Neck pains? Help!

I'm new to constant exercise and my main focuses for the last two weeks were biking, walking with a friend, pilates, cardio and other random exercises I tore from my Fitness Magazines

But my problem is my neck. It just feels like it would if I had been watching a movie but I sat too close to the T.V. and angled my neck funny. Or that I've done nothing but stare at my shoes for the past three days.

Has anyone any advice?


  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I had that problem when I started a spin class. I could figure out why my neck was so sore the next day. My instructor told me I was probably tensing my neck and shoulder muscles and that I should remind myself through out the class to keep my shoulders down. When I feel them creep up to my ears, I know I am tensing. Hope that helps!
  • standintherain
    Thanks! That does help... I'm taking a break from all neck integrating exercises, though, so onto weights!