Help stuck not losing

Hi so I'm 5"6 weigh 219 pounds I started at 244 I workout 3-5 days a week I change up my routine sometimes elliptical sometimes treadmill. I recently started adding weights and squats I for the most part eat healthy have cut almost all fried foods and am down to one soda a day and now I'm stuck at this 219 for almost a month now what am I doing wrong? I have my moments where I relapse and cheat but it is not a daily thing what should I do get stricter on my diet?


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited December 2015
    Only if "stricter" means that you are more accurate at tracking your calorie intake. Do you use a food scale for solid foods?

    For weight loss, you need an overall calorie deficit. If you "cheat" too often or aren't closely weighing and measuring your food, you may not be getting the deficit that you are trying to get.

    Check out this flowchart from lemonlionheart:

  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    Are you counting calories? Are you measuring/weighing all your food and drink?

    How many calories have you been allocated on a daily basis? How many are you actually eating?
  • shanonlee33
    shanonlee33 Posts: 7 Member
    Well now it's saying to eat 2160 but I wasn't going over my 1800 goal before maybe I should start weighing everything if anything I think I might be under eating I work in fast food so sometimes I just skip breakfast and even lunch if I get too busy and I always forget to grab my snacks like my fruit or shredded chicken.
  • vessik
    vessik Posts: 1 Member
    I noticed you mentioned that you often skip breakfast and sometimes even lunch and that you forget your snacks. Skipping meals may cause your metabolism to slow down. Also your metabolism is usually most active in the morning. Thus, making dinner your largest (and only) meal of the day may cause your body to store calories.
  • HannahFay777
    HannahFay777 Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2015
    Just remember if you are doing a lot of weights/strength training, muscles weigh more than fat and you'd be building muscle as well as losing fat. So the scales might be a little slower and in some instances say you've gained..but in actual fact it's muscle you've gained and you'd still be burning fat. If you are sticking to your calories and working out, you're fine. I had a personal trainer for a year and she taught me a lot about strength training. It's really great. I am starting to get back into it now. I wouldn't eat 2000 calories, that is the recommended limit for a thin (active) person to maintain their weight and even gain a little according to the research I've done. I would try and stick to 1500 and 1800 on your training days. However the doctor has me on 1000 calories a day at the moment. At first it was hard... but I am finding I can eat sooo much food on it, just very very healthy food and not feel hungry! :)
  • HannahFay777
    HannahFay777 Posts: 2 Member
    ps - measuring and weighing your food also helps. Don't guess.. you might be consuming more than you think. :)
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    vessik wrote: »
    I noticed you mentioned that you often skip breakfast and sometimes even lunch and that you forget your snacks. Skipping meals may cause your metabolism to slow down. Also your metabolism is usually most active in the morning. Thus, making dinner your largest (and only) meal of the day may cause your body to store calories.

    This is nonsense, ignore this OP.
  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    vessik wrote: »
    I noticed you mentioned that you often skip breakfast and sometimes even lunch and that you forget your snacks. Skipping meals may cause your metabolism to slow down. Also your metabolism is usually most active in the morning. Thus, making dinner your largest (and only) meal of the day may cause your body to store calories.

    Eating more than your body needs at any given time will "store" what is not needed.

    OP over estimate your food. Don't eat back your calories and cut soda out entirely
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    Recheck your profile, check that it is set for lose weight not maintain as the calories seem high.
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    As someone already mentioned don't forget meals and snacks, it's very important when trying to lose weight.
    Also you said you started doing weights and squats recently. If you haven't done those before it could be reason you're not losing weight. When you look at your self and compare how the clothes fit, do you feel like your body is improving? Because you might be simply swaping fat for muscles, which would lead to leaner look, but same weight.