Began about three weeks ago, stopped, but back on

Greetings! I joined myfitnesspal about 3 weeks ago or so, tracked for one day, and gave up. I am back and tracking, even if what I ate is not healthy. I need accountability and would love to communicate on a daily or frequent basis with fellow members to keep each other motivated. I need friends who understand! I am morbidly obese and tired of always being tired and having clothes that don't fit. I can't afford to buy new clothes. I want to take care of my health. I hope to hear from someone. Thanks!


  • Betsey206
    Betsey206 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm here for you. I've struggled for years . Log everything you eat no matter what. make small goals. Look for things you can do as lifestyle changes and work at it. Log all non scale victories so you can have that as positive encouragement for you. I would like to walk this journey with you.
  • saturngal726
    saturngal726 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you Betsey! I had ice cream for dinner and was afraid to log it; I will follow your advice and do it. Thanks for joining me in my journey. I am here for you too!!
  • Jillie453
    Jillie453 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi - I just joined up tonight. I have lost and gained the same 30 pounds three times now and yet again find myself back up. The yo you thing is very unhealthy and I've watched the toll it has taken on my body each time. I am determined that this must be my last time as I'm getting older and it may be more difficult to take it off now that other factors are in play. I'm terrified I won't be able to do it (and I never doubted it in the past). So I will gladly support you if you will help me to be accountable as well!!!! Don't be afraid to log it - nobody is going to judge you in this forum and frankly this is for YOU and not anyone else anyway. If you have ice cream for dinner - just promise yourself you won't go crazy after dinner.....and start fresh again tomorrow. I find that I eat the most when I'm stressed or bored. You?
  • saturngal726
    saturngal726 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Jillie! Yes, I too eat when I'm stressed, bored, upset, emotional, etc. Like you, I too am determined that this is my last time. I have also lost and gained weight so many times. Don't be terrified; we CAN do this! I am more than happy to support you; we can keep each other accountable. I will be here for you. I didn't have anything after the ice cream; I felt too guilty. But I will log my pint of Ben & Jerry's. I've already planned my lunch for work tomorrow. That's a huge change for me. I usually just go out. However, bringing my lunch will allow me to control my calorie intake and save money. ok, I'm rambling. We CAN do this Jillie!!