Looking for some equally motivational friends !

ispylinda Posts: 4 Member
edited December 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Would absolutely love to make some friends on here and get some motivation and feedback! I keep trying with my friends but they always fall out of it within a few days!

Thank you!


  • Vodka97
    Vodka97 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP! I feel the exact same. I can tell my friends that I've walked 6KM and in a good calorie deficit, and they'll respond with "Oh then have a beer!!!!!!!!!!"...maybe not.

  • ispylinda
    ispylinda Posts: 4 Member
    It's just so frustrating! I always feel like when they give up it brings my motivation down a lot and I end up losing focus
  • Vodka97
    Vodka97 Posts: 95 Member
    I guess one thing to do would be to learn to keep your motivation within yourself, and don't rely on others for motivation. First time I lost weight I relied heavily on my PT brother, but then he moved out of home and bam I had no one to monitor me. What's your goal? :)
  • ispylinda
    ispylinda Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely to be healthier and lose some weight in the process. I lose a lot of energy when I don't eat right!
    How about you? (:
  • Vodka97
    Vodka97 Posts: 95 Member
    The same as you, but losing weight is my primary goal (obviously equal to being healthy). Yes! I've never noticed how little energy I actually had until I began my healthy eating again.
  • Jim_i25
    Jim_i25 Posts: 111 Member
    Oh, that's a shame they drop off. I won't as looking to gear up for 2016 starting with a Cancer support Dryathlon in January. Most of my friends have been with me for a while so feel free to join in with us if you want.
  • Butafly2B
    Butafly2B Posts: 2 Member
    New here and looking to get motivated and lose weight!