What are your Top 3 Tips?



  • Garae
    Garae Posts: 116 Member
    1. Make Veggies and Lean proteins the main part of every meal
    2. Exercise to the point of it being a little uncomfortable, that means you're challenging yourself and building stamina
    3. Drink Good Earth Caffeine Free original tea! It banishes my cravings for sweets, and I can drink it before I go to bed and still fall asleep!!!
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    1. Be gentle: increase exercise *in*moderation*. Reduce calories *in*moderation*.
    2. Have your basic numbers down -- know not only how many calories are in your food (and write these down), but also approximately how many calories you expend, at your current weight, through normal daily activity and through exercise, how many you will be eating once you've arrived at your goal, how big a calorie deficit you're running...
    3. Eat real food, the kind you can see yourself eating for the rest of your life -- just a little less of it.

    BONUS TIP: If you are in a situation where you can't easily stick to your plan (restaurant, party, family celebration...) ask yourself how a fit/thin/athletic [insert your goal here] person would handle the situation and model your approach on that.
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    Hmmm. Not really top 3 tips, but my new personal mantra, "eat more fruit, eat more veg, eat less crap, drink more water, and move more." Oh, and make sure you read and follow the Latest Diet http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/233474-the-latest-diet
  • Junebug54
    Junebug54 Posts: 4
    I think they are don't go under 1200 cal/day. Eat within one hour of getting up in am and getting 7 hours of sleep. Also be sure and drink water and exercise.
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    Don't go on a 'diet'...its a lifestyle change! This is the way I eat and the way I exercise everyday. Not just till I reach a certain weight.

    Don't use just the number on the scale to gauge your progress. The way your clothes fit, how much stronger you feel are all great indicators as well!!

    Eating healthy is NOT HARD. Im sick of hearing that lol. It just takes time to adjust. Try small changes to your diet at first because changing everything at once is a recipe for disaster!! For example the first week cut down on your pop consumption. Or make your sandwiches with mustard instead of mayo...baby steps so you dont get frustrated and give up!
  • jocelynlewis
    My tips are:

    Drink plenty of water!! drink at least half of your body weight in oz!
    Cut sodium intake, when using salt don't use table salt b/c it is refine and as been strip of all it's nutrients and minerals, buy sea salt and not the white sea salt either cause it has been through the same process by natural sea salt it is a light brown in color and has all the nutrients and minerals that you body needs to help balance itself.
    And last but not least this is one I just started a few weeks ago and I already see a difference! Cut back on your process foods and your fast food, the only thing I really eat that is process is breads and ice cream for they are my weakness :blushing: they all have hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils in them and high fructose corn syrup, process foods contains no fiber at all, so these simple carbs convert right into sugar in your bloodstream they have no fiber to help in the aid of slowing down digestion and releasing the sugar slowly!
    And again drink plenty of water!:drinker: hope this helps!
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    Working out for at least 30 minutes a day
    Focusing on YOUR own weight loss pace
    (we tend to compare losing weight based on others when our bodies are different)

    & last

    Eating breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & 1-2 light snacks to keep me going throughout the day
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    Don't go on a 'diet'...its a lifestyle change! This is the way I eat and the way I exercise everyday. Not just till I reach a certain weight.

    Don't use just the number on the scale to gauge your progress. The way your clothes fit, how much stronger you feel are all great indicators as well!!

    Eating healthy is NOT HARD. Im sick of hearing that lol. It just takes time to adjust. Try small changes to your diet at first because changing everything at once is a recipe for disaster!! For example the first week cut down on your pop consumption. Or make your sandwiches with mustard instead of mayo...baby steps so you dont get frustrated and give up!

    So true, I :heart: it!!!
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    For me it is really all about logging my food and tracking how much I eat. I have been eating reasonably healthy for years now (aside from the occasional problem with chocolate or french fries) but I was still simply eating too much of them. I logged my food for over a year and lost 40 lbs (in 8 months but I was afraid to stop logging after I lost it...turns out I was afraid for good reason). As soon as I stopped logging my weight slowly but surely crept up and now I have to take about 10 lbs. off again. Logging is the only thing that makes me aware of what I am eating and for me it is the "magic bullet" for weight loss.

    There are a few other things that I think are important too (exercise of some kind daily, drinking water) but for me logging is what turned the corner on my weight loss.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Just like everyone else said-

    Don't give up, or let one bad meal/day get you down!
    Utilize all of the resources here at MFP! I honestly check this more now than facebook, because I actually CARE what people here are doing or saying!!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    1. Planning: Have a plan (exercise plan and nutrition plan) don’t just wing it.
    2. Consistency Stick to your plan 90% of the time, a 10% margin for mistakes and indulges is fine.
    3. Goals: Set realistic, objective goals. Something that can be measured and is not based upon perception.

    These three simple tips can apply to many other areas of life a well.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    What are your Top 3 Tips for losing weight?

    1. Make sure you burn more than you eat (or eat less than you burn). That sounds very simple, but with hundreds or thousands of different diet plans out there it really all boils down to that. Eat less than you burn and you'll lose weight. Don't and you won't. Period.

    2. Realize that you're going to have bad days. The key is not to let a bad day turn into a bad weekend, or a bad weekend into a bad week, or a bad week into a bad month. Have your bad day when you have it and then get back on track the next day.

    3. Losing weight is like running uphill. It's hard. Sometimes very hard. Just put your head down and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Eventually, if you don't give up, you'll get to the top of your hill.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    1. Surround yourself with positive ppl who truely want you to succeed and be healthy

    2. Use common sense...if you think it may be bad for you, skip it and choose another food. then research to find out the nutritional value later if you can't at that time

    3. Get a workout partner or someone who has the same interests as you. it may be time to clean out your friend list. get rid of the ones who don't support you....drinking buddies, eating buddies who don't care about their health, the ones who tell you not to worry about it and eat what you want, the ones who tempt you because you are bettering yourself and they aren't, ect.
  • Reisse62
    Reisse62 Posts: 71 Member
    Workout first thing in the morning, you lose weight more quickly, set yourself up for a good day of eating and you won't make excuses at night that you are too tired to work out.

    Drink Water

    Get enough sleep. Your body will refuse to shed weigh if you have not had enough sleep.

    I know this is number 4 but write or in this case type, EVERYTHING you eat! Even that Krispy Kreme donut(like I did 2 yesterday my birthday and i logged it =). And don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day. You just need to learn what works and what does not!.

    You CAN do it!
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Well I am a long time water drinker so here are my top 3 not including that :)

    1) Get exercise 6 days a week. A 1 hr walk works wonders -- add other things as you can but get moving -- see if you can find something you can look forward to (I am liking yoga now)
    2) Lose the carbs -- I eat no white carbs and low whole wheat carbs (my food diary is public)
    3) Lose the sugar (for me it is very tied to the carbs! I eat sugar in fruit but avoid anything that has sugar added (I also dropped coffee with milk and sugar in favor of green tea).
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I could probably list a lot more then 3, but here are my top 3

    1) Watch the sodium! The lower I keep my sodium the more steadily I lose!
    2) Exercise, even on the days you don't feel like it
    3) Don't be obsessed with the number on the scale, just worry about being healthier and more active. Stick to it and the scale will move :)
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    1 - Eat wholesome, natural foods (because you'll get to eat way more of it and feel less hungry)
    2 - Move your body, but find exercise you enjoy
    3- Stick with it, no matter what.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Oh, and I totally think the MOST important advice was posted above: don't see this as a diet, but a lifestyle change.

    When my goal has been online to diet and lose weight, I've failed. This time, for some crazy reason, it's stuck and it doesn't feel like much of a challenge. I think it's b/c my goal is more mindful, more internal, and more than just weight loss. My goal is to be in touch with my body, treat it well, and help it perform.
  • NickiStone
    NickiStone Posts: 101 Member
    1. Log all Food and Exercise (calories in vs. calories out)
    2. Find your SoulMate Workout
    3. Strength Training 3 times a week
    4. Take Pictures and Measurements! They will inspire you.

    Since 2 and 3 are pretty similar I added the 4th.
  • jugglingjon
    1. Understand portions, and log everything honestly in myfitnesspal
    2. Mix in strength training to keep that metabolism ramped up
    3. Do fun cardio to keep yourself motivated

    Side note: Remember to log your weight in myfitnesspal, so it updates your calorie requirements accordingly. Otherwise you'll be eating an amount off food appropriate for your old weight instead of your current weight, and you'll plateau.