Hi everyone

I'm Heather and I want to lose a lot of weight!! I need friends, accountability, motivation......I just want to finally start feeling awesome about what I see in the mirror. Don't get me wrong, I truly do love myself but I need to be healthy and fit and be around to watch my children and husband grow in life. Seeing my weight creep up is just plain scary and I need to check it before it continues to grow out of control. Any tips, help, encouragement is absolutely accepted. Id like to lose like 90 lbs as my ultimate goal and I have no clue where to start. Lol. Thanks!!


  • saturngal726
    saturngal726 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Heather! I've lost and gained the same 50-60 pounds so many times I've lost count. You already are awesome, but I know what you mean. Baby steps are crucial. Set small goals. That's what I plan on doing. My goal for this week is to drink 8 glasses of water or more per day and cut back on soda. I usually have one soda per day; my goal is every other day. Again, baby steps will translate into permanent change!
  • HeatherRoger1
    HeatherRoger1 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks!! I will Deff try smaller increments each week. I just opened this up after years ago first downloading it. I gotta start somewhere. Lol. I think this app could help a lot.
  • escotech2883
    escotech2883 Posts: 546 Member
    I have to lose about 80 lbs myself actually
  • ncbeachybum
    ncbeachybum Posts: 107 Member
    Hi y'all. I'm right there with y'all with about 75 to lose. I'm on all the time. Feel free to add me!