Ditching Weight Watchers and doing just MFP? Is it possible ;)



  • zojo78
    zojo78 Posts: 29 Member
    This is exactly what I'm going to do. I've gained 5lb since sp (I won't tell you what I call them!!) came in because as soon as I see that I've gone into deficit everything goes out of the window and I gorge on chocolate, cake, anything I can get my hands on - it's so demoralising to see a deficit when I've eaten healthily but just had the odd small treat! So I'm leaving WW and going back to calorie counting on mfp. I also agree with you about the exercise, I do Insanity and you really need at least half of the calories you burn to be eaten again - otherwise you can't recover and therefore get stronger. Good luck everyone.
  • Bchlvr64
    Bchlvr64 Posts: 89 Member
    Since the new SP I have not been able to stay within my daily points once. I am also very hungry. And the whole thing about earning fitpoints baffles me. It seems I earn them like crazy but you're not supposed to use them. I am hungry and left feeling like such a failure because I can't make it through one day. I rarely have a coke, 12 oz can. The other day I had one then I discovered it was 10 points. It's 140 calories but 1/3 my points for the day. It used to be I think 4 or 5 points and every once in a while I'd plan that in for my day. Everything has jumped a bunch. I'm very disappointed. Not to mention how hard it is to use their app. I often would scan my food here on MFP and then go and use the nutritional info from here and log on WW. I'd do that because I wouldn't be able to find the particular food on their app.
  • cntrygrl1026
    cntrygrl1026 Posts: 24 Member
    On again off again WW member right here! I was just going to post an almost identical post to yours.
    The thing that keeps me going back to WW is the zero point fruits & veggies.
    However the potatoes and corn are not zero points and either are avocados. Not only that avocados aren't a power food either. And olive oil is a power food up to two tsp. both are healthy fats.
    So my plan now, will be to follow MFP guidelines for the next month. We'll see how that goes. And reevaluate then.
    Also, with the new SP program there isn't a place to keep track of water intake and that is a vital part of my tracking technique.
  • bikewest1
    bikewest1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi- I read your post. Thank you. Just today I ended yet another try at Weight Watchers. I have been successful in the past but always regained the weight. The new plan was nor for me. I hated their website and application. In two seconds I always found what I needed on MFP for free. I see no need to continue WW.

    I plan to use the MFP and fit bit. I have a lot to loose -40+ pounds. I will pursue moderation and see if I can meet the goal of .5 per week.

    I think this will work. All WW really is moderate eating. I think that if I pay attention and eat right I should be ok. Let me know your thoughts.
  • Bchlvr64
    Bchlvr64 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi bikewest1. You go! I'm trying to gather the courage to cancel WW too.
  • CaliDollFace
    CaliDollFace Posts: 27 Member
    In 2009/2010, I lost 70 pounds on WW Online. (I don't do well with meeting-style support, so online was ideal for me.) I was WW's biggest champion. Even now, I feel that it works for some people, though I can't speak to their newest update, which sounds very restrictive.

    I have a food addiction that I must be diligent about. After a re-gain of 50 pounds (my fault-I stopped being careful), I kept trying to make WW Online work for me. I kept restarting and failing, over and over again. I got tired of paying and not committing--ultimately wasting money. I decided to cancel my WW subscription and try the free MFP.

    Like you, OP, I was scared to leave WW. But, for me, it was a very easy transition. (Maybe it's because I was using WW Online.) MFP's website is SO MUCH BETTER THAN WWs. Also, the MFP food database is really extensive, much more extensive than WWs. To be honest, I can't believe I continued to pay for WW for so long. MFP is so much better.

    You wouldn't regret switching. I promise.

  • katnmaddog
    katnmaddog Posts: 1 Member
    I stopped weight watchers last Tuesday an switched to this. I am so happy I did! I too felt the new program became to restrictive an sick to death of figuring points. I lost 2.4 lbs this last week an that sure beats the 1lb a week I was losing with WW. I also don't feel like I'm cheating when I want a cookie with my hot tea at night. This has just been so much easier to understand an work. I do workout every day but I did before too.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Don't be nervous to quit WW, you can always rejoin down the road if you feel like you need to. But I have a feeling that you won't feel like you need to. I have done WW a bunch of times over the years, but only realized after joining MFP how little I knew about the nutrition and calories of food. I've only figured that out now with this app! And I love the support and motivation of my friends on my news feed! So cut the cord, give MFP a really good try, and I would bet $$ you won't go back to paying for the old cotton heads to weigh you in!
  • PhoebeJeebies
    PhoebeJeebies Posts: 15 Member
    I started WW back in 2010 when I weighed 278 lbs. I was able to get down to 180 and stayed between 180-185 for a year and a half or so. When they changed the plan recently, I made the decision to quit. I found it restrictive and definitely not a true reflection on the actual calories in food (ie a banana is 0 points but a donut is 10?)...I've been doing MFP for 5 days now and really like it!! :smile:
  • MyBoyG
    MyBoyG Posts: 104 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Weight Watchers says that people will gain the weight after they stop attending because they assume those people will stop tracking, weighing, and fall back into old habits. By being active in MyFitnessPal, you are still tracking your food/activity and keeping tabs on your weight. I definitely prefer MyFitnessPal because I'm not spending $40+ dollars a month for it, and if I want a chocolate bar, it doesn't have to take up half a days worth of "Points"

  • MyBoyG
    MyBoyG Posts: 104 Member
    I guess there are a lot of new ex-WW members here, I just cancelled my membership today. I love what MFP has to offer, as tracking is what keeps me in check, and now seeing the calories and nutritional values of what I'm eating is great! I only have 15-18# to go, but I refuse to pay $47 a month for a program that I'm not happy with. Being able to track electronically is key for me...it keeps me honest.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I guess there are a lot of new ex-WW members here, I just cancelled my membership today. I love what MFP has to offer, as tracking is what keeps me in check, and now seeing the calories and nutritional values of what I'm eating is great! I only have 15-18# to go, but I refuse to pay $47 a month for a program that I'm not happy with. Being able to track electronically is key for me...it keeps me honest.

    There have been quite a few similar threads to this since their new program came out.
  • riceflourde
    riceflourde Posts: 58 Member
    luvmybee wrote: »
    I lost 50 pounds on the old Weight Watchers points system, had children, and then lost 60 pounds over 2 years on Points Plus. I took some time off as I have a sick child and I came back ready to get to lifetime. I have 7 pounds to go. They changed to smart points and I feel absolutely leveled by this. It feels soooo restrictive to me. To have a piece of chocolate "cost" 14 points, and have only 16 points left for the day seems restrictive and a recipe for binging. For two weeks now I've done smart points, and have gone off plan as I see myself go in to the negative points far too easily. I have been obsessed with this change...reading blogs and the fb posts by visitors and talking to people at my meetings. My leader says that as soon as Oprah releases her commercial on the 22nd that people will be lining up out the door. I believe it. And it's not that I think that this diet isn't healthy. It is. (Well, I do have some major concerns. Some people will still choose "poor" choices and that will put them at 1000 calories a day. Lots of people are finding that. You of course will be around 1250 if you fill up on proteins and low fat things, but some people won't do this. Also, there stance is that you are NOT to eat your points that you gain for working out, unless you are a triathlete. So, when I burn 450 calories in an intense workout, I am NOT to eat those calories. That is very concerning. There are times when it's needed to eat those calories. Now, they are saying that you can, but they don't encourage it. It is my suspicion that they are giving people fit points so easily now so that people can use them and still find a way to do this plan without dropping out). Anyway, even as I write these things I'm on the fence as to what to do. Perhaps I'll use the new plan to drop the last 7 pounds and then move to calorie counting with MFP, so that food doesn't remain so mysterious. Perhaps I'll just start calorie counting now with MFP and stop paying for WW. Perhaps I'll use one of the apps I downloaded with the old points systems. It's all very scary and I'm unsure. I think the new plan will be wonderful for many people, but I'm thinking that it might just feel too restrictive for me and cause me to want to eat that chocolate because I'm being told that it'll cost me an arm and a leg of smart points.

    If I were in your shoes I would stick with what you were doing on Points Plus until you get to goal. Seven Pounds yay you can do this!

  • Jbell0213
    Jbell0213 Posts: 189 Member
    I have tried WW 5 times and just can't get the hang of counting points. I'm Excited to start MFP. I have a friend at work that has had success and has lost 73 pounds and I love her results. So here I go.
  • I have also been on WW for 3 years and lost 60 pounds, but now hate the new plan, hate the tracking method, hate that they didn't give the option to use the old plan vs. the new. I have been tracking on both WW and MFP for about a week now, and find that they are almost equal as far as how food is tracked, but it still seems I get more with MFP. I was able to get 2 free weeks with WW for the grief they instilled on me while they transitioned to the new plan (which was a disaster for weeks!), but I think I am going to drop them and continue with MFP. Big mistake WW!
  • KathyApplebaum
    KathyApplebaum Posts: 188 Member
    has anyone here stopped WW and had success with MFP?
    I left WW about a month ago. I had a lot of success with them, but I wanted to track my macros and I was getting really annoyed with all the technical glitches.

    I'm having as much success with MFP as I did with WW. I was concerned at first that having to log my fruits and veggies would be burden, but it's not. And I've made some noticeable strength gains -- not sure how much is from changing up my lifting program and how much is from changing some of the free fruits to lean protein. If you've learned how to log everything, what foods satisfy you without using gobs of points, and how to deal with bad days, you have all the tools you need to be successful here.

    Feel free to friend me if you need some encouragement or accountability.

  • corina708
    corina708 Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2015
    I too have given up on WW this week. Here's to us and our new adventure!
  • MyBoyG
    MyBoyG Posts: 104 Member
    corina708 wrote: »
    I too have given up on WW this week. Here's to us and our new adventure!
    :) Most definitely. My second day and I love how easy the diary makes seeing what foods put you over your daily calories and nutrients. Points were just points. MFP shows me where I'm failing nutritionally, which is what good eating is about!

  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    edited December 2015
    Big mistake WW!

    I figure that WW has accumulated more lifetime members, than they anticipated & this might be a way, of not only getting rid of them but also those whom're about to, become lifetime members. How many paying customers couldn't attend meetings because non paying lifetime members, were instead; using that chair? Have any locations closed or could be in danger of closing because the ratio of non paying lifetime members exceeding the paying, to the point that the location wasn't/isn't bringing in enough revenue; to maintain the storefront? Sure they could cancel the lifetime policy instead but that'd most likely cause more, of an outrage. Also this could be a method of trying to get members (especially non paying lifetime) to gain weight, so that they can blame you for it & then charge you, once again to lose it. They seem to change their plans often & thus starting this cycle again. This just seems like an abusive relationship to me. WW says to their client "If you leave us, you'll gain weight". Sort of like an abusive spouse saying to their spouse "If you leave me; you'll regret it" & thus you'll most likely develop Stockholm Syndrome because you remember the good times, of losing weight with WW or the romance with the spouse & be desperate, to return to those times & the hope'll keep you there. Plus you'll also be afraid of the consequences, if you do leave. This treatment is unethical & should be illegal! Also if they're informing you that you can't go on successfully without them, then they basically let you know that; they didn't teach you anything about nutrition/sustainability because if they did, you could leave & not regain the weight.
  • Dtcello
    Dtcello Posts: 1 Member
    smelbo wrote: »
    I have been an on again, off again member of WW for almost all my life. My first time I went I was in my early 20's...I am now 60. I have reached "goal" and " lifetime " twice while on the WW plan.
    I am not slamming the WW plan, it is just that I think it is great for when you want to loose weight, but there is little support and infrastructure when you have reached your desired gosl ( I.e. no longer have to pay). I have been on MFP since last Feb. They offer great support through the community forums, and an infrastructure that helps you both loosr and maintain through friend, and food diaries, with lots of a food database. I have recently list 10 pounds, which puts me back in the normal bmi range through MFP, and walking using a fitbit flex. I love using both if these tools in tandem. And for me right now, this is working, and I am not going back another time to WW, unless they change the way they support lifetime membership.

    I'm grateful you posted your opinion. I just joined WW in October. I have lost .8 pounds a week. I have actually enjoyed their point system because I love sweets and bread and other starchy foods. The.points remind me to be careful with those foods. I appreciate that. Their app for keeping your record of the day is a little awkward, but not impossible. I'm using WW because it keeps me accountable in a way I need and reminds me what foods are bet for me by "penalizing" me for the wrong foods. I also am using MFP to track calories and macros. Havens decide whether to renew at the end of my 3 month trial period. That's in January.