Does this make any difference..?? Advice please!!

I usually have a pretty high pulse...I probably stay over 100 just about every day...even if it's just 101, my pulse hardly goes below that. When I exercise my pulse can get dangerously high really easily...and it stays over 140/150/160 even for a while after I exercise.... Does my pulse make any difference in how many calories I burn during/after exercise...or just in general? I've maxed my pulse out over 200 during intense exercise you have any advice for that?

And how long does it usually take YOUR pulse to get back to normal after exercise?

any info/advice would be beneficial. Thanks! :)


  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Honestly this is a question you should discuss with your doctor.
  • yallen8832
    yallen8832 Posts: 68
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    I have a-fib, which is basically a high heart rate. Mine is really uncontrolled so not only is my rate high it is also extremely iregular. I have to take 3 different heart medicines every day in order to maintain it. This is something you should definitely talk to your doctor about because your resting heart rate should be about 60-70 and then working out go no higher than 120-140.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Honestly this is a question you should discuss with your doctor.
    I agree, it doesn't seem normal to me. 160 would be my HR when I'm moderately working out, 170's when I'm working out harder and 180-185 when I'm working to the max. And it returns to normal within probably 5-10 minutes after cool down.
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    Talk to your Dr. ASAP!
  • Beverly64 is right in general your resting heart rate should be between 70-80. The lower the better pro athlete's resting hr is usually between 45-60. As for the drop in hr after exercise it should drop 25 beat in 30 sec and be no more then 10 beats of from resting hr in 60 sec. I would recommend you have a full physical.
  • SpazEMcGee
    SpazEMcGee Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks guys...I guess that's what I'll do then! lol. yeah...I don't think my pulse has been below 100 since...Well at least 5 years. :P
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Are you a smoker?
  • SpazEMcGee
    SpazEMcGee Posts: 55 Member
    No! Not at all! :-/ That's what sucks! I've never smoked or anything!