Whats your fastest mile?

champion818 Posts: 65 Member
edited December 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey you guys ! I currently have been running religiously for 2 weeks now and started off running/walking for a mile and I would take about 18 minutes to complete it. Now I run more than walk and have a mile time of 14 minutes. My goal is to do a mile under 10 minutes ! I have a 5k February in which im training for . Im currently 240 pounds and 18 if you are wondering. I want to know what your mile time is and how you run . Thanks


  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    That's a fantastic start! Keep that up and you'll make your 10 minute goal for sure.
  • brianlundlarsen
    brianlundlarsen Posts: 49 Member
    I have never run a timed mile, but have run a 5K with 6:36 min/mile pace, so i guess better than that. At that time i was following a marathon training plan. I started at 220 pounds btw. Sub 10 min mile should definitely be possible with a bit of training, my best advice would be to just run more to start with, forget speedwork and such until later to lower risk of injury.
  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    Best 5k time is 23:16. My running pace for long distance training is normally under 10 min per mile.

    Good luck with the 5k and training!
  • Vixyb_
    Vixyb_ Posts: 142 Member
    edited December 2015
    I run at around 9 min miles. So 5k in around 28 mins xx
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I’m not a regular runner but do the odd run so I don’t lose the ability to run for sport – or just running for the train.
    When my gym got a new treadmill I found it had a “one mile test” setting so thought I would see what time I could do.

    Set off and found my pace surprisingly comfortable so increased the speed a few times and I’m pounding along like a heffalump thinking I’m doing pretty well.
    I visualise I’m on a running track so when (in my head) I hear the bell with one lap to go I pick up the pace. With half a lap to go I increase speed again and I’m really going for it.
    Coming off the bend I’m sprinting for the line and holding on for grim death.

    And so I cross the line really pleased with myself but the counter keeps on going. Huh?
    Who would have thought a one mile test would be calibrated in kilometres? Dur!

    One mile time – unknown!
    3k in under 15 minutes.
    First 5k in about 10 years was 27 minutes but 5k is a bit more than my damaged knees will tolerate.
  • datsundriver87
    datsundriver87 Posts: 186 Member
    Just keep training and you will get there you are off to an awesome start! I started last November at a 17:58 mile and now I do a 9:45 mile after my hour long strength training every other day, haven't checked how quickly I could just do my mile without working out first, I should do that soon.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    At this point in your training you shouldn't focus on how fast you are (or can be). Just focus on getting more miles in each week and you will naturally become faster.

    Without doing any speed work this year (no intervals, fartleks, etc) my fastest is under 6 minutes. I cannot put back to back 6 minute miles together but I'm working on it. :smiley:
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,476 Member
    Yikes, it's been 10 years since my fastest mile and 5k back in high school.

    Mile: 4 minutes 55 seconds
    5k: 17 minutes 44 seconds

    I'm feeling kind of old now, I didn't realize it had already been 10 years. At least I'm only 1 year removed from my fastest (and only) marathon which was completed in 3 hours 18 minutes and 38 seconds (7:35/mile).
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    Fastest 5.05 when I was 23, ran a 1/2 marathon at 5.14min/mile pace at 40 had slowed to 7 min/mile at 45 7.30 recently I put 5 1/2 stones on I went for a run the other day and ran a 5k in sub 30 mins. I currently weigh 210, I ran a 5k race early this year weighing 230 and ran 26 mins. Hope this gives you motivation
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    I usually do some sprints in the spring and fall & throw in the odd 5 km. I'm fine with a 5 km run in under 30 mins. The last time I completed the 1.5 mile run test on the dreadmill at an incline of 1.0 my time was 11:56 mins.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    I started running at age 55, so at age 59 I'm still setting PRs. I haven't been very interested in short races, but a variety of circumstances talked me into running a mile race on a track last June. My time was 5:50, which was faster than I expected.

    My PR 5K was 19:16, for an average pace of 6:13 per mile; but I'm not really interested in doing a lot of those short races. I worked hard to get an average pace under 7 minutes per mile for a half marathon.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I'm sure not as fast everyone - but I just did my second fastest mile in 3 years - 8.43 mins per mile (fastest was 8.36mins/mile). So really happy with myself!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    I started running with a 10 minute mile goal, as well. It took me 3 years to get to that goal for a single mile. The following 2 years got me to a place where I can give you one mile in just under 8 minutes. There are people on my friends list who can pump out an entire marathon at faster than my 5k pace. I look forward to even more improvement. I'm training for my first marathon, and I'll be thrilled to hang in there at an 11 minute mile pace. Realistically, I'm prepared for an average 12 minute mile.
  • SparklySarah412
    SparklySarah412 Posts: 74 Member
    I started running in September and so far the fastest mile I've done was in 8:03 minutes, but I was only running the 1.25 miles to my local gym at the time. Normally I'm a lot slower than that. My average distance is about 3.5 miles and my average pace for that distance is about 9:30 minutes a mile :)

    I think it's nice to see such a variety of different answers from people on here actually
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    As I think about this, my previous answer may have made me sound faster than I really am. I cited race times for that, because the question was what is my *fastest* mile. Yes, I'm fast for my age; but I don't routinely crank out sub-7 minute miles. Those are typically reserved for races and designed speed work.

    In most training runs, I'm trying to run easy. If I have good pace control, I'm between 8:00 and 8:30 per mile on easy runs. If I don't control my pace so well, that can creep to 7:45 or even 7:30 per mile; but I could regret going faster than 8 in the early part of a run longer than 16 miles.

    Much depends on your goal for running. I'm focused primarily on distance, and that means running as fast as I can usually isn't a good idea.
  • mironesp
    mironesp Posts: 4 Member
    Hey you guys ! I currently have been running religiously for 2 weeks now and started off running/walking for a mile and I would take about 18 minutes to complete it. Now I run more than walk and have a mile time of 14 minutes. My goal is to do a mile under 10 minutes ! I have a 5k February in which im training for . Im currently 240 pounds and 18 if you are wondering. I want to know what your mile time is and how you run . Thanks

  • mironesp
    mironesp Posts: 4 Member
    Diet and exercise is the best way to get your weight down. Have you had blood work done to check your cholesterol? Or a nuclear stress test? Plan your meals around your running time. Keeping motivated to improve your time requires you to run at different places to keep it interesting. Make a realistic weight goal each week. I will lose 5 lbs. This week by cutting out in my diet soft drinks, bread, drink flavored water with zero everything, no rice, potatoes, anything high carbs. But vegetables like peppers, celery, strawberries, oranges and cut up for snacks when you do get hungry mix veges bag with low fat dressing. My fastest mile time at Florida Relays was 4:19 when I was 35 years old running open unattached. Byron Dice set the national record that at 40 running 4:09, it was like chasing down a demon with 400 to go..