Need friends for motivation!

Hi guys. I've used this app off and on for a while now. I lost 35 pounds previously and at this point I've gained all that back and then some. If you want to be friends on here and help each other stay motivated please add me. It honestly helps just seeing others log on everyday and see what u r eating to get ideas. Thanks!


  • flyingfur74
    flyingfur74 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello! Congrats your previous weight loss. Sent you a 'friend request'
  • jennluvsrobb
    jennluvsrobb Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! Thank you so much!! I look forward to hopefully losing more :wink: thank u for the motivation!!
  • DonnaJordan1977
    DonnaJordan1977 Posts: 2 Member

    I'm not sure how to add friends?? Like you I have used this app before and have lost some weight but I lost my motivation and managed to put it back on, with a bit more for good measure! I would like to lose around 35lb. I will be 40 in April 2017 and really want to turn 40 fit and feeling good about myself.

    I would really love some support to help me stay motivated
  • slikorify
    slikorify Posts: 130 Member
    Hey, I've sent you a friend request :)

    Always happy to have more people to motivate and be motivated by. I'm from the UK though so usually around at different times to most other people on here, and some stuff in my diary might seem strange haha
  • just_silk
    just_silk Posts: 105 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss. Sent you a friend request so hopefully we can motivate each other!
  • jennluvsrobb
    jennluvsrobb Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks so much everybody I sincerely appreciate the support and I'm ready to share the love. I made a decision this morning that I was going to really try to stick to my 1210 calories a day and get serious about losing weight. I started a cake business 3 years ago and I've put on about 35 pounds since then so it's really brought me to a place I don't want to be. But with your help hopefully I can get back on track! Good luck to all of you on your weight loss journey!! ❤️Jenny in Louisiana!
  • Bberquist2014
    Bberquist2014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. Like many of you I too have a goal to lose some unwanted pounds. I have 35 post divorce pounds to kick to the curb. I can't figure out how to send a friend request, but I would like to join this group.
  • RobMachin
    RobMachin Posts: 2 Member
    Yes - similar to me, a few years back i started running and lost a bit of weight, but now put it all back on :-(

    Planning to get serious now with both diet and exercise over next few months to lose weight and put in place a better life style to keep it off. Not used this app/site before to help... but I could sure use some accountability buddies!!!
  • KnordRW
    KnordRW Posts: 319 Member
    Hi! I've been using MyFitnessPal since the beginning of September and I've lost close to 50 lbs since then. I've done the weight loss thing a bunch of times in the past and every time I've gained it back and then some. I've reached the point now this time around that's right around where things start going bad, so I need lots of motivation to keep going through and beyond this point. I've sent you a friend request.
  • Angel0298
    Angel0298 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm just getting started on here today. I gained 99 pounds on medicine. I have lost 45 so far but need to lose another 54, hopefully by the end of June. That's 2 pounds a week but I know how slow those last 10 can be. My son is getting married in late October. It's going to be the fairytale wedding at a castle in Ireland and I want to be slim and trim and a pretty good looking Mother of the Groom :) I need to buy my gown and new clothes for the trip because my husband and I are going to Germany for a week before going to Ireland. I need all the support I can get. It's not as easy to lose the weight when you're over 50 but I'm determined. The 45 has been since August so I think there's a chance with enough pushing and shoving behind me. I also know what you mean about baking cakes Jenn. I haven't eaten them other than a small taste of a new recipe, my husband and sons polish off the cakes, but it would be easy if my human garbage disposals weren't here. lol
  • Justdoitkelly
    Justdoitkelly Posts: 23 Member
    I joined over a year ago and have been trouble staying on track. I am starting fresh and would love to have some pals who share mutual goals!

  • texascolin95
    texascolin95 Posts: 279 Member
    Would love a friend request!! My story is similar to yours! I turned 40 last year, started a desk job after teaching for 9 years and packed on weight. :( ready for it to go! I'm super motivated!! Let's do this!!
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    I would love to be an accountability buddy. I'm 27, I lost 60lbs in 2011 between my first and second born, but of course it all came back when I was pregnant with my son. I LOVED the way I felt back at my goal weight, and I'd love to get back there again.

    I work a desk job at a doctor's office where we get free food and goodies 3+ days a week. Temptation is real!

    My husband and I have started meeting at the gym after work every other day .. now I just need to curb the cravings.

    I'm 187#.. in the short term, I'd like to drop at LEAST 10 over the next 90 days during a friendly challenge at work. I am really looking forward to shedding 20 though!

    My LONG TERM would be 40 lbs lost. And kept off. :)
  • bicolourheart
    bicolourheart Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know how to send friend requests either but would love the support and encouragement. I will be 42 in January and aging certainly has changed my metabolism. I have about 30 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I have lost 30 since September but haven't been real faithful to MFP lately. Today is a new though.
  • kbarnhart01
    kbarnhart01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm a teacher and single mom of 2. I also coach so my days are packed and that doesn't leave a lot of time to plan healthy meals and exercise. It's time to work on my physical and spiritual health. I found a new church this week and downloaded this app. Eating is a comfort for me and I don't have very much energy. Exercise is the worst. I'm hoping to walk and gain some energy. I need to drop 20lbs. Please add me as a friend. ☺️
  • lamikkamarshall
    lamikkamarshall Posts: 7 Member
    How do you add friends on here?
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    Sent you a request! Anyone welcome to add me. I have close to 100 to lose.....
  • 1BrokenArrow
    1BrokenArrow Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like!
  • melindabri
    melindabri Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat, been on and off this site for years. I'm going to send some friend requests to people on this thread. 2016 is the year to finally do this!
  • jennluvsrobb
    jennluvsrobb Posts: 5 Member
    Reading all of your posts is seriously motivating me. Today might be my first day back in the weight loss game but u guys got me through my first day so THANK YOU!! If someone could post how to add friends the easiest way on here then all of us can add one another and conquer this battle together!! I'm not sure what the easiest way is lol. Thanks again for all your support. It's great to know you're not alone in this. Losing weight is a *kitten*! Especially on your own!