I need to lose 40 pounds (((HELP)))

slimothy89 Posts: 61
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Good morning to all!!!

I am currently starting a weight loss journey to drop 40 pounds. I have been doing the slim fast 3-2-1 diet plan?

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get a good kick off, because not seeing results in one week is a little discouraging!! I feel like I've been doing all this working out for nothing. My body hurts to where I cant laugh!! Weekly trx, zumba, cardio sculpting classes, and indoor cycling! I feel like I'm not working out I'm breaking my body slowly!! Ouch!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to g`et the right results and kick off to losing weight?

Please help, I'm a little discouraged!!! Oh yeah, and since I started working out I've gained 3 pounds!!!! That's not helping!! It was 37 now its 40!!! I would also know how to get rid of water weight, because I am thinking that is what that 3 pounds is...hopefully more lol.

Thanks in advance!


  • I hold alot of water too..my grandmother used to give me fluid pills - it just makes you use the bathroom all day lol-

    But I'm right there with you I wanna lose about 70 pounds and I feel as if nothing works and then I give up!
    I recently started getting really serious and made an account here and just seeing everybody's else progess and logging in what I eat made me think twice before I eat anything now. And it may sound silly but another way to lose the water is to drink more water and try not to intake so much salt it just retains your water!
    And the pain is good! your body has to break down old muscle to build new stronger ones! So dont give up i felt like I couldn't even get out of bed this morning! No Pain No Game.

    Hope I've been some help!
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    I'm getting rid of 40 lbs myself (not losing! I never want to find them again! lol) so I feel your pain...literally. I was wondering if you're stretching after working out? It has really helped me with the soreness.
  • slimothy89
    slimothy89 Posts: 61
    I stretch before,and afterward!! LOl. It starting to stop hurting though. I think it has something to do with me not working out in like forever!!! What are you doing to lose your 40 pounds? I'm taking slim fast 3-2-1 plan...do you think that it wiil work?

    Thanks...what water pills were you taking? How much weight did you lose with the fluid pills?
  • Oh man IDK the name my grandmother always gave them to me..i was younger..but you can ask your doctor about them.
    And I had lost maybe 5-10 pounds in fluid.
  • jnnyc
    jnnyc Posts: 25
    Keep your head up. All that working out you are probably building muscle and retaining water. I wouldn't get on the scale again until next week. Weigh yourself once a week- weight fluctuates so much.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you need some encouragement!
  • CoachKaren
    CoachKaren Posts: 90
    Dont stretch Cold muscles. Skip the pre workout stretch. Wait till the end when muscles are warm.
    Also, make sure you are eating enough, based on your weight, height, and BMR, PLUS your activity level.
    Water intake is important too.
  • slimothy89
    slimothy89 Posts: 61
    Dont stretch Cold muscles. Skip the pre workout stretch. Wait till the end when muscles are warm.
    Also, make sure you are eating enough, based on your weight, height, and BMR, PLUS your activity level.
    Water intake is important too.

    I eat, but I don't know what's enough based on my height weight and bmr. lol.
  • caitirin
    caitirin Posts: 12
    Drink lots of water and watch your sodium intake. Don't drink your calories (no soda, juice, milkshakes, etc.), just water. Your body needs rest days in between workout days to rebuild your muscles. If you are over working, your body doesn't have a chance to recuperate. Remember also that 1 lb of fat = 3500 calories, so unless you're consuming an EXCESS 10,500 calories in a week, that isn't a weight gain that will stay with you. Nor will you build 3 lbs of muscle mass in the first week you start exercising. That takes MONTHS.

    If you only weigh yourself once a week at the same time each day, you will see your weight in a more accurate fashion. Keep in mind that if you ate late at night and weighed yourself early in the morning, you may be seeing the weight of the remaining undigested food in your system.

    Above all, don't panic. You didn't gain those 40 lbs in a week and they surely won't go away that fast. Think like the turtle, not the rabbit.
  • slimothy89
    slimothy89 Posts: 61
    Thanks!!! That was sooo helpful, and made soooo much more sense! I'm about to go workout!

    So...drinking more water will help get rid of water weight?!?
  • I don't see mention of measuring! I took measurements of my upper arms, neck, bust, ribs, waist, hips, thighs, and calves. When the scale doesn't budge often I see a loss in one or more of these areas. I also go by how my clothes fit, I was weighing once a month, that really seemed to help as the small ups and downs can make you crazy. It's hard to stay away from the scale, but if it causes discouragement daily or weekly, then it's best to hold off for awhile and measure other progress.

    How about how long you can do cardio, or how much more distance or intensity your cardio work outs are? How about how much you lift, and reps? Seeing improvement in these areas is just as wonderful as watching the scale go down.

    Muscle is much denser than fat, go look at a 5 pound lean roast, then 5 pounds of hamburger that's 70% fat and you will see a difference. So when you lose some fat, and build muscle in a week, the scale may even go up! This is when we get bummed out. If you can finally fit in a pair of jeans and the scale hasn't changed... it is still a victory.

    Finally, keep a diary of how you feel. How you sleep, your energy levels, if you have pain note when you feel better, and what aggravates your condition. I notice I have more energy, and look forward to working out (I also reward myself with tanning which is free at my gym). I sleep less, which is frustrating as I have insomnia BUT I sleep better. So don't forget it's not the almighty "pounds" but other quality of life.

    Usually one of these, be it weight, fitness improving, better sleep, more energy, less pain, less depression, losing inches/fitting into clothes, will be moving in a good direction. If you only look at one "metric" you live and dye by that number, and that makes it easy to give up.

    One last thing. You can give up 100 times, because that means you go back and try again. If you only give up once, then you have really lost!
  • caitirin
    caitirin Posts: 12
    Yes, water will help you to lose water weight because what you're doing is flushing the excess sodium out of your system. Salt makes you retain water, so if you drink more, you pee more and flush your system out. If you are watching your sodium intake closely, you may notice it rise around your period. I don't know about you, but it does for me. Doesn't help when I start craving salty things, either.

    Weight loss is about conscious eating. Pay attention to what you eat and decide if you really need that bag of chips or [insert item here].

    The previous poster was correct: there's a lot more to weight loss than the number on the scale.

    Good luck!
  • Keep your head up. All that working out you are probably building muscle and retaining water.

    Thats what I was thinking too. Watch the sodium intake as well.
  • slimothy89
    slimothy89 Posts: 61
    Dang man...I think the chips are my down fall. I can't go a day without chiips. I will start tomorrow trying not to eat chips! I love them so much man...they come in all flavors. They so!! Omg!!! Chips! Ok...no chips so i will get one more bag out my system today. ?
  • slimothy89
    slimothy89 Posts: 61
    How much sodium should I have per day?
  • pande08
    pande08 Posts: 1
    All these posts are helpful...I am in the same boat..Thanks~
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    How much sodium should I have per day?

    I would try to keep it under 1500mg per day.... it's not a big deal if you do go up to 2000mg - 2500mg on some days....

    But I've noticed the closer I stick to 1500mg, the better the weight loss is that week.
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    How much sodium should I have per day?

    I would try to keep it under 1500mg per day.... it's not a big deal if you do go up to 2000mg - 2500mg

    But I've noticed the closer I stick to 1500mg, the better the weight loss that week.

    I agree!!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    A few things:

    Are you eating the right amount of calories for your body? If you are doing Slim Fast, you may not be eating enough - especially with so much exercise! Do not leave your calorie count for the day with too large of a deficit. Your body will think it's starving, and hold onto everything it can to protect itself. That means slowing down your metabolism, and potential weight GAIN.

    Are you exercising EVERY day. If yes, then stop! You need one or two days off each week. When you exercise, muscle is built by creating tiny micro-tears in the muscles. The body retains water to repair these tiny tears. If you do not have a rest day, there will be no repair, and no building going on.

    Do not take water pills. That will hinder the process mentioned above. Just drink more water. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but you need more water for your body to release water. Current wisdom says to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. So, if you weigh 200 lbs, you should be drinking 100 oz of water daily.

    For the first week or two, you might want to take Tylenol or Advil BEFORE you work out. This will lessen post-workout soreness, so you will be less likely to quit altogether.
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Losing weight if 90% food and 10% exercise. You will lose more weight by concentrating on being around your daily calorie goal that MFP sets for you rather than worrying about exercising at all. I lost my 30 pounds and only did cardio TWICE the entire time. Other than that I would do a 20 minute general body strength training routine 1-3 times a week. Other than that, I don't exercise on purpose. The MORE you exercise the more difficult it is to keep losing weight properly because then you're not sure exactly how many calories you burn or how many calories extra to eat back every day. It's very stressful.
  • slimothy89
    slimothy89 Posts: 61
    How much sodium should I have per day?

    I would try to keep it under 1500mg per day.... it's not a big deal if you do go up to 2000mg - 2500mg on some days....

    But I've noticed the closer I stick to 1500mg, the better the weight loss is that week.

    Thanks alot! I noticed your weight loss!! Its great. Care to share with me what you've been doing?
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