Dehydration, anyone now what it feels like or the sytoms?

armywife26 Posts: 92 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Yesterday morning I felt fine went to spin class and came home and felt HORRIABLE! I was week and sick to the belly and in a LOT of pain. At first I thought it was a stomach flu but once I threw up I felt OK in the belly for the most part able to eat and drink a bit but was afraid to eat or drink to much. I was in a LOT of pain in my back, belly, fingers, knees, every where really. Today I still feel week and in a little bit of pain but not as much as yesterday or last night. I think it was 3am when I took my 3 round of meds to be able to sleep and when I woke up I was not in as much pain.
Was I dehydrated or just sick, I did drink water through spin class I always do.


  • OrganicGal
    OrganicGal Posts: 15
    You definitely are describing symptoms of either heat exhaustion, dehydration or a combo of both. Was the spinning class well ventilated with fans running? If not, that would have contributed to your symptoms. Keep hydrated. Apply cool compresses while lying down. I would suggest that the next time you feel this way to stop the class and go get some fresh air and cool water. Hope you feel better. I've been there a few times myself in various classes.
  • I think you were sick.
  • armywife26
    armywife26 Posts: 92 Member
    You definitely are describing symptoms of either heat exhaustion, dehydration or a combo of both. Was the spinning class well ventilated with fans running? If not, that would have contributed to your symptoms. Keep hydrated. Apply cool compresses while lying down. I would suggest that the next time you feel this way to stop the class and go get some fresh air and cool water. Hope you feel better. I've been there a few times myself in various classes.

    it was not durining the class it was after, and no the room is like a sauna ( sp) there are fans but that is about it. I come out of class looking like I just step out of the shower and forgot to take my clothes off. NOT KIDDING
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    OrganicGal is correct that stomach pain, nausea and vomiting can be symptoms of dehydration, however; they are almost ALWAYS preceded by headaches (fairly severe)... I was getting headaches from dehydration and I honestly thought I was getting migraines based on others' descriptions - Doc said to drink more water, preferably with some electrolytes as well (I do "SmartWater") and also have a small Gatorade *DURING* exercise...
    within 2 days the headaches, stomach cramping, and nausea were gone - so you might want to add something like that to the routine to help offset any possible issues, but if it went away that quickly and you still feel week - it might very well have been just sick...

    Hope you feel better soon though and MAJOR hugs to you and your family for your service to our country - Bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    I think you were sick also! Dizziness, nausia blackout or pass out! I had these symptoms happen to one of my employees while at work. She had to be transported by EMS. She called later and told me hat she was dhydrated. They gave her IVs.
  • Were you sweating a lot or not much during this (not during the class, but just during the time after)? If it's dehydration, you won't sweat as much if at all, and you'll feel dry. Your mouth will be dry/sticky and stuff. You'll feel sick, dizzy, and have cramps. If it's heat exhaustion, you'll sweat A LOT. You'll feel weak, dizzy, sick, and have cramps, too.

    You might have just been sick or overdid your workout or something, either way just make sure you are getting plenty of fluids in your system. :) Hope you feel better!
  • drygravytrain
    drygravytrain Posts: 13 Member
    I always know if I am getting dehydrated cause I get a headache. Its the only reason I get headaches. Extreme dehydration is the worst feeling I have ever felt, had to go to get an IV for fluids at the hospital. That consists of headaches, vomiting, nausea, cramping.

    I drink lots of water now, cause I am scared to be dehydrated.
  • armywife26
    armywife26 Posts: 92 Member
    OrganicGal is correct that stomach pain, nausea and vomiting can be symptoms of dehydration, however; they are almost ALWAYS preceded by headaches (fairly severe)... I was getting headaches from dehydration and I honestly thought I was getting migraines based on others' descriptions - Doc said to drink more water, preferably with some electrolytes as well (I do "SmartWater") and also have a small Gatorade *DURING* exercise...
    within 2 days the headaches, stomach cramping, and nausea were gone - so you might want to add something like that to the routine to help offset any possible issues, but if it went away that quickly and you still feel week - it might very well have been just sick...

    Hope you feel better soon though and MAJOR hugs to you and your family for your service to our country - Bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!
    aw thank you
  • armywife26
    armywife26 Posts: 92 Member
    I did have a head ach with it all but nothing that bad, all I know is that it was one of the worse things I have ever gone through. Just about worse then child brith because until I finially feel asleep after 3am It was pain all the time everywhere. I have been in pain having 2 natual child births and 3 tears in my shoulder but that pain went away at least for short periods of time, this didn't. I still am sore today but nothing like yesterday.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    for me, it feels like I'm hungover.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    for me, it feels like I'm hungover.

    EXACTLY what a great analogy!
  • armywife26
    armywife26 Posts: 92 Member
    for me, it feels like I'm hungover.

    EXACTLY what a great analogy!
    only ever been hungover once in my life and this didn't feel anything like it so I guess I was sick
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    I got a massive case of dehydration once in Moab Utah.

    I had been drinking Blue PowerAde all night.
    The night the symptoms set in, first thing that happened I started sweating, while sitting still. Then it suddenly stopped and I got really cold. I got really thirsty, but within 60 seconds of drinking I started vomiting, and seemed like I could not stop. If I drank anything, it would immediately come back up.

    I went to bed that night. I had a headache all night, barely slept. Dry heaved a few more times.
    The next morning my temperature was 102. I was very cold. Very bad headache, couldn't keep any water down.
    Called the doctor, He said I sounded like I had a mild case of dehydration. Recommended I sip water slowly, very slowly. Sip every 5 mins or so. He said if my fever got worse to seek immediate medical attention. Slowly I started to come back from it, took a good 24 hours to correct it.

    Found out, that once you have gotten dehydrated, your body is more prone to dehydration. I have also been informed that a quick way to correct dehydration, is unfortunately via the rectum (can't remember if the doc told me that, and that was the reason I didn't go to the hospital)...yikes!
  • if you are dehydratedthere are other long term effects too, you can create kidney problems, and this canlead to kidney stones. take the advice here, and drink more water, or anything fluid wise(not full fat coke though!!)i always know i am suffering at the start as my mouth goes dry, and i feel kind of 'odd' but i cannot say how important it is to keep hydrated-even air conditioning can dry you out!
    good luck with your programme
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