What do you think about when running?



  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    Most of the time I sing. Singing takes my mind off of how far I have left, how hot it is, etc. I have been told by neighbors that I look like a crazy person huffing and puffing and talking to herself. They also tell me that whatever I'm doing it is working, so I don't mind looking crazy.

    The last time my ipod went dead while jogging, all I could think about was how loud I was breathing.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Donuts, Beer and Sex....all at once

    or sometimes

    I bet smoking crack would be much easier


    Often, my day.

    Sometimes, nothing. Sometimes my head is clear, almost like a meditative state.

    Sometimes, if it's a hard run, I think of how far I've come and that this hard run will help me go farther.

    Sometimes I'm focusing on how I feel.

    Sometimes I run with my hubby, so I'm talking to him.

    During my weekly long runs, I am a pace leader, so I am constantly focused on my runners, talking to them, checking on them and talking with my fellow leader. And I tend to love these runs, so part of these runs, I just feel incredibly good and focus how lucky I am to have such a great running group!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    "Oh, I'm not even half way through, I'm ready to stop" !!!

    Last night however, I was thinking about who was more embarassed - me, as the older school kids were watching me attempt to look casual and like a pro at running, or the older school kids I ran past whilst having a .... "moment" with each other :-/
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I think to myself
    'Don't trip, don't fall, don't trip, don't fall" :laugh:
    For real though I really don't know, I get in a zone and kind of go all mushy minded

    ^^This ^^ My legs get heavy and uncooperative and sometimes I stumble. I run late at night so have a fear of falling and knocking myself out, and lying there on the street in the dark, all alone. For this reason, I tell my family to check my route if I'm not back in xx minutes.
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    generally I will focus on the music I am listening to. Sometimes I will work through issues with the boyfriend so that I don't get angry with him for something insignificant. Yesterday I thought about donating part of my liver to my Dad. He is an alcoholic, but needs a new liver because of his cancer. He can't be listed for a liver because of his active alcoholism. I've been on the fence about it for some time because it would anger me to go through something just to watch him abuse the gift, but then I think of the stranger who donated their child's organs and thus saved my son's life. If a stranger could do it for me, I should do it for my father. Once its out of my body, it will be his liver to do what he wants to. I am kind of ashamed that I used to justify my not wanting to donate to him because of his alocoholism. On my run yesterday I kind of came to the conclusion that that is no reason to punish him, or watch him suffer and die.

    Okay...that was a little personal.... but really. its true.

    When I am coming to the end of a run, generally I am thinking you have to run faster harder, because I like to run a PB everytime I go out....
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I think about Haruki Murakami's book "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" and disappear into an infinite loop of self-documenting running.
  • if I'm running a 5k I promise myself that if i can just complete it then I'll never have to run another again (but i always do)

    just running to train I try to shut my mind off but usually I'm counting down how much time I have left or saying 'don't be last, don't be last, don't be last' hahaha
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Can people see my stomach flopping over my shorts? Is my cellulite still flopping or stationary? Damn my boobs hurt! Oh,pretty flower!
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    I use running as a form of stress relief, or even theraphy. Sometimes I think about things at work that make me mad, or sometimes I think about how I can make things better in my life, and the life of my kids. Other times I just pray that I make it through the run without dying...lol. Before I know it iam done, and heading back into the locker room. My motto is that "running is cheaper than theraphy".

    I also think about how if I die out there, iam on a trail, and no one will find me. I also worry about the mountain lions getting to me, so I run a little faster.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I love that i am not the only one questioning my decision to run for the first mile (unless i am still too asleep to realize what i have gotten myself into!!) haha. I run through a pretty lively area, so i guess i do less thinking, more people watching. I love playing guess what breed that dog is and listening to people playing loud music in their cars. :D
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    I always think about 'problems' that are bothering me. I've tried to think about other things but, for some reason, I ALWAYS think about things/issues that have me down or are weighing on my mind.

    I do that too! I always feel like if I just increase my speed a little more, maybe I can leave those thoughts/problems in the dust.
  • Jillatha
    Jillatha Posts: 85 Member
    I think about MFP and Fitocracy and I keep doing the maths from all the numbers like time distance speed pace everything it keeps me well busy!
  • JimL72
    JimL72 Posts: 2
    Honestly? Stopping.
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    "don't pass out, don't pass out, don't pass out....."


    That or I wonder if other runners on the trail think I'm some type of perv for pulling my HRM chest strap back up and "rubbing my nipples" when I'm pressing the contacts back down on my skin.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I'm running at a local middle school track lately, so often the thought process is:

    "7 laps left, 1/8th of the way there... this lap is almost done... O.K. just this straightaway and this lap is done and then you'll be 1/4th the way done... 25%, YES! I can do this 3 more times, no problem... Watch out for that rock!! How's my pace? Can I keep it up? Sure... My feet hurt... Lap 3 is almost done... almost 37.5% of the way there... that's over 1/3rd!!! I got this! Owww my calves hurt... Suck it up, KICK THIS PIG!!!"
  • i think about life
  • nhgirl30
    nhgirl30 Posts: 52 Member
    I like to listen to my feet hit the pavement and my steady breathing. If I am having a hard time keeping pace I play games in my head like tell myself I can run to the next telephone pole and stop, but when I get there I find another landmark to run to.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm usually rocking to the latest jams....so just really in tune with the music.
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    Too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh:
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