Here goes nothing!

Hopefully, here goes 80 lbs. I've tried every diet out there. All the get rich quick ones. I'm at the point of giving up. I'm 55 yrs, 5'2", 190 lbs. Health issues from obesity are adding up in me. And i don't want to be sick. I'll be spending my spare time on here. See you all around!


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Hi and welcome! The process works as long as you make it work. I am also 5'2" a few years younger than you (42), and just hitting the low 180s. I started here at 222, so it's been going well. I suggest reading some of the sticky posts at the top of the getting started and general weight loss forums under the title Most Helpful Posts. These have great information for beginners with this site. I strongly suggest starting with the ones on logging accurately. Add some friends for support. Set realistic goals, be consistent, and be patient. You can do it!
  • bjcfinn55
    bjcfinn55 Posts: 6 Member
    @nutmegoreo Thanks! I'll do that.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    You are very welcome. I can't tell you how much time I spent reading things here and trial and error before getting it figured out. Try to forget all the fad diet stuff and all the "must avoid" or "fat burning" foods. All a bunch of hooey. :smile: