Celebrating Fat Loss :-)

So I started this MFP journey in August 2015 at 154 lbs and 36% body fat (according to my Aria scale).
While I realise that the body fat calculation on the scale is not exact, it's still a pretty good indicator when entered into a trending tool (I use the PopWeight app daily to graphically display my weight and fat loss progress).
Early on, I was much more concerned with seeing the pounds come off, but I soon started wanting to see that BF # come down. Amazingly, it's been even much slower going than my weight loss, and though I would see an upwards or downwards blip here and there, it has often seemed like it's not budging. But when I look back over the last four months, I can see it going down about 1.5% a month.
I was naughty for around 4 days around Christmas, and one day I saw a pretty atrocious jump in my weight (which has thankfully come down ... and I've managed to maintain my trend weight), but it motivated me to walk an extra 5 km over the last few days. And yesterday, for the first time since August, my BF was under 30. For two days in a row now I've been around 28.5% BF.
So even though my weight has hovered around 137 for the past two weeks, with no loss, my BF has continued to go down. And I'm amazed at how psyched I am by that!
Bonus is I tried my ski pants on yesterday (we've got a ski trip coming up end January) and they were loose! When I wore them in March of last year I was about 7 lbs heavier than I am now, but my waist was bulging and every time I put them on I was afraid the button might fly off and blind someone. There's no way the difference in the way they fit is attributable only to weight loss; I have no doubt this shift has a lot to do with my BF% going down too.
So no weight loss today, but I'm celebrating fat loss!
Happy Tuesday everyone!


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