Don't Wait til Jan 1! 6 Day-End the Old Year Challenge!

I've worked hard this year and I put a lot of effort into meeting my goals for December. I'm not going to give up NOW!

I am making a commitment to follow through ALL THE WAY TO DECEMBER 31ST WITH MY GOALS!!!

Everyone is welcome to join me:
1. Post your commitments to yourself here.
2. Check in every day to let us know how you are doing.
3. Provide positive encouragement for others.
4. Don't quit!!! Remember that you only fail when you quit!


  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited December 2015
    Name: Bri
    Starting weight:180

    My Plan:
    1. Stick to 1200 per day. Any leftover Christmas goodies must fit into calorie goal.
    2. Exercise at least 1 hour each day. 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio.
    3. Do Ab Challenge each day.

    Sat 12/26:
    Mon 12/28:
    Wed 12/30:

  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member

    Don't usually do these, but I like your spirit :-)

    Name: MrsM.
    Starting weight: Not sure as not weighed for a few days.
    Goal weight: Hard one as don't know starting, weight loss for me is ad hoc, so let's go with .5lb (given the cold et al, I'll just be pleased if I do the the things I've noted below!).

    1. Stick to my MFP guide of 1380.
    2. Do 30 mins cardio every day - can't do more as coming out of stinky cold and know what my limitations are.
    3. Hm. 3rd one... Get me and MrM. signed up to the local gym.
  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    Hi Bri! I recognize you from the Christmas challenge. I'm so glad you started this one!

    Name: Mari
    Weight: don't know my current weight, I am visiting relatives.
    1. stick to my daily calorie goal.
    2. Exercise, same as bri: weights 3x per week , cardio 3x. Monday I am starting week 2 of c25k.
    3. No snacks after dinner unless I am truly hungry. (Mindless evening eating is a problem for me.)

    We can do this! Let's stick to our plans for a solid week!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    MrsMizart wrote: »

    Welcome! Please don't feel obligated to worry about how much weight you lose. You should just work on your own goals in whatever way works for you. :smiley:
    Marikanna wrote: »

    I'm so happy you saw it. I'm glad that you have joined!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Name: Bri
    Starting weight:180

    My Plan:
    1. Stick to 1200 per day. Any leftover Christmas goodies must fit into calorie goal.
    2. Exercise at least 1 hour each day. 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio.
    3. Do Ab Challenge each day.


    Sat 12/26:
    1. Done :smile:
    2. Done :smile:
    3. Done :smile:
    Day one down, only 5 days to go!

    Mon 12/28:
    Wed 12/30:

  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    My results today:
    1. A tiny bit over on cals
    2. Done!
    3. Done!
  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    Name: Bri
    Starting weight:180

    My Plan:
    1. Stick to 1200 per day. Any leftover Christmas goodies must fit into calorie goal.
    2. Exercise at least 1 hour each day. 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio.
    3. Do Ab Challenge each day.


    Sat 12/26:
    1. Done :smile:
    2. Done :smile:
    3. Done :smile:
    Day one down, only 5 days to go!

    Mon 12/28:
    Wed 12/30:

    Good first day, us!
  • helensingssongs
    helensingssongs Posts: 202 Member
    Can I join in? Want to grab the opertunity to be accountable while the motivation is strong and hit the new year on a roll.
    Name Helen
    Starting weight 239
    Goal to take back control of my eating

    My plan
    1) stick to my calorie goal any left over Christmas goodies must fit in to my goal
    2) exercise for at least one hour a day outside
    3) move at least one piece of furniture a day

    Sun 27
    Mon 28
    Tues 29
    Wed 30
    Thur 31
  • littlehappystitches
    Hi Please can I join too!!
    Name Wendy
    Start weight 138.8 lbs
    Goal weight by New Year's Eve 137lbs
    The plan....
    1. Get back to my normal eating as I'm missing my healthy food
    2. Do 200 cals on treadmill each day
    3. Pre log each day to help keep myself focused
    4. Up the water to 3 tall glasses a day

    Sun 27
    Mon 28
    Thus 29
    Wed 30
    Thur 31
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Think I'm out of kilter (time wise) as I'm in the UK.

    Here's my attempt!

    Name: MrsM.
    Starting weight: 13st 9lbs / 191lbs (at 27/12/15).

    Goal weight: 13st 6.25lbs / 188.25lbs - this was my weight before The Cold and Christmas, so add in hopeful that part of the gain is water from excess salt and bread, then I'm aiming to buck my own tend of .5lb a week :-)

    1. Stick to my MFP guide of 1380.
    2. Do 30 mins cardio every day - can't do more as coming out of stinky cold and know what my limitations are.
    3. Hm. 3rd one... Get me and MrM. signed up to the local gym. Still trying to think of a autism one for this challenge as can't sign up everyday lol.

    27/12 (Sun) - Have started the day right and have logged :-)
    28/12 (Mon) -
    29/12 (Tues) -
    30/12 (Weds) -
    31/12 (Thurs) -
    01/01 (Fri) -
  • danzrlove
    danzrlove Posts: 445 Member
    Name: Stacia
    Starting weight:156

    My Plan:
    1. Stick to 1240 per day.
    2. No diet soda!
    3. Do 1 mile challenge each day.

    Mon 12/28:
    Wed 12/30:
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Ohhh! Welcome everyone! Of course you can join in any time. Everyday is a good day to work toward a new goal!

    When I am struggling or actually fall off the wagon, I try to think back to when I was doing really well and think about what I was doing differently compared to now.

    I remembered last night that I should try to pre-log my food. That really helps me stay on track instead of waiting til I'm hungry to make decisions about what to eat.

  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Name: Bri
    Starting weight:180

    My Plan:
    1. Stick to 1200 per day. Any leftover Christmas goodies must fit into calorie goal.
    2. Exercise at least 1 hour each day. 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio.
    3. Do Ab Challenge each day.
    4. Pre log food whenever possible


    Sat 12/26:
    1. Done :smile:
    2. Done :smile:
    3. Done :smile:
    Day one down, only 5 days to go!

    Mon 12/28:
    Wed 12/30:

  • u307731
    u307731 Posts: 3 Member
    Great idea to add accountability. Thank you.

    My commitments:
    1) an hour of exercise each day (which is doable since I am not at work this week)
    2) do all 3 "couch to 5K" week 1 workouts (I get to count these towards goal #1).
    3) eat less than 1500 calories, irrespective of calories earned exercising.

    I will weigh in on Jan 1. I do better if I focus on the exercise and calorie goals rather than # of pounds lost.

    Sat 12/26 - commitments 1 and 2 - done. Commitment #3 150 calories over.
  • dianelill
    dianelill Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for getting this going! I picked up 4# since summer and am ready to re-commit to my healthy lifestyle. My Fitness Pal held me lose 20# so I'm back to tracking.
    12/26 all done!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    "Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now."

    Denis Waitley

    I am planning to spend some time between now and Thursday working on planning new goals for next year.

    I have found that in order to reach my goals it is important to do 2 things. I have to know where I'm going ( what my long term goal is) and how I am going to get there (what my short term goals are).

    Example: My long term goal is to lose 26 pounds in 26 weeks. I will break that into 6 months and refresh my plans at the beginning of each month. I will set goals for each week and even each day so that I am always headed in the right direction.

    One of my friends on MFP recently wrote that she doesn't like to set up definite goals with a time restriction because she feels so bad when she doesn't meet the goal and she feels like she is setting herself up for failure.

    I don't feel that way when I don't quite make a goal in time. I consider all progress forward as sucess and any negative aspect as a chance to learn and make changes for next time. I make my goals do-able and I make my plans flexible to set myself up for sucess.
  • littlehappystitches
    littlehappystitches Posts: 121 Member
    edited December 2015
    Yay first day I stuck to my goals!!
  • helensingssongs
    helensingssongs Posts: 202 Member
    Can I join in? Want to grab the opertunity to be accountable while the motivation is strong and hit the new year on a roll.
    Name Helen
    Starting weight 239
    Goal to take back control of my eating

    My plan
    1) stick to my calorie goal any left over Christmas goodies must fit in to my goal
    2) exercise for at least one hour a day outside
    3) move at least one piece of furniture a day

    Sun 27
  • helensingssongs
    helensingssongs Posts: 202 Member
    Hum still not quite getting the hang of the piston but day one and all gaols met. Bring on day two!
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    edited December 2015
    Well done Helen!

    Name: MrsM.

    Starting weight: 13st 9lbs / 191lbs (at 27/12/15).

    Goal weight: 13st 6.25lbs / 188.25lbs - this was my weight before The Cold and Christmas, so am hopeful that part of the gain is water from excess salt and bread, then I'm aiming to buck my own trend of .5lb a week :-)

    1. Stick to my MFP guide of 1380. Caveat: unless I've exercised then have choice to eat back some or all calories.
    2. Do 30 mins cardio every day - can't do more as coming out of stinky cold and know what my limitations are.
    3. Drink enough water - some days it's easy and some days it really isn't!

    27/12 (Sun) - Done all three :-)
    28/12 (Mon) -
    29/12 (Tues) -
    30/12 (Weds) -
    31/12 (Thurs) -
    01/01 (Fri) -