Need to stay Motivated!!!

After a lifetime if eating wrong and not exercising enough, in July I finally decided to try some meal prepping and start exercising. I started lifting weights and cutting out more sugar and sweets and feeling good. I have only lost 20 pounds which is not how much I had wanted to, but I struggle often. My husband and I go away for weekends here and there and when I get back it takes me a bit to get motivated again. Recently we went to Dominican and did pretty good; had 3 workouts (I wanted to), two bicycle trips and didn't gorge at the buffet. In a week I only gained 1.5 lbs. Came back, busy as heck and fell into a funk; no motivation...again! With Christmas coming, its getting harder too. Any suggestions?


  • coachfeliciad
    coachfeliciad Posts: 54 Member
    20 pounds in 5 months is amazing girl! That means it was a steady weight loss of at least 1 pound a week and 1-2 a week is the healthy way to do it. Lose too much too quick and it sets you up for health problems and a higher chance of gaining it back. My biggest suggestion: remember your WHY. remember why YOU started. Was it to get healthy? Look better? Feel better? Improve your lifestyle to set an example for your family? All of that? When your why is strong enough the how is so freaking easy. I'll send you a friend request and you can message me anytime you need support
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    Forget about motivation. It comes and goes so no sense relying on it. Rely on habit. Plan your meals as best you can, plan your workouts and just do it. Don't stop and ask yourself if you feel like working out or if you feel like eating this when you'd rather have that. I'm not talking about deprivation. I mean these things should become automatic just like when you got back from vacation you went back to your usual schedule with work, kids, family, whatever.

    It takes time and trial and error, so good for you for making the recent changes and just work on being as consistent as you can and finding a method that works for you long-term.
  • noreenhendershot69
    noreenhendershot69 Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks so much guys. Felicia, I lose my motivation when the snow hits. When I have to warm up the car, get boots coats etc on...uggg!!! Otherwise I am energized and ready to go? I need an energizer of some sort
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I hate to say it, but you need to be your own energizer, and work out even when you don't feel like it, and log your calories, even when you don't feel "motivated" to do so, because you said you would.

    You've done a great job losing weight in spite of all of your travels. I lose 3# a month but over time that adds up. After 6 months I've lost 18 pounds. I've lost that amount in 3 months, but gained it all back. This time I want to build the habits for long term success and maintenance. Especially when I stumble and when I binge and when I'm tired of my work out program. It sounds like you need to just keep doing what you're doing, and ignore the little voice in your head telling you it's boring, or hard, or whatever. Even if you cut your loss to 1# a week and eat a little more, you'll still be doing great.
  • noreenhendershot69
    noreenhendershot69 Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks so much. I know I have to be patient.
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    After a lifetime if eating wrong and not exercising enough, in July I finally decided to try some meal prepping and start exercising. I started lifting weights and cutting out more sugar and sweets and feeling good. I have only lost 20 pounds which is not how much I had wanted to, but I struggle often. My husband and I go away for weekends here and there and when I get back it takes me a bit to get motivated again. Recently we went to Dominican and did pretty good; had 3 workouts (I wanted to), two bicycle trips and didn't gorge at the buffet. In a week I only gained 1.5 lbs. Came back, busy as heck and fell into a funk; no motivation...again! With Christmas coming, its getting harder too. Any suggestions?

    You're doing awesome, and don't let anyone (including yourself!) tell you otherwise.

    Here's my best advice on motivation ...

    Our brains are all conditioned to flood us with a barrage of thoughts all the time. Some useful, but a great majority are unproductive. And it can be tough to tell the difference.

    Life is a series of moments and choices. To pick up that dumbbell or not. Or to pick up that cupcake or walk away. In that moment your brain is going to flood with thoughts, and you get to decide which of them are useful, and which are not.

    The real magic is getting to a point where you realize that thought in that moment that says "don't exercise," is really just a thought. That's all it is, and it's ok to let it go and get over that barrier.

    You've come here for support and that's an amazing step in itself! Rock on!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Yes, motivation is fine & dandy for some but I prefer routines with small rewards.
  • noreenhendershot69
    Thanks so much mtjohnstone42!