Hi everyone!

ace175 Posts: 518 Member

I'm definitely not new to MFP! I originally joined at the start of 2011 and successfully lost 40 pounds from Jan-May. Ever since then, I have been trying to get my momentum back. Since then I have graduated college, been working as a teacher, got married!!, and have just finished my first semester of grad school! I honestly don't know how many times I have said "I'm starting over" "Today's the day!" and so on, and how many hours upon hours I have spent looking on pinterest for motivation and healthy recipes, but here I am again! (I guess its good that I'm still coming back, right?!) I've struggled with my weight my ENTIRE life, my parents always tried to help me "diet", I even went to weight watchers meetings with my mom (who is naturally thin and healthy!) when I was like 12- that was real awkward! I know its something I will have to work on for my whole life, but I am really trying! I am a picky eater who LOVES to eat LOTS (seriously- no portion control here!) of pizza/cheese/bread/pasta/everything high in calories and I really despise ALL veggies. I have done some of the runDisney 5ks, and would really like to improve my physical stamina to help me with running those races (So I can actually enjoy them instead of feeling like my legs are literally about to break off while simultaneously combusting into flames!)I have had some great friends who have stuck with me through my journeys on here, but I would love to have some more supporters, and also to follow more people on my journey. I feel so ready to get back into this and I feel so determined to meet my goals!


  • rojo2723
    rojo2723 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I haven't really used MFP , even though I have it , I need some motivation, I want to support and be supported.
  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    edited December 2015
    Feel free to add me! I used MFP a couple years ago and was pretty successful; however, I was also a teacher then, and when school really started rolling, I fell off the wagon big time. I quit teaching about two years ago and started grad school thinking I would have SO much time to workout, eat right, and this whole thing would be easy. I was so wrong. I actually hit my highest weight during my first semester of grad school. I've been back for almost a year now and have made progress. Unfortunately, though, around last October I got completely overwhelmed with grad school and couldn't find enough free minutes to workout. I started eating poorly and when the holidays rolled around, I really fell off the wagon again. However, I'm back and ready to roll. I'm looking forward to January, but I'd love some new friends who can share this battle (let's face it, it's a dang battle) with me.