Hi!! Mother of 4!! Trying to get back in those prepregnacy jeans lol!!

Hey everyone!! I'm a mother of 4, with my smallest being 6 months old! I've gained so much weight from my pregnacys and I'm so ready to take back my body from the fat that's overtake it!!! Lol ready to lose some real weight and feel great!


  • janaistanford
    janaistanford Posts: 2 Member
    Haha love your subject title. Mom of 1 trying to lose the weight also!
  • Kyrenora
    Kyrenora Posts: 133 Member
    I've only got one, but she was born 5.5 months ago, and I still haven't been able to shed the pounds as easily as I would have hoped!
  • CourtLHM
    CourtLHM Posts: 181 Member
    Mom of 3 here. Need to loose weight gained with a pregnancy I lost plus my little guy I had three years ago! He's not so much getting into everything so I can finally workout!! 50+ needing to loose.
  • shamimbehnejad
    shamimbehnejad Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, single with lots of motivations to lose wait, 33 , Iranian
  • shamimbehnejad
    shamimbehnejad Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm a mother of 4, with my smallest being 6 months old! I've gained so much weight from my pregnacys and I'm so ready to take back my body from the fat that's overtake it!!! Lol ready to lose some real weight and feel great!

    Good luck to you
  • Moni_C01
    Moni_C01 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey I would love to be your friend...being a mom and trying to get back with our healthy self..
  • tashacifuentes
    tashacifuentes Posts: 4 Member
    Yes Monica it is so hard!!! I have been walking and trying to eat better about 2 weeks now...