Where do I start?!


I have a problem ... I know in my head what I want yet I don't have any motivation to get there. I'm sad when I look at my body yet I can't seem to stop eating garbage and get more active. I know what I want but no motivation to start .. I don't know where to start ... how to start ... I need a plan. . I need help. .. please help ...


  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    edited December 2015
    This is something I wrote as to how to get started. I lost 110 lbs. doing essentially this.


    It requires no plan, no motivation -- just doing it and letting it start to happen. It'll happen.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Maybe start small ? Instead of trying to change everything at once, sometimes people find it easier to set small goals. Like walk around the block each night once. After you have completed the small goal overtime you can move along to another like learning how to use a food scale. In time, you would have several small goals checked off your list and you would be well on your way to success!
    This has to be a lifestyle change in order for it to work long term. Fad diets and gimmicks will come and go, but a lifestyle change is something that will stick with you. Just because its a lifestyle change doesn't mean it needs to be done all at once though. Implement small changes until they all add up !
    Walking around the block once could lead up to running a mile ! Just set your goals and work toward them, no matter how long it takes !
  • AFitJamie
    AFitJamie Posts: 172 Member
    If you will forgive the literal interpretation: you are looking for a place to start... I'd say start where you are.

    There isn't any magic to getting this thing going for yourself, but you do need to know you want to do this for you. Know that you can do this thing - You can make you into a better you - Many many have done so using MFP and this site. But, really, none of us on here can create the small voice in your head that will say "no, I don't want that **(fill in favourite snack here)**". You can.

    So knowing you want to get started, read every post in the "Most Helpful Post" thread. BUt if you are only going to read one, read SideSteel's a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants.

    And I'll add one more comment: be nice to yourself in this process, but just get started... It isn't about the optimal foods to eat, or best exercise to do... it is about getting started. start with small steps - going down 0.5 Lbs a week is a lot better than going up 0.5 a week.... A bit of knowledge goes a LOOOONG way. It really doesn't need to get too complicated.

    You (or anyone really) can feel free to add me if you like, and if I can help decode any of the jargon or noise, just met me know.