A question about footwear

macenro Posts: 160
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been having really bad problems with my achilles tendon getting rubbed raw when I am running and walking every morning. I know that everyone is probably going to say get new shoes, but I have tried that.

I've tried an old pair of shoes that fit more snug
I've worn a loose pair of shoes.
I've tried wearing thick socks.
I've tried no socks.
I've tried a bandage but it was rubbed off with a few steps.
I've tried wrapping my heel in an ACE bandage but it wouldn't stay covered.

Basically I've tried everything I can think of but my heel keeps rubbing against the back of my shoe until it is raw and painful. It doesn't make any sense because it is only my right foot. My left is perfectly fine. It is getting to the point where I might have to stop running which seems like a very stupid reason for a diet to fail.

Any advice would be helpful. Keep in mind I really can't afford anything more than like $10 as a remedy.


  • kklittle
    kklittle Posts: 14 Member
    Band-aid Blister Block...I think it is by the bandaids in the pharmacy area of most wal-mart type stores. It is a waxy kind of a bar that you rub on any areas of your feet that are prone to blisters before you put on your shoes. Helps for dress shoes anyway. I also have a pair of shoes that rub one heel, and another pair that doesn't, so to me it is the style of athletic shoe that makes a difference for me.
  • CWalt2990
    CWalt2990 Posts: 3
    You can try Coban wrap, it's basically an ACE bandage that sticks to itself. If you wrap it below your heal and then come up around your heal making a figure 8 around the top of your foot it stays in place really well.
  • curtisperk
    curtisperk Posts: 27
    You could try putting cotton between your heel and your shoe. That way it'd be softer and still be snug. What type of shoes do you run/walk in?
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160
    Band-aid Blister Block might have worked before, but I would be afraid to put it on an open sore. There is one little hole-punch-sized spot that is an open cut. The rest is just irritated from the rubbing,
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160
    I use whatever shoes I've had for a few years. The one of the few that aren't falling apart are the ones I've been using. NSS brand...whatever that is. They were $5 at Wal-Mart.
  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    My guess is that your right foot is narrow. Aka, the extra room side to side is letting your foot slip around. So it won't change when you size a shoe up or down, but maybe look in to buying a designated narrow size next time you get shoes. In the meantime maybe ace wrap to bulk up your heel a bit as well as protect it?
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160
    With the wrapping I've been having troubles getting them to stay in place. I actually double wrapped my foot the other day and it lasted for about 1/2 mile before it have rubbed the wrap up my ankle making it useless.
  • when you can afford to go to a shoe store that will video tape your running and they will tell you what shoe will be perfect. you can search the wed for stores that do so. That's how I got mine and LOVE my shoes!
  • curtisperk
    curtisperk Posts: 27
    I use whatever shoes I've had for a few years. The one of the few that aren't falling apart are the ones I've been using. NSS brand...whatever that is. They were $5 at Wal-Mart.

    I've seen that brand, the only ones I saw looked like skateboarding shoes. Maybe you could find a good pair of running shoes somewhere for a low price. You could ask a doctor about your heel too. I had the same problem with my toes getting tore up because I decided to run in hiking shoes...
    Anyways, good luck!
  • ashley_jorah
    ashley_jorah Posts: 71 Member
    You won't want to put it on while it's still raw, but I use duct tape on areas prone to blisters/rubbing. Works wonders!
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160
    For now I might try to put a regular Band-Aid with neosporin on the cut and then put duct tape on it...

    I've walked/jogged 38 miles in the last 7 days so I kinda want to keep the momentum going.
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