What are your Top 3 Tips?

What are your Top 3 Tips for losing weight? I'm looking for real solutions or changes that have actually worked for you and that you feel have been critical to your success.

I know there is a TON of information out there but I'd like the condensed version from people who've actually been there. I could read after book but I don't want to complicate matters or make things too regimented and hard to follow. I want to take the best advice from the cream of the crop (my fellow mfp-ers) and make it fit into my life. Having said that, if there is a particular book that radically changed your weight loss journey and/or your attitude about food, I'd love to hear about it.

Thanks everyone! I'm really looking forward to what you have to say!


  • Lsng4good
    Lsng4good Posts: 86 Member
    Great Topic! Bump.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Well for me my top 3 tips would be: Drink lots of water , log everything you eat and get moving and do some type of exercise at least 3-4 days a week:) Good luck to you!
  • han182
    han182 Posts: 82
    1) Calorie Cycling
    2) Water, water and more water
    3) Finding golf - I love the long walks and it's a way to meet new people as well!

    Han x
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    water is a must --even diet soda is the devil
    dont give yourself unrealistic goals like losing 80lbs in 3 months
    when you have a bad day dont throw in the towel just go back to dieting the next day its easier to recover from a 0.5 to 2lb weight gain than to gain ALL ur weight bck and start all over .
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Eat wholesome foods, "carbs" aren't evil but the highly processed food stuffs that are heavily loaded with them may be ;)
    It's funny, "whole" foods come in their natural wrapper (peels etc) with no nutritional label (on each item) but then stuff like cookies comes with what is laughably called a nutrition label... to convince us that they are a food?
    Eat your exercise calories (if you have a HRM then go by that, otherwise I basically cut the reported calorie burn form MFP in half and eat those back)
    Hydrate, drink your 64 oz of water, daily. Every. Day.
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    1. Exercise 4-6 days a week and do both cardio and strength training. Take one full day to rest.
    2. Don't over-eat and keep to your proper portion control at each meal.
    3. Consume 5-6 small meals each day rich in fiber, healthy fats, adequate protein and complex carbs.
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Well for me my top 3 tips would be: Drink lots of water , log everything you eat and get moving and do some type of exercise at least 3-4 days a week:) Good luck to you!

    Ditto! 100% believe in these three things!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    1. Drink your Water
    2. Go at your own pace - do this at a level that you can maintain for life. For example, I know that I will never be able to stay away from bad foods forever, so I allow myself tasty things in moderaton.
    3. Keep your mind on the end result, do not focus on day to day progress. This will help you to stay positive when one bad day happens now and then.
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    keep moving
    balance diet
    "Rome was not built in a day" it takes time & ur an individual, dont watch what the other person is losing faster than u, ur metabolism is different:bigsmile:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    1. Log everything that I put in my mouth (measured/weighed for accuracy)
    2. everything in moderation. If I deprive myself of anything (major food groups like carbs, chocolate, treats, whatever) it becomes all I can think about and I binge.
    3. It's not a diet, this is a lifestyle change. Once I hit my goal weight, I didn't stop logging, I didn't start eating mass quantities. I've changed my mindset towards food.

    There are more but you just wanted 3! One thing I will add, I see people asking if a "cheat meal/day" is O.K. For me, it's not cheating because it's a lifestyle change. I will have weddings to go to, birthdays and other events to celebrate for the rest of my life and I'm not gonna eat at home so that I don't gain weight. I manage my day by planning ahead and I make good choices at the event. If I go over, I make up for it the next day in workouts or by eating a little less.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    2) Don't let a bad day or meal get you down. Realize it and reevaluate. Keep pushing forward.
    3) Utilize the support on MFP. It does wonders with all the amazing people here!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    1. Get it through your head that losing weight is hard. If you think it's going to be easy, you will quit at the first sign of difficulty.

    2. Learn as much as you can about the actual science behind weight-loss (i.e. calories in, calories out). Do some research. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist or both. Everything makes so much more sense when you get rid of the guess-work.

    3. DO. NOT. QUIT. Don't be that person who does really awesome for a couple of weeks, then slacks off, and six months later is thinking "Gee, how amazing would I look right now if I hadn't given up?" The only thing that made this attempt at weight-loss successful for me, when all other attempts failed, was that I never stopped, even when I felt like I wasn't making any progress at all. Keep going, and you'll get there eventually.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    1. There's a trend - WATER!!
    2. Don't let one piece of chocolate, 5 chips, a can of pop or anything minor turn into a major binge. An oops is ok, just don't have the "screw it, I already ruined my day" mentality and go for more unhealthy food.
    3. Use MFP as a motivator. Look at the success stories and see what's working for people - but do not compare yourself to the posters. Yes, she might have lost 3 pounds last week and you are at a standstill, but everyone is different and loses weight at their own pace.

    Good luck to you - way to go for asking for help!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    1. Get it through your head that losing weight is hard. If you think it's going to be easy, you will quit at the first sign of difficulty.

    2. Learn as much as you can about the actual science behind weight-loss (i.e. calories in, calories out). Do some research. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist or both. Everything makes so much more sense when you get rid of the guess-work.

    3. DO. NOT. QUIT. Don't be that person who does really awesome for a couple of weeks, then slacks off, and six months later is thinking "Gee, how amazing would I look right now if I hadn't given up?" The only thing that made this attempt at weight-loss successful for me, when all other attempts failed, was that I never stopped, even when I felt like I wasn't making any progress at all. Keep going, and you'll get there eventually.

  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    Well, everyone's different, so every journey will be different. What I've had to do has mostly been mental to change the physical.

    1. Change my mindset from "I wanna be skinny" to "I wanna be healthy!" - I'm not on a diet, I've changed my thought process (and that's HARD!)
    2. Create a healthy relationship with food - I still eat the "good" stuff, but the quantity and frequency had to change. I am a recovering compulsive overeater/binge eater, and learning portion control and learning to say "When!" is one of the hardest things to do.
    3. Mind over matter - I have had to conquer that little annoying nag in my mind that says "This is too hard, you should stop now, you've done enough." NO! I haven't! I have had to push myself harder and further and longer than I ever thought I could (or wanted) to go. Going from "the fat kid" to running 5K's, and rocking Insanity has been a long, sweaty, sore, HARD process. I AM physically able, it was getting the mental toughness to go with it. If mind says "PUSH!" body will follow.

    This is my journey. "Challenge your body to make those changes!"
  • hmm33502
    hmm33502 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm a work in progress, but this is my opinion thus far:

    1. Exercise! You have to move to be successful. The more you move, the better you feel. THe better you feel, the better you eat. The better you eat, the more you can move! See the cycle?

    2. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. Most of this is a head game. Winning starts with winning in your mind and keeping the motivation to continue winning in activity and food decisions. Everyone loses at different rates and some people are more dedicated than others.

    3. Eat Mindfully. Don't eat in front of the TV. Log all of your food....including BLTs, Bites, Licks, and Tastes. Watch your portions...closely and eat slowly to give your stomach the time to send the chemical "full" message to your brain.

    For me, these are the top three in order of importance!
  • nikibob
    nikibob Posts: 165 Member
    --portion control! even if that means measuring everything for a couple weeks to get used to what 3/4 cup of dry cereal looks like.
    --even when you are tired, at least try to do the workout you had planned for that day. if you get 10 mins into it and still feel horrible then you know you tried and you can just get back to it the next day. in my experience every time i did this i always ended up feeling loads better once i made myself get started.
    --share your journey and especially your success! let people brag on you and compliment you by telling them how hard you are working on your health and your body. an ego boost can work miracles sometimes.

    hope this helps and good luck!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    1. Eat to lose. Too many people think that drastically cutting their calories will give them super fast results and then it catches up with them later. Our bodies NEED food to function and to lose weight. So. Eat. No this isn't a free for all and it doesn't mean use up all your calories on McDonald's. But, by all means... FEED YOUR BODY!

    2. Drink water. Your body needs it. It'll thank you for it later.

    3. If something isn't working - have the courage to try something else. This is your life! Failure isn't an option. Keep trying until you hit on something that works!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    1) Portion control - learn what normal serving sizes are and stick to them! You can eat practically anything you like, as long as you do so within reasonable boundaries.

    2) Take it slow - instead of majorly cutting calories for super-fast weight loss, cut fewer calories and take your time losing the weight. It takes patience - but you never feel deprived and it increases your odds of keeping the weight off if you make a lifestyle change, instead of go on a 'diet' that ends when you hit your goal weight.

    3) Don't eat late at night - I close the kitchen down after dinner/dessert. When I analyzed what I was eating before I started MFP, I found I was eating 1,500 calories (sometimes more) by carelessly snacking at night. Now, I brush my teeth, put away dishes and turn the lights off in the kitchen before I settle down to relax for the evening.

    I'm surprised to see *everyone* on the water train! I drink water to stay hydrated - but I don't think it has any impact on my weight loss. I drink when I'm thirsty, but don't push myself to drink large amounts of water. I don't think I really retain water, water never seems to suppress my appetite, and peeing constantly annoys me! I guess different things work for different people!
  • AKAnderson785
    These are great BUMP!

    Mine are:

    1. Yes, you know it's true, I know it's true, we all know it's true - WATER. As boring as I think water is, it really has made a HUGE difference in my journey and it not only helps with weight loss and nutrition but your skin, your hair, your overall being depends on enough water.

    2. Trick your body - don't let your workouts get monotonous. If you notice you start to plateau, it's because your body is getting used to the exercises and it's becoming almost like a daily ritual. Change up your workouts, it can be as simple as arms one day, legs the next, core the following, etc. But be sure you're doing cardio with your weights/muscular training, that will burn fat twice as fast as if you just focused on cardio OR weights.

    3. Find a support system - like MFP!!! Having someone cheering you on and understanding what you're going through makes a world of difference. Consider the alcoholic - why do you think they assign Sponsors?? Because the journey is much harder alone. You need someone to keep pushing you and keep cheering for you!