2016 - the year I get my weight where I want it to be

john8083 Posts: 11 Member
edited December 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I am a vegan, but I have a sweet tooth. I sit down a lot, inbetween standing a lot. As I have gotten older, I definitely noticed a slow down. In 2013 I was happy with my shape (pic) but I have put on about twenty pounds since then. Need to lose it and need supportive friends.Please add me I would appreciate it! I will give back what I can. Good luck to you all and happy christmas. John


  • barbjlawyer
    barbjlawyer Posts: 2 Member
    Merry Christmas to you...i, new here..frustrated and struggling, but refuses to give up...need friends and support as well...im here for u..thx