beating a plateau

hey guys, I'm stuck at about 205 from 217. seems I'm plateauing, I've been told I have to large a deficit but either way would expect to lose weight. anything to shock the body out of a plateau?


  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    A plateau is nothing more than eating at maintaining level

    It all depends on how long are you not losing weight?
    Because weight loss is not linear. You can stand still for a period of time and than suddenly lose a couple of pounds.

    When you dont lose weight over more than 3 to 6 weeks it is time to look at your calorie intake
    Do i weigh all my food in grams ( so not using cups spoons or serving sizes) but really weighing and logging correctly.
    Do i log everything i eat also condiments etc.

    Most people who stop losing weight after a period of losing weight have just wiped out their deficit.
    Which means
    They have lost weight and by doing so they need less and less calories. After all your body start using less you get smaller.
    So you deficit gets smaller. When you are not accurate you dont realize that at one point you deficit is gone and you stop losing ( plateau)
    You dont notice this when you start out ( bigger deficit)

    So most people eat more than they know/think. You can solve this by accurate weighing your food.

    Now i looked at your diary and first of all indeed you need to tighten up your logging and get accurate.
    Most of the time this solves the problem.
    But when we talking here about a short time than just be patient too.

    But for sure you have to start weighing all your food :)
    You can do it, just keep plugging along

    Good luck

  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    On 23 December you self-reported in another thread that you weighed 199 lbs; now three days later you report that you are about 205 lbs. That is just day-to-day fluctuations, especially if you celebrated this week's holiday. Stop looking at the day-to-day fluctuations, because they are not plateaus.

    Weigh your solid foods, measure your liquids, choose accurate items from the food database, net as close to your MFP daily caloric goal as you can. Continue to do these things and your trend line will show it.

    I would say a week or even three weeks is not a plateau, I would call it a recovery or stall, which is perfectly normal.

    Many people use online charting tools (such as TrendWeight, Happy Scale, or others) that use a moving average line, usually 7 or 10 days, which will smooth out the inherent noise of daily weigh-ins.

    Here is my TrendWeight chart, where I noted how many days it could appear that I was at a "plateau," but I really wasn't, it was just a normal recovery from a particularly low weigh-in. I weighed 155 lbs and netted 1600 Calories per day and lost on average one pound per week.

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    MFrey718 wrote: »
    hey guys, I'm stuck at about 205 from 217. seems I'm plateauing, I've been told I have to large a deficit but either way would expect to lose weight. anything to shock the body out of a plateau?

    Not really. I'm a bit confused by your goal in your diary as you often under-eat below that - do you need to re-run the goal settings for something closer to what you want to do (or set a custom goal) ?

    Not sure of your stats but I would expect a young man to be able to lose weight eating under 2000 cals and certainly at 1500 or below. You have quite a lot of "cup" measurements - have you cross checked these with a scale to see if you're reporting accurately.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Under estimating calories eaten, or over estimating exercise cals burned.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    I'm still suffering from the weight gain from xmas dinner. Sodium kills me for days. Drink lots of water if you think that's the problem.
  • YeaYeaPueblo
    YeaYeaPueblo Posts: 68 Member
    CyberTone wrote: »
    On 23 December you self-reported in another thread that you weighed 199 lbs; now three days later you report that you are about 205 lbs. That is just day-to-day fluctuations, especially if you celebrated this week's holiday. Stop looking at the day-to-day fluctuations, because they are not plateaus.

    Weigh your solid foods, measure your liquids, choose accurate items from the food database, net as close to your MFP daily caloric goal as you can. Continue to do these things and your trend line will show it.

    I would say a week or even three weeks is not a plateau, I would call it a recovery or stall, which is perfectly normal.

    Many people use online charting tools (such as TrendWeight, Happy Scale, or others) that use a moving average line, usually 7 or 10 days, which will smooth out the inherent noise of daily weigh-ins.

    Here is my TrendWeight chart, where I noted how many days it could appear that I was at a "plateau," but I really wasn't, it was just a normal recovery from a particularly low weigh-in. I weighed 155 lbs and netted 1600 Calories per day and lost on average one pound per week.


    Thanks for sharing! Seeing your chart was super helpful in understanding the oscillating numbers on the scale!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Your not logging accurately . get a food scale and use it for all solids
  • Aziiz69
    Aziiz69 Posts: 4 Member
    Do Intermittent fasting
  • MFrey718
    MFrey718 Posts: 27 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Your not logging accurately . get a food scale and use it for all solids

    I need to get one, however hasn't been priority. will change that. but I try to go for very ball park estimates just to keep an idea. I never take it for face value. thank you tho! will have to get one