
MiaBBurr Posts: 1
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all. I've actually been signed up for a while, but just recently really started using this. I've got some questions about weight loss, if y'all could help me out. (:

1. I've read an older post about "why it's good to eat your work out calories" but I honestly still don't get it. I thought Calories out > calories in = weight if I've eaten 1200 cals, and burned off 800.....but then I re-eat the 800....I've technically not burned calories.....I'm so confused!!!!!!!

2. How desperately important are carbs (or lack there of) to a diet? I'm a poor college student. :P Ramen and Tuna are my main sources of food half the time (which probably accounts for my recent tiredness after working out).

3. Any good pre-work out boosts that help yall push thru? I'm a caffeine addict [addict to the point where I'd give it my first child in order for a lifetime supply...] but have recently cut back significantly upon my coffee intake [another reason for the tiredness...] But I used to have a cup of coffee right before my workout and that helped me SO much...

I guess that's it....

Oh, and I'm Mia (:


  • peppersg
    peppersg Posts: 6
    Hi, I just started MFP too.. I can address the first one... google BMR and find out what yours is.. That is the baseline of calories it takes to fuel your body just breathing... Lets say it is 1800, if you cut your calories to 1200, you will be in the deficit 600 a day... which is great.. When you are deficit 3500 you will lose a pound.. but to exercise you need fuel.. Like your car does... so lets say you burn 200 calories exercising, just add that to your daily calories.. Personally I don't think you need to eat all of them if it is really high, but if you are doing a good work out, you need to eat at least 1500, but if you take a day off, just eat 1200.. If you don't bump up your calories you will have a good weight loss for a couple weeks til your body realizes what you are doing then it will go into starvation mode and not let anything go... All of our bodies are different.. You might have to tweek what you are doing as you go along.. Make sense??
    Good luck!!
  • peppersg
    peppersg Posts: 6
    Ramen noodles are not good for you at all.. lots of empty carbs and sodium.. Tuna is good for you though.. Try shopping the outer limits of your grocery store.. Most of this is "God's" food.. The middle of the store tends to be processed foods that have little nutritional value...
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