B.E.D and nursing school

I just recently got diagnosed with B.E.D which is binge eating disorder due to the fact I gained 15lbs in a month and 35lbs since 2013 and it all started when I started nursing school. I've gotten to the point that even my biggest pants don't fit anymore. I lost 4lbs and then gained it back within a day. When the meds run out for the day my urges come back. Does anyone have a suggestion to on how to curb the urges. I started doing a 15 morning sprint with my dog every morning.


  • Jillasmar
    Jillasmar Posts: 85 Member
    Replace the food with something healthy. I used to eat like that, would finish packs of food in one sitting and like 5 plates at once and I am also in medical school. I've started to drink tea. Keep hummus and a container of carrots near by or healthy food, like a packet of unsalted almonds and also use MFP to count your cals!!! Download "streaks" app which keeps track of positive habits and you can check off when you did something. One of mine is "used MFP accurately"
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    edited December 2015
    I would imagine this is a question for your doctor or therapist.
  • ilovemycoffee19
    ilovemycoffee19 Posts: 21 Member
    You have to find reasons why you binge eat! Be honest with yourself and think about which situations or emotions cause you to go reach for food.

    I used to binge cause i was sad all the time and found comfort in food. I changed my habits, whenever i feel sad or emotional and feel like i wanna binge, i take a walk, listen to music, watch some show or just eat some fruit salad if i really can't get my mind of food. It's hard to change bad habits but it's doable
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I binge even when I'm not sad. Sometimes I just eat a package of cookies or bunch of candy. It's almost like I get in a frenzy. It's hard to pin to an event or emotion. Now I don't buy any of that food and have been logging my calories. If I overeat (like my 1000 calories of candy over my count yesterday) I either work out or count today as a new day.

    Follow your doctor's advice of course. But recognize that many of us over eat and work on managing it by logging food, counting calories, and doing that without fail. Start slowly as you'll make progress over time. This is a marathon to develop healthy relations with food, not a sprint.
  • Cutiepie1501
    Cutiepie1501 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you so much for all the advise. I've been logging my food, but it's been a little harder since the holidays started. I'm so happy that I found people who feel the same and are willing to give advice