Rough Weekend - how to get back on track

AKAnderson785 Posts: 41
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Saturday - Monday were really hard on me. I did very well Friday. After my workout, I went out to dinner with my friend to this restaurant called Hurricane's which we love and I usually eat TERRIBLY at. She ordered the garlic parmesean fries as an appetizer (yikes) and I had about a handful. Then I ordered a side salad with Balsamic on the side (they don't offer a low fat option) and five teriyaki wings which I only ate two of. Usually I would've ordered a beer with dinner but instead I got a water with lemon. I felt very good about my decisions.

Then came Saturday...I had my breakfast - eggo waffles with sugar-free syrup and then took my dog for about a mile long walk. Later, I was supposed to go to a BBQ which I hoped would offer up some chicken as an option. Of course, that didn't work out. Instead they had a CHILIS PARTY PLATTER with Mini-Burgers, Southwest Eggrolls (sooo my weakness), and Chicken Crispers!! There was NO bbq, not even a hotdog or a hamburger. It was 3:00 in the afternoon and I hadn't eaten since breakfast (since I was waiting for the BBQ!) so the option to just not eat it wasn't really on my mind. I had one of each and two Bud Light Limes that afternoon. I split another eggroll with my boyfriend before leaving.

I went to bartend at about 5:00 p.m. and later in the evening I had a square of pizza and then later, three mini-sweedish meatballs and some veggies and ranch (we offer a small buffet of food for our guests) and a small glass of reisling.

Sunday I had to prep for a colonoscopy I needed done Monday...I know, eww. I wasn't allowed to eat any solid food. So I had the three bottles of magnesium-something or other- that the doctor's gave me, a cup or two of chicken broth and a small amount of Gatorade. I spent most of the day asleep or on the toilet. That day, I probably took in about 300 calories total and then flushed them out.

Monday - I was so dehydrated, so hungry and just plain weak. After my "procedure," I still felt very groggy and weak due to the anesthesia. I ate whatever my boyfriend brought me that day...which was this:

1/4 cup of Pistachio Pistachio ice cream
1/4 cup of Texas Caviar with yellow corn chips
serving of french fries
serving of chicken nuggets with ranch and bbq sauce on the side
Marble Slab ice cream - vanilla with reese's cups, cookie dough, and strawberries (small cup)

Today I feel very guilty for eating all that :( I know it doesn't justify it, but having not been able to eat ANYTHING Sunday, I really just thought of Monday as a free cheat day.

Has anyone else had a slip up? How do you get back on track?


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Just do it. Start logging again and staying within goal. That is the only way to keep on going!
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    Sunday: Panda Express & Baskin Robbins. It was ugly. But I didn't eat my exercise calories yesterday, drank a ton of water and feel a lot less bloated today.

    Sorta related sidenote: I was doing some restaurant recipe tweaking this weekend and came up with a much more sensible version of the Chili's eggrolls ... took this recipe: , doubled the veggies, cut the cheese a touch and put them in wonton wrappers in a muffin tin and baked them (ignoring the dipping sauce completely, though from what I hear if you take an avocado and mash it into fat free ranch, it's almost kinda the same). Really, the only thing with serious calories is the chicken and the cheese. Wonton wrappers are 6 calories each. They were delish, filling AND full of veggies.
  • That sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing! I will have to put that with my recipies!
  • ashleypietz
    ashleypietz Posts: 87 Member
    I've had some of those days where you just want to eat what is available and I"ve gone over my calories on multiple days in a row. The only way I've found of getting rid of the guilt and continuing is to simply forget about it. I pretend it didn't happen and continue on with my tracking and exercising like those days were totally normal. If I treat them like they've killed my diet they will. If I realize it was a minor slip up I can get back to my normal routine faster. Good luck and know that you didn't screw up you just had a moment of weakness. :)
  • kwinterscheidt
    kwinterscheidt Posts: 45 Member
    I had a very rough weekend too! I did really well all friday until some freinds invited us to Abuelos (mexican food) and they have the best chips in Tulsa!! Me and my husband did share enchiladas but i am pretty sure i ate a whole basket of chips all by my self. then to top it all off, i ate a quart of ben and jerrys ice cream at midnight!!
    Saturday was even worse. i skipped breakfast cuz we woke up late. then we ate a sandwhich for lunch which was jsut veggies and olive oil mayo for me. at dinner we spilt a turkey burger and french fries. then it took a turn for the worse. i got a chocolate chip cookie, then raisinettes at the movie, then ice cream again, then donuts, and then i orders a stuffed crust pizza at midnight!!
    sunday was mcdonalds and more donuts and pizza.
    I finally got back on track on Monday but i am pretty sure i consumed more than 50,000 calories over the weekend and now my pants fit tighter and i am retaining water because of all the salty stuff i ate!!
    Today is day two back on the wagon and i am hoping to keep it up.
    you just have to put your bad food choices out of your mind and just get back on the wagon and not focus on your weekend slip up!!
    good luck and try to throw in some extra exercise this week to maybe offset some of the extra calories you ate over the weekend.
  • MaryKatU
    MaryKatU Posts: 146
    When I have weekends like that, I drink lots of water and my weight is back to normal within a couple days. Don't let it get you discouraged. You have to enjoy things you like once in a while. Best of luck to you getting back on track.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    You just start. This is day 1. Pick yourself up and do it.

    Personally I review the situation and think up what I could have done instead. This helps me plan for future occasions like this so it doesn't throw me off again, but everyone is different. if this is going to cause you to guilt trip, don't do it. My one last bit of advice that I read a while back is this; if you do not think consciously about food you will always land in trouble. Unconscious eating is what has landed many of us in trouble to begin with. That random bite here and there, that one beer we think won't hurt. It all adds up. Plan for every occasion.
  • Thank You so much for all your advice! I find myself making excuses for my bad days and this is exactly the kind of behavior that has knocked me off my diet and exercise plans in the past. My portion control of the not-so-healthy things I put in my body has improved but regardless, I need to stop making excuses for my bad days. If I hadn't eaten all that crap yesterday, I wouldn't have to worry about it today.

    But you're right, it was a slip, I've just gotta move on and ignore it. Cannot dwell on what I do wrong, must move forward.
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