Chicken Help - Raw VS Cooked

So I'm making chicken wrapped in low sodium bacon for dinner.... crazy high protein and completely delicious. Don't judge me. Here's my problem...

I know that an average gold 'n plump boneless skinless chicken breast is about 8 oz raw, but is there any way to estimate how many ounces that is cooked? I assume that nutrition info provided on the package is for raw chicken, and I've found nutrition information for baked chicken elsewhere, but I am unable to compare apples to apples because I don't know how much value, if any, is lost in the cooking process. My food scale isn't very accurate beyond 3 oz, it's just a little analog thing, so any way to estimate would be helpful.

Any chicken experts out there?


  • rea1980
    rea1980 Posts: 93 Member
    On average the weight of meats will reduce 20-30% from cooking, however leaner meats like fish might only reduce 15% while other meats that aren't that lean might reduce more than 30%. The cooking method can cause variations in how much reduction there is as well.

    Because there is so much variation in the cooked weight of meat and nutrional content stays virtually the same, the most accurate way to figure the nutrional content of the meat is to use the raw weight.
  • penguinfan03
    penguinfan03 Posts: 32 Member
    Perfect! Thanks!!