What goes through your mind when...?

What goes through your mind when you go on a binge, snack attack? Before, during and after?


  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    It can vary, but usually it goes something like this:

    Before: Look how good that looks. I really want it. Just a piece. I'll have just a piece. I've been good lately, I deserve it. I can't tell if I'm actually hungry or just want it. If I was hungry I should have a greek yogurt instead since that's 80 calories, or tuna fish. But look at that. I don't know when I'll get it again. I'll be good afterwards.
    During: This is so good! An indulgence once in a while won't hurt. This is absolutely delicious and I have no regrets. This is fantastic. I may as well have that over there, too, since I'm at it. Yummm.
    After: I regret everything. Ugh my stomach hurts and I feel like my blood sugar is through the roof. Urgh. I'll be feeling this for the next couple days, time to get back on track!
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 852 Member
    For me, it's:

    Before- That looks tasty. I'm already over my calories for the day though...well, it'll be okay. I was low the other day.

    During- This is awesome! I want another. That'll put me over maintenance, though. Still, one day of going over won't hurt anything. A bad day doesn't make or break my diet any more than eating a salad broke my bad eating habits.

    After: I feel kinda sick. Looks like my body isn't used to that much sugar anymore. I should eat some veggies here in a little bit to even out. At least I'll know better next time and only stick to one serving...
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    Before and During, similar to those above.

    After: Let's log it and go on. No reason to dwell on it and let it ruin my mindset as one binge will not lead to any significant movement on the scale.
  • scorpcookie
    scorpcookie Posts: 113 Member
    Before: Oh, I'll just have a little bit of that and walk away.
    During: WHY CAN'T I STOP!??!?!
    After: Time to add in some extra cardio to burn off a portion of what I ate. Probably going to be another maintenance week.
  • tomatosoup3
    tomatosoup3 Posts: 126 Member
    before: let me quickly eat that before my mind tells me not to

    during: and me quickly eat THAT and THAT and THAT before my mind tells me not to. oh, i am going to regret this. well never mind that now. quickly eat it, before you get a hold on yourself.

    after: i did it again??!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    Recognizing the Before voice for the liar it is has helped me not binge and is a key technique in cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    Before: I'm eating that
    During: mixed. Either, this is oh so good, OR, this isn't that great and I'm probably still going to eat the whole thing
    After: Guess I'm not buying that again for a while. Again, either it was good or it wasn't so great and I still ate silly quantities of it. I see why I'll never be 125 lbs but at least I can stay 145 :)
  • dreadlifts
    dreadlifts Posts: 18 Member
    Before: you don't need this, are you really hungry? CONTROL.
    During: wow... I can't believe I caved.
    After: failure
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Good thread! My binges are mostly hormone-induced though so I don't know how it will compare, but...

    Before: This feeling sucks (the huge hormonal craving hunger), maybe if I have some cookies (or ice cream, or chocolate) it will help, besides I'm already over and I'm still hungry so what the heck.
    During: nope, still not there, but heck, maybe I'll try the ice cream too? And why not have some chocolate too?
    After: Well I blew it again, but at least the hunger is gone for now (of course by then I'm 1000 calories in the red, typically)

    I guess now at least I'm trying to actually ENJOY the food I'm binging on, instead of just eating it for the feeling to go away. So, smaller bites, and going for things I really want...

    Actually makes me realize that I haven't had a binge out of PMS for ages. So I guess it's a good thing? I still have a couple too many cookies sometimes but I don't binge anymore...
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I struggled with regular bingeing for a while.

    Before: food comforts me, so I want it. Lots of it.
    During: i didn't really think about anything. I would zone out.
    After: I would feel out of control. And be physically sick.
  • wallingf
    wallingf Posts: 29 Member
    Before: I'm going to gnaw my arm off if I don't have that! Engage "Brain-shutdown" before it tells me NO.
    During - Brain has shut down.....I'm not thinking anything
    After - oh dear God, woman....again?! THINK before you eat that.

    Kshama2001 has it right. Bad voice is a liar! When I take enough time to let "good voice" into my brain before shutdown, I'm okay. Still not as consistent as I would like, tho :-)
  • Dariasen
    Dariasen Posts: 145 Member
    Before: Ooooh WANT! 1 was good so 10 must be ten times as good!
    After: Gawd I'm going to hate logging this all in!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    After: Oh.. Lord.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Before: The dog really looks like she could use a walk.
    During: While outside with the puppy, I ain't eating.
    After: Glad we had that walk puppy keeping me from that binge. Thanks, did you enjoy it too?

    You really don't need the dog to go for a walk. Took a while to learn this ;-)

  • threadmad
    threadmad Posts: 190 Member
    Before: who brought that stuff into the house??
    During: chomp, chomp, I'm saving me from myself. Must eat all quickly.
    After: Why can't someone else save me? (belch)
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Before: Just 2 bites. I can stop after 2 bites.
    During: I don't need to stop. I can fix this afterwards.
    After: You failed again.

    Depending on the day and the food item, the "after" can flow right back into "before" and I cycle through. I'm much better about this than I used to be, but there are some foods that are still trigger foods. Once I find a trigger food, it's verboten at the house.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Before: I'm so hungry.
    During: I'll just take a bite and throw the rest away...Okay, I'm done. No, just one more bite. Okay fine, I'll log it and then at least I'm being honest. I can fix it tomorrow.
    After: Why?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I want it, so I'm going to have it.

    Mmm so nice.

  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    I feel satisfied through and through. Life is too short to overcomplicate things.
  • pitbullmamaliz
    pitbullmamaliz Posts: 303 Member
    Before: That looks/sounds good. I really want it. I've been doing well, one binge won't overthrow my progress.
    During: God, I shouldn't be eating this but it tastes good and look, there's still some left. I should just finish it now.
    After: Crap, I don't want to log this disaster. But I will anyway. I feel like crap. And it didn't taste that good. Why do I still do this crap???