Slimming World while following the MFP Diet

I'm Considering joining Slimming world again but still following the calorie counting diet using MFP.

I was a memeber of SW a year ago and it helped me shift the first stone loss... I left because the class deflated and I felt like I didnt need it anymore after discoving MFP.

However, I feel like I need a boost again, Ive not lost anything in a while now... it seems I dont have much motivation anymore but I dont want to give up... I'm only half way there!

My sister and a few friends are going to join SW and have asked me if I wanted too join as well. I found it was a great feeling acheiving goals and actually being given a certificate when you reach a good loss, and also the good feeling of sharing the sucess with people around you. I know that seem silly because the support I get here is incredible anyway and FREE... but the pressure is more because you are actually with the people rather then just with your PC!

I just wondered if anyone is a member of SW but is still following the MFP diet instead of theres and how they are finding it... is it worth it??? xXx


  • timidt
    timidt Posts: 13
    I cant see a problem with going to SW and still logging with MFP.
    I would say go for it, some people need that extra support and encouragement face to face and it always seems easier and if your going alongside family and friends for that extra encouragement.

    I still use hints and tips learned from SW / WW and other subscription diets while logging in to here, there is no right or wrong way to do it just play around and find out what works for you not only for losing weight but more importantly motivation wise.
  • noble1987
    Thanks a lot that really helped xx
  • fbraithwaite
    I've just started ussing MFP (Properly!!) alongside Slimming World & it is going to work - lost 10lbs in 2 weeks & I'm not massively overweight - probably need 2 stones off for a healthy BMI. I need the motivation (& fear!!) of a class leader telling me off!! Slimming World is great - it's so flexible but you can't cheat or you will gain!! Good luck! Feel free to add me by the way
  • MFP1984
    MFP1984 Posts: 48 Member
    I restarted again this week and log on here still (although I seem full on SW the calories are lower than I'd have thought and i'm still in MFP limits). I make a note in the diary logging HeA, B, and syns so I don't lose count.