I could really use some motivation!

Hey everyone! I'm Sarah and I'm a 3rd year university student. I want to live a healthier and happier lifestyle, and I could really use some motivation from people in the same boat as me. I'm trying to lose weight (around 80lbs), but if anyone can offer pointers, motivation, things they do for stress relief, and/or low carb/heathy/yummy recipes that would be much appreciated! I also want to help motivate others and provide my own pointers!


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello Sarah ! Welcome !
    For pointers- all you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit. Get yourself a food scale and learn how to weigh portions accurately. I believe in moderation, not deprivation so can't offer any low carb recipes . I lost all my weight and have been maintaining for 2+ yrs so far by using portion control and moderation.
  • trvshm
    trvshm Posts: 79 Member
    Hey Sarah...Good luck in your goal. The main thing for me was counting calories...I used this app a year ago and quit using it just because I got busy. It truly worked. Stay at it.