Looking for some friends to share my journey with

Hi all,

Here's a bit about myself and why I'm here.

First of all, I'm completely new to this forum and to the app so a "noob" wouldn't even cover it..! Anyway,

I'm Lin, I'm 29, live in UK.
I've always struggled my relationship to my body and to food which have led to a constant fluctuation (1-2 stones) in my weight. Compared to where I was 8-15 years ago (suffered from eating disorders and depression) I'm in a lot better place today! But I'm still not where I want to be, I'm not happy with my lifestyle, body and habits, and that's why I'm here.

As much as my weight is bothering me (have about 2 stones to lose) it's not really the main reason to why I'm here. I want to make a change in my lifestyle and most of all just be happy with my body and myself. Losing the weight will really just be a bonus.

I'm not going to dive in and go nuts with exercising and eating a low calorie diet at the same time It has done nothing good for me in the past. Instead I'm going to try to do this as slow as I possibly can without losing patience. I'm certain that small, easy steps and one at the time is key when changing your habits and then sticking to it.

Exercising isn't really my problem, but my eating habits are. I tend to snack way too much between meals, especially in the evenings, and I eat irregularly, sometimes replacing breakfast and lunches with snacking. So the first part of my plan is simply going to be to eat regular meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, with fruit and veg allowed between meals. I'm going to keep a food journal but not write down weights or calories. Next month (feb) I'm planning on cleaning up what I eat and maybe then, if I'm ready, start looking at the amount of calories I'm consuming.

I would love to have a partner in crime in all of this. Someone that I can confide in when it's tough, and wants to confide in me. A mentor would be great but just a friend would be awesome to, since I'm very private reg. these issues in real life and don't unburden myself to anyone, not even my bf.

So, if you can relate to what I've written, please send me a message with a bit about yourself and your plans! I'd love to hear from anyone!


  • tracy042
    tracy042 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, Lin.

    Like you, the "all in" thing doesn't work for me. Just the opposite - I've gained weight since trying hard to lose it! So, I'm in for a slow ride, making gradual life-style changes (especially cutting out wine!).

  • montrealsue
    montrealsue Posts: 12 Member
    Slow food, slow food changes--i'm with you on that!
  • Lin12016
    Lin12016 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Tracy great to hear you got a similar plan! Do you have a "first step" that your working on atm?
    I think it's so important to set goals that are easy/highly possible to achieve. If I set unrealistic goals, then I'll just end up failing and beating myself up for it. And I'm seriously sooo over and tired of being hard on myself, beating myself up and all the negative thoughts about myself.
  • Lin12016
    Lin12016 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Sue! Great to hear :)