Pre-making meals for the week?



  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I looked up freezer cooking and there are some interesting Ideas out there. I do some
    not a lot. Mostly for the kids. I freeze prepared spaghetti, or the homemade sauce only,
    rice, beans, chili, soup. I just put it in a sandwich bag wrap it with foil and write date, food and calories on it.
    Whenever I need it I retrieve it.
  • BhanGoes
    BhanGoes Posts: 75 Member
    Every weekend, I make a week's worth of brown rice, steamed broccoli, and grilled proteins and veggies (peppers, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes). Combine them in individual plastic containers so you have lunch for the week.

    **Special note: I recommend grilling (or baking/sauteeing/whatever) several different proteins so throughout the week you still experience a variety of flavors. Shrimp and chicken and lean pork, for example. You can use the same or different spices or marinades, depending on your preference. (I find that a little olive oil, Old Bay, and lemon works for me on each protein.)

    This saves you time, money, and energy. You prep and clean up only once; each evening, you have to only wash out your container, not a kitchen full of dishes, plates, and utensils. You can make more accurate lists and use up all of each ingredient by cooking in large batches and portioning out. (What else are you going to do with one cup of leftover raw broccoli? Probably toss it when it rots!) I buy brown rice and produce in bulk since I know I'm cooking for the entire week, which comes out cheaper than buying smaller quantities at the grocery store. $7 for a 15-pound bag of organic brown rice! Score!

    If you make more than you predict you will eat in a week, freeze the leftovers so you have a healthy, inexpensive meal option on short notice.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    yes, i try to prep things ahead of time too. i try to make 1-2 full meals that can be used during the week and if I don't have time for that i at least try to get some items cooked on their own or sometimes just washed and chopped to save time later.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I don't pre-cook but I work at home. I do make a weekly dinner menu so I know what I have for breakfast and lunch.
  • blm625
    blm625 Posts: 33
    I used to do weight watchers and they had this I think last year I only did it one week but it was nice having everything ready to throw together!
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    When I had an office job - I bought slotted plastic containers and filled the large section with vegetables, the two smaller sections one with chicken or turkey lunch meat and one with a small helping of cheese and then packed some hummus to go with the vegetables. This worked well for me.

    I cook up several 4 oz size chicken pieces and eat those pretty consistently for dinner - changing it up with sauces or cheese or something so I don't get too bored. I can actually eat the chicken cold in the car - since my job now requires me to drive around - I don't want to get tempted by fast food.