In their 30s and need to loose 30 or more?



  • premeela
    premeela Posts: 3 Member
    Hello there! I'm Premeela. This is the story of my life as well. I'm 31 and grad school has kept me overweight, stationary and constantly stressed. I've spent the last year trying to create a more balanced life. I've lost 10 lbs so far through Zumba, running and eating better. I've got another 20ish lbs to go and I'm hoping 2016 is my year!

    I looking for a group of wonderful people to inspire me daily. Please feel free to add me. Here's to us making it together :wink:
  • rashandracline
    rashandracline Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2015
    I will be turning 30 April of 2016 and I'm on a mission to lose 30lbs. I don't want to enter my 30s 30lbs overweight. I'm 5'6" and I weigh(ed) 180lbs. My goal is 150lbs, and I consider it possible since I put on 20lbs in the last 6 months (depression). God is faithful and I'm going for it. I'm watching my carbs and sugars and working in more cardio and stretching. I may consider some lifting.
    Thank you all for sharing!! I look forward to seeing and sharing progress!
  • BLBN
    BLBN Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 36 and have 30+lbs to lose. I had almost reached running 5k but I was in a car accident last year and just had ankle surgery so my exercise possibility right now is nil-just recovery. So the only thing I have is food control. I eat clean 99% of the time and am setting monthly goals to improve on.
    Look forward to meeting you all and sharing in your motivation !!
  • saribelm14
    saribelm14 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm 33 and have 40 lbs to lose. After having my first child and a not so active new job, I've been gaining some pounds. I'm looking foward to have some new MFP friends who are in the same journey as me. :)
  • RaeB1013
    RaeB1013 Posts: 265 Member
    Helloooo! I'm 31 and since April have lost 101 lbs but still have 56 to go!!! We can all do this!
  • FluffyAndFestive
    FluffyAndFestive Posts: 53 Member
    RaeB1013 wrote: »
    Helloooo! I'm 31 and since April have lost 101 lbs but still have 56 to go!!! We can all do this!

    Huge congrats on the weight loss. Keep up the hard work. Congrats to everyone on here for taking the first step towards a healthier version of ourselves. :)

  • NesCastanon
    NesCastanon Posts: 101 Member
    Hello Everyone. So nice too see everybody motivated. I am 35, lost 80 trying to lose about 60 more. Add for support!
  • shelleysykeskeene
    shelleysykeskeene Posts: 110 Member
    Add me! And Any other 30+ year olds here who want to add me too please feel free!


    Height 5 foot 3

    Age 34 yr old

    Starting W 198 lbs ( August 2014)

    Current W 179 lbs

    Goal W 143 lbs (high end) - 136 lbs (lower end) - at this weight I want to start weight training so it could go up or down!
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    So, don't hate me, but I am *almost* 30. LOL. and I really want to lose 30lbs by my 30th....if not more. (I lose 26 last year in 8 months, from 164 to 138. then gained 62 in 9 months of pregnancy and I am pretty dead at 170lbs now 5 months PP.) It has been sooo rough. I need support, I need advice, I need real life examples I can live by. Help me friends?!
  • EmilieVali
    EmilieVali Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 32, weight 163 and have another 30 pounds to lose (already lost 5).
    Please feel free to add me. :) I'm looking forward to extra motivation and seeing you beautiful ladies succeed!!
  • MiSo_SeXy
    MiSo_SeXy Posts: 210 Member
    I'm 31 and im 157. I lost about 20 something pounds but...Gained a few back... Need to get it back on track... 30 more pounds to go. Eeeeeeh
  • woodycarrie
    woodycarrie Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 36 and I have 60 pounds to lose. I started exercising and eating less a year ago and I'm down 30 pounds! Have been more serious about my health since July of 2015. I love the motivation from like-minded friends. Good luck ladies!
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    32 with 30# to go! Currently 173 from 236.
  • AuntieGinge
    AuntieGinge Posts: 50 Member
    I'm 33 with about 70lbs to lose, I have yoyoed my whole adult life and currently am at my heaviest, although I'm not at my biggest clothes size (I exercise more now than when I've been heavy before). Starting over hopefully for good this time! xXx
  • ndtrenton
    ndtrenton Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 34 5feet and 295pounds :s . I am trying my hardest to try and lose 1-2 pounds a week. My husband finally joined with me and it's great to have a partner in this weight lost journey. I have been dieting for 16 years but always fail. I pray I stay motivated
  • BunnyBomb
    BunnyBomb Posts: 143 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm 38 and when I started 10 days ago I was 180 lbs and needed to lose 31 lbs.

    I've lost 6 lbs already but I have a disability and cannot do 10,000 steps in a day... not without hurting myself... so this will be hard :( Please add me!

  • EmilyG34
    EmilyG34 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 32 and have also always been overweight. At one point I was within 10lbs of my goal weight (after losing 130lbs), but in typical fashion, I became complacent and am now 45lbs away from my goal. On Wednesday, I was getting ready to go out with some friends, tried to put on my favorite jeans and they didn't fit..... that was the wake-up call I needed. Today we are back to the grind!
  • 84rclaire
    84rclaire Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 31 and started running after my 30th last year which was the turning point and now I'm tackling needing to lose 40lb. I've lost 7lb recently but am struggling with the Christmas period!!
  • Stephlb627
    Stephlb627 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 38, 5'4" and 231. 18 months ago I weighed in at 277 so I've lost 40ish pounds. I have a mission trip coming up in June and my goal is to have a 1 in front of my weight before I go. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Sunshynexoxo
    Sunshynexoxo Posts: 2 Member
    These past few months I've reached my heaviest weight (244pds) so I became more active and began making healthier eating choices. I've lost 8 pounds so far but looking to get serious and drop 60. I'm 33 and looking for motivating friends to join me on this journey. :smile: