Starting nursing school in less than 14 days!!

Hey y'all! I am 23 years old and starting nursing school soon. I have done myfitnesspal off and on for years. This time is SERIOUS!! I am ready to lose 60+ pounds and be more fit and ready for my career as a nurse.


  • lwido021111
    lwido021111 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I'm back on MFP after 6 months of being off track. I also start Nursing school in two weeks. Thought I'd say hi :)
  • TKaleih
    TKaleih Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in my last semester of nursing now, and let me just say... you have to make fitness a necessity and not an option during your schooling. If you don't, it's easy to let the studies slowly chip away at your fitness goals. Even if you are just taking 15 or heck even 5 minutes of your day to jog in place, take the stairs, leg lifts at the computer, anything at all to keep that mindset going that fitness is a part of your day no matter what. I got off track for awhile and it's been one heck of a time trying to get fitness back into my everyday life. I want to be healthy and fit when I graduate and could definitely use some motivation myself. ..not to mention I have a military ball to be ready for by March. :) I need to drop 15 to 20lbs is my total goal, but I want to get more fit, not just lose by dieting.
  • moe__xox
    moe__xox Posts: 3 Member
    Thank y'all for replying to my post! We can make our goals together!