need to start getting healthy

went on to this web sight. so i took the first step see how ido ,eating is my weaknes .iwalked 20 min. sighn: trying in vista


  • kathyvdh
    kathyvdh Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome! I think you'll be glad you made that first step. I too love to eat. I think we all do, but if you use this sight correctly it will help empower you. As my husband is munching on potato chips, I now have a piece of fruit. After a few days, I really don't miss my daily dose of chocolate or junk food. Last week I would have never believed that I could go 5 days without a candy bar, but here I am.

    Good luck.
  • lilolme273
    lilolme273 Posts: 3 Member
    Good goal is to get healthy..and in better shape...I'd like to drop 50lbs...but setting mini goal of 20 lbs first...I don't get overwhelmed...frustrated and quit if I shoot for lower numbers...
  • celliewonder
    celliewonder Posts: 21 Member
    That great that you don't get frustrated with small numbers. I tried thag approach in the fall and had no success. Frustration seems to be my middle name!