I want to concentrate on ine thing and get it going good then I can concentrate on the second. For me, it's too overwhelming to do both at the same time. My biggest problem is my food intake si that's why I started there. Feel free to friend me so we can motivate each other...
  • cdhannabass82
    cdhannabass82 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a diabetic looking to lose 180. Needs motivation not criticism. Add me.
  • Auralyn
    Auralyn Posts: 3 Member
    I have a goal of 100. That seems impossible to me and i dont know where to begin

    Tell me about it. Lol
  • xcantore
    xcantore Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me. My goal is 100! We can do this.
  • Tiana_Nesmith
    Tiana_Nesmith Posts: 6 Member
    Go for it girl. You can do it!! I'm speaking to myself as well. Health problems are getting worse for me and I no if I don't start soon, the end will be soon for me. First day back for me. I would love to be your friend. We can do this!
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    Even though I have lost 120lbs so far, I still have a goal of losing 100 more! So I'm in the same boat with y'all. I can say back when I started here at 369lbs, I didn't even think about exercise for a while. I needed to get myself in check with my food first. So first I made changes from grabbing unhealthy snack food and stopping for that fast food. It was hard, but after a few weeks of staying began to be a routine for me. I told myself if I don't cook it myself at home or if I'm not able to eat it raw, then I'm not buying it or eating it. This keeps you accountable for ingredients used in your meals. You must log every single food, seasoning, spice, gravy, condiment, and drink that enters your mouth. Therefore, you will do better cooking for yourself because you're able to weigh or measure and know exactly what you're putting into each dish. It's out of your hands when a restaurant or someone else is cooking. You buy foods that you have no idea what's in it or the measurements. Make a commitment to eat at home as much as possible. As the first few months passed for me and I began to lose with these changes, I decided to eliminate certain foods from my menu life. I chose to drop caffeine first due to my acid reflux. I turned to decaf coffee and teas. I dropped all sodas or pops, regular or diet even. No soda anymore. I turned to water more and more, and sometimes with the added bit of Crystal Light when I wanted flavor. I dropped pasta, rice, and potatoes in all forms. I found many cauliflower recipes that mimicked these 3 foods, so I've never looked back! I also found that zucchini noodles is a perfect substitute for pasta in spaghetti mmmmm Just buy yourself a veggie spiralizer and continue to enjoy your pasta meals using zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash also. I then lowered and eventually dropped white sugar and flours from my life. I instead use Stevia and Equal as my sweeteners. There are many good substitutions out there for flour in recipes. For instance, when breading meats or veggies for frying or baking...I crush plain pork rinds to a fine dust and use the same process of breading as if it were flour. Works great! If you have a recipe that will tolerate or taste better with the flavored pork rinds, then go for it. I never turned to yogurts like so many do because I found it to have too many carbs for my daily goals to be met. Instead I found a love for cottage cheese. I will add 1 tbsp light whip cream (I favor Walmart's Great Value light whipped topping) and a snack cup or 2 even of the Sugar Free jellos. You can change up your flavors and even add a nuts like almonds, walnuts, or pecans. I like to put my nuts in my food processor to crush to dust. I'll pour this into a freezer bag and use it over time to sprinkle across the top of my cottage cheese parfaits. Wow, didn't realize I'd written so much lol Warning, I could go on and on lol Anyways, you can do so much and actually begin to lose lots right from the start simply by concentrating on your food habits. If your body (knees, ankles, hips, back) feels too fragile to exercise right from the start, you will in no time reach a weight that feels like a good starting point for some walking or recumbent biking. Any movement is good movement by this time. Don't be afraid to play with your journey. Continue to tweak it as you go along. Good luck to everyone and friend me if you like :smiley:
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Sending some invites out, have about 200-250 to lose myself but not really focusing on the end number just on being less than I am now (:
  • ryjaaah
    ryjaaah Posts: 85 Member
    Well my goal is to lose 55-66 lbs it's not impossible but the way I eat, for me it's pretty much impossible, so yeah.. Good luck on your goal though! :3
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    BettJo64 wrote: »
    Even though I have lost 120lbs so far, I still have a goal of losing 100 more! So I'm in the same boat with y'all. I can say back when I started here at 369lbs, I didn't even think about exercise for a while. I needed to get myself in check with my food first. So first I made changes from grabbing unhealthy snack food and stopping for that fast food. It was hard, but after a few weeks of staying began to be a routine for me. I told myself if I don't cook it myself at home or if I'm not able to eat it raw, then I'm not buying it or eating it. This keeps you accountable for ingredients used in your meals. You must log every single food, seasoning, spice, gravy, condiment, and drink that enters your mouth. Therefore, you will do better cooking for yourself because you're able to weigh or measure and know exactly what you're putting into each dish. It's out of your hands when a restaurant or someone else is cooking. You buy foods that you have no idea what's in it or the measurements. Make a commitment to eat at home as much as possible. As the first few months passed for me and I began to lose with these changes, I decided to eliminate certain foods from my menu life. I chose to drop caffeine first due to my acid reflux. I turned to decaf coffee and teas. I dropped all sodas or pops, regular or diet even. No soda anymore. I turned to water more and more, and sometimes with the added bit of Crystal Light when I wanted flavor. I dropped pasta, rice, and potatoes in all forms. I found many cauliflower recipes that mimicked these 3 foods, so I've never looked back! I also found that zucchini noodles is a perfect substitute for pasta in spaghetti mmmmm Just buy yourself a veggie spiralizer and continue to enjoy your pasta meals using zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash also. I then lowered and eventually dropped white sugar and flours from my life. I instead use Stevia and Equal as my sweeteners. There are many good substitutions out there for flour in recipes. For instance, when breading meats or veggies for frying or baking...I crush plain pork rinds to a fine dust and use the same process of breading as if it were flour. Works great! If you have a recipe that will tolerate or taste better with the flavored pork rinds, then go for it. I never turned to yogurts like so many do because I found it to have too many carbs for my daily goals to be met. Instead I found a love for cottage cheese. I will add 1 tbsp light whip cream (I favor Walmart's Great Value light whipped topping) and a snack cup or 2 even of the Sugar Free jellos. You can change up your flavors and even add a nuts like almonds, walnuts, or pecans. I like to put my nuts in my food processor to crush to dust. I'll pour this into a freezer bag and use it over time to sprinkle across the top of my cottage cheese parfaits. Wow, didn't realize I'd written so much lol Warning, I could go on and on lol Anyways, you can do so much and actually begin to lose lots right from the start simply by concentrating on your food habits. If your body (knees, ankles, hips, back) feels too fragile to exercise right from the start, you will in no time reach a weight that feels like a good starting point for some walking or recumbent biking. Any movement is good movement by this time. Don't be afraid to play with your journey. Continue to tweak it as you go along. Good luck to everyone and friend me if you like :smiley:

    I, too, have decided to concentrate on my food intake first for a while. I have to get that under control first. I find that if i do too much to start out with, I lose motivation and it's over. I want my weightloss to continue until all of my weight is gone...then maintain that loss for the rest of my life. I am off to a pretty good start but I could be doing so much better. But hey, I didn't put the weight on overnight so it's not going to come off over night. Good luck on the rest of your journey and I hope we can support and inspire each other as we go.
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    Feel free to add me, I've got 80 pds to go. Thanks Chris