Cutting out alcohol?



  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    I am a young single girl myself and I will say this:

    1) It is easy for every day to be a special occasion - someones birthday, they left their job, having a baby, had a tough day...I can find a reason to drink EVERY DAY if I wanted to.

    2) i have trouble both with the calories of alcohol and the calories I consume after the alcohol.

    3) When I want to LOSE, like, really lose (looking to lose 10-15 after the new year) - I cut out alcohol completely for at least 6 weeks. Not only does this speed my weight loss, but it also reminds me of how great I feel when I am not drinking, and shows my friends that there is no gray area where I MIGHT drink.

    4) Depending on where I'm at after 6 weeks, I will add alcohol in as necessary. (Once I ended up going 4 months, another time, I dived right back in but more carefully) - I just find the removal for a little bit helpful in reevaluating.

    But we're all different!
  • amatisse
    amatisse Posts: 1 Member
    The problem with wine is that portion control is difficult and I could easily have another. However, 1 jigger of Vodka, slice lime and 6-7 oz of diet tonic over ice is only 90 calories and can be nursed along for an hour when dining with friends or at the end of the work day..I can fit that into my calorie track and not feel deprived.
  • monkeygirl32
    monkeygirl32 Posts: 7 Member
    I fit it into my daily calories. I enjoy a glass of wine. Actually it's more like 2!! I count 2 of the 4oz glasses. It's not every day and it's in the evenings so at that point of the day, I can see if my calories for the day will allow it as I don't eat later in the evening. I've been managing to stay under every day except for one and I only went 100 over. I've lost 5.4lbs so far and I've been able to fit wine in.
  • blondieabroad
    blondieabroad Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks guys- some really helpful things to think about! I was thinking about just doing a few weeks off to kind of kick start the weight loss and get out of the habit, and then adding it back in so that I account for it better. It is nice to know that other people have had success and still enjoy some drinks in moderation :)
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    If you're drinking at home, find yourself a special glass, measure out exactly 5 oz of liquid ("standard" wine pour), and mark off a line where it lands. Makes it easy to keep track of how much you're drinking and log it accurately. If you're out for a cocktail, you can definitely ask a bartender to measure a shot for you. Most standard shot glasses or jiggers are 1.5oz. Log as you go and don't stop. And as someone above mentioned, space out your cocktails with a glass of water if you're out drinking. Not only will it keep hangovers at bay, it will keep you from "nervous" over-drinking (which a lot of social--or socially anxious--drinkers do, myself included). Better yet, go for a glass of seltzer water with a squeeze of lemon or lime... your mouth might forget it's not alcoholic! :)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I had a glass of wine almost every day when I was losing weight and I have one or two (sometimes more!) now that I'm maintaining. A 5 oz pour is about 125 calories so it's not that hard to work into a calorie allotment, even at a big deficit it can be worked in with a little exercise.

    So yes, it is possible to drink in moderation and continue to achieve your goals but it is important to track the calories and that includes the ones that may come as a result of spontaneous consumption due to lowered inhibitions...
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I'm drinking wine right now! I always account for it in my calories.