Going over on protein? Also over on fiber?

Hi MFP! I'm hoping someone can explain the deal with the daily limit on protein, and what it means to go over it? I am almost always over my limit, and often by quite a lot (20-50g over), but I'm still under on calories, and if I go over on fat it's not by a lot. Is this bad? What does this mean? Why have a top limit on protein?

Also, I'm almost always over on fiber too. I didn't think that was a bad thing, and generally thought of a daily limit more as a goal to reach as a minimum... But is that wrong? What's the story? If it's not bad to go over your daily goal on fiber (and/or protein for that matter), why have the numbers be negative and in red, like when you go over on calories and fat (which is understandably a negative aspect, and so understandably red...)

Thanks MFP! ;)


  • peripah
    peripah Posts: 120
    Oh, good, I was wondering about this too. I have the same situation: over (by a lot) in protein and in fibre as well.
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    I'm always over for fiber and protein -- even though I bumped MFP's setting up higher than the defaults! I look at the protein and fiber as minimums, not maximums. Works for me! (Everything else -- sodium sugar, etc. -- I view as minimums.)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I have same question. Today im at 93 protein out of 61. Fiber is 32 out of 19. Sugar is the one i have a problem with too cuz a couple pieces of fruit put me over (today i had nothing but natural foods, and my sugar is 118 out of 32--over 3x higher--near 4x higher! after a banana, half an apple, 8 strawberries, etc). Im dead even on fat and under on carbs, etc, but i always wonder about sugar, protein and fiber..
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    According to what I've read, the fibre recommendations are here are about 2/3 of what we should be getting. Or at least mine is. If I remember correctly they suggest about 25 mg a day. I hear a lot of people asking the same about protein, but I think as long as your not going over your calories or fat, protein is fine too. Especially if you're trying to build muscle.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    MFP's recommendations for protein is WAY too low, in my opinion. They say you should eat close to your body weight in protein. I aim for 150-200g of protein every day.
  • arissamay
    arissamay Posts: 7
    I've only taken a few nutrition courses in college back in the day, so I did some quick googling and found a few answers -

    Fiber - seems to say that the only major downside to eating too much fiber is that your body has less time to absorb vitamins so supplements are a good idea - http://www.medpedia.com/questions/702-is-it-possible-to-eat-too-much-fiber

    Protein - WebMD article says that if protein = >30% of your daily caloric intake you can build up toxic ketones that your kidneys try to flush out, and the flushing out process can lead to dehydration that puts a lot of pressure on your kidneys and heart - http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=50900
  • murke
    murke Posts: 1
    I have been going over too. I asked the dietician at the gym about this and she said these estimates are too low. Based on my goal of eating 1200-1500 calories a day, she suggested to aim for at least 25 grams of fiber. She also suggested not to worry too much about the protein because it's really hard to overdo it. If you are staying below on calories, then you are probably eating lean proteins so that's healthy!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm always over for fiber and protein -- even though I bumped MFP's setting up higher than the defaults! I look at the protein and fiber as minimums, not maximums. Works for me! (Everything else -- sodium sugar, etc. -- I view as minimums.)

    This is a good way to look at it.

    For me...if I'm not double my protein recommendation...I'm very unhappy lol. Fiber I wish I could even get what they suggest. Carbs...I wouldn't touch that many carbs with a ten foot pole =D.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I agree with wiggleroom, those numbers are way too low and the carbs they allow are way too high for my personal metabolism. I consider the protein/fiber numbers to be a minimum, I try to get them in the red each day. I have orders from my doctor to eat at least 50g protein every 3 hours while I'm awake, so that's usually over 350g a day. I had to reset all the goals manually, but even then, "The code is more of what ye'd call guidelines than actual rules..."
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    This is what my nutritionist told me
    Protein 60-80 Grams a day
    Fluids 48-64 oz a day
    NO more than per serving with the following..
    total fat,sugar,
    and no more than 300 mg sodium per serving....
    Going over in fiber will NOT cause harm,,,if you CANT poo than you had to much.
    Hope this helps....If you have any more questions please feel free to send me a message...

  • K_J_R
    K_J_R Posts: 1
    It's strange. I'm over the protein limit every day since I've started. I even went over the day that I had my lowest calories and barely any meat (I just had shrimp). I don't know. I think it's pretty silly.
  • MickieGram
    My nutritionist and I had this discussion on Monday. She reminded me that protein is in vegetables, fruit, milk, meat, nuts, legumes, and such, so it is okay to go over on protein. I'm on a 1400 cal./day and my target is 105g of protein/day. Fiber for 50+ years should be 30g/day.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I had to reset all the goals manually

    Ok I fully admit this might be a stupid question...but where do you rest them? I looked and either I'm blind, dense...or just plain stupid cause I can't find it lol...
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    @crisanderson27: You're not stupid, just haven't done it before. It's a multi-step process.

    Start at "My Home." Click on the tab (at top right side of page) that says "Goals." At the bottom of that page, there's a green button to "Change Goals." When you click that button, you have radio button options for "guided" or "custom." Choose "custom" and you'll get to the page where you can enter different percentages & goals. Just remember to save your work (green "save" button at the bottom) once you're done fiddling with it.
  • theplanahead
    I have same question. Today im at 93 protein out of 61. Fiber is 32 out of 19. Sugar is the one i have a problem with too cuz a couple pieces of fruit put me over (today i had nothing but natural foods, and my sugar is 118 out of 32--over 3x higher--near 4x higher! after a banana, half an apple, 8 strawberries, etc). Im dead even on fat and under on carbs, etc, but i always wonder about sugar, protein and fiber..

    YES!! One banana and I am sky high on my sugar. It just doesn't seem right. I am also nearly always over on protein and sugar (protein by a lot and sugar by a lot if I have had that sugary banana). I am almost never close on my carbs - usually 25 to 40% below the suggestion. My fiber is generally over too. Interesting....... I wonder what this means or if I am on a fast track to gout!!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    @crisanderson27: You're not stupid, just haven't done it before. It's a multi-step process.

    Start at "My Home." Click on the tab (at top right side of page) that says "Goals." At the bottom of that page, there's a green button to "Change Goals." When you click that button, you have radio button options for "guided" or "custom." Choose "custom" and you'll get to the page where you can enter different percentages & goals. Just remember to save your work (green "save" button at the bottom) once you're done fiddling with it.


    The menu system on this board is anything but intuitive lol. Each page has a different type menu bar at the top =p.
  • BeeHummingbird
    I work around alot of PT's in the fitness area and have asked this question myself. The answer they gave me was you should eat your weight in protien eg. If you way 60 kg then eat 60 grams ( this is just an example) now if you are wanting to build muscle then you eat more protien than that, but not sure on the exact amount there. Hope that helps a bit :-)
  • lalinzki
    WOW. I was just looking at my protein and I'm already at -6 at lunch. So glad that I google it and it took my back to MFP :) Now to find what's my next meal :)
  • jbudge1
    jbudge1 Posts: 62 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it too much. I go over every day on protein and I still feel like I am not getting enough.