I know that everyone is saying that 1200 is bad..

CrystalClear Posts: 18
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
but on most days I have trouble even making it to that many calories
and then I work out every day and burn roughly 600 calories
so every day I have an extremely low net calorie intake and I get that 'you may be putting your body in starvation mode" warning from MFP

However I feel great, actually I feel really healthy:happy:
I'm losing weight too, and I never feel lightheaded and I don't really have many cravings to overeat

I know that I SHOULD be feeling sick and horrible due to lack of energy, but I take vitamins daily to make sure my nutrients are all there and I am obsessive about making sure everything I eat is loaded with good nutrients for me

Is this just a fluke and I will crash soon? Or does anyone else feel like this too?


  • but on most days I have trouble even making it to that many calories
    and then I work out every day and burn roughly 600 calories
    so every day I have an extremely low net calorie intake and I get that 'you may be putting your body in starvation mode" warning from MFP

    However I feel great, actually I feel really healthy:happy:
    I'm losing weight too, and I never feel lightheaded and I don't really have many cravings to overeat

    I know that I SHOULD be feeling sick and horrible due to lack of energy, but I take vitamins daily to make sure my nutrients are all there and I am obsessive about making sure everything I eat is loaded with good nutrients for me

    Is this just a fluke and I will crash soon? Or does anyone else feel like this too?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    If you just started this process, it doesn't hit you right away. I suggest you see your doctor or a licensed nutritionist if you don't believe what is being said here by many many educated people who have been successful at long-term weight loss and maintenance.
  • Its not that I don't believe anyone, its just that I'm wondering whether or not this is normal for other people too. Though thanks for the input, I'm going to talk to my doctor next time I go in for a check up :smile:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    My opinion is that you are young so you will keep going for awhile. But you could be hurting your body by not giving it the fuel it needs. Getting the nutrients from vitamins isn't enough. Your body needs real food to sustain itself.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    but on most days I have trouble even making it to that many calories
    and then I work out every day and burn roughly 600 calories
    so every day I have an extremely low net calorie intake and I get that 'you may be putting your body in starvation mode" warning from MFP

    However I feel great, actually I feel really healthy:happy:
    I'm losing weight too, and I never feel lightheaded and I don't really have many cravings to overeat

    I know that I SHOULD be feeling sick and horrible due to lack of energy, but I take vitamins daily to make sure my nutrients are all there and I am obsessive about making sure everything I eat is loaded with good nutrients for me

    Is this just a fluke and I will crash soon? Or does anyone else feel like this too?

    Well first off I'm not surprised at all by your losing weight right now...but what exactly are losing?? Muscle!!! NOT FAT! Are you wanting to lose muscle or burn fat.... that's why you so often hear us speak of eating ENOUGH! You hair will begin to thin out, your skin becomes effected, you energy level WILL lower...I have no clue how long you've been eatin this way but MOST DEFINITELY you body cannot put up with not getting the proper fuel.

    Can you drive your car if the tank is empty? Sure your gas tank has a bit of reserve in it....perhaps that's what you body is in now, but if you continue to cut your body short it has nothing to pull from except your vital organs which are made up of muscle.

    You don't have to eat any cals each day if you don't want too none of us will make you, we are merely making healthy suggestions that are ones that DO WORK!!...but if you want to be healthy, have shiny healthy hair, healthy skin, a functioning brain, lots of energy, a healthy heart and the list goes on and on...muscle in your body (muscle burns fat...our body is made up of muscles, you definitely want more muscles if you're looking to tone up and lose fat)

    The choice truly is yours....I"m not trying to be insensitive but it does sound like you know the proper thing to do and and are chosing not too. :huh: :noway:

    All the best..but I do hope you change your mind and come on over and join us on the healthy side!:drinker: :bigsmile:

  • michelleisfit
    michelleisfit Posts: 43 Member
    I know what you mean by not being able to eat your calories. Today for example I burned 750 at the gym according to my HRM and the calorie counters on the machines (I average out the numbers) and then just under 300 when I got home and did my Jillian Michaels DVD. It says I should be eating 2100 calories today and that just won't happen.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    but on most days I have trouble even making it to that many calories
    and then I work out every day and burn roughly 600 calories
    so every day I have an extremely low net calorie intake and I get that 'you may be putting your body in starvation mode" warning from MFP

    However I feel great, actually I feel really healthy:happy:
    I'm losing weight too, and I never feel lightheaded and I don't really have many cravings to overeat

    I know that I SHOULD be feeling sick and horrible due to lack of energy, but I take vitamins daily to make sure my nutrients are all there and I am obsessive about making sure everything I eat is loaded with good nutrients for me

    Is this just a fluke and I will crash soon? Or does anyone else feel like this too?

    Well first off I'm not surprised at all by your losing weight right now...but what exactly are losing?? Muscle!!! NOT FAT! Are you wanting to lose muscle or burn fat.... that's why you so often hear us speak of eating ENOUGH! You hair will begin to thin out, your skin becomes effected, you energy level WILL lower...I have no clue how long you've been eatin this way but MOST DEFINITELY you body cannot put up with not getting the proper fuel.

    Can you drive your car if the tank is empty? Sure your gas tank has a bit of reserve in it....perhaps that's what you body is in now, but if you continue to cut your body short it has nothing to pull from except your vital organs which are made up of muscle.

    You don't have to eat any cals each day if you don't want too none of us will make you, we are merely making healthy suggestions that are ones that DO WORK!!...but if you want to be healthy, have shiny healthy hair, healthy skin, a functioning brain, lots of energy, a healthy heart and the list goes on and on...muscle in your body (muscle burns fat...our body is made up of muscles, you definitely want more muscles if you're looking to tone up and lose fat)

    The choice truly is yours....I"m not trying to be insensitive but it does sound like you know the proper thing to do and and are chosing not too. :huh: :noway:

    All the best..but I do hope you change your mind and come on over and join us on the healthy side!:drinker: :bigsmile:


    Good Post FC!
  • Once again thank you. And its not at all that I'm choosing to eat this way, I was actually a little concerned about it, which is exactly why I posted the bulliten. It is just that I am not naturally that hungry and I would have to literally force myself to eat more then I am already eating. When it comes to hunger I am always completely satisfied, so I do not feel starved in the least
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I know what you mean by not being able to eat your calories. Today for example I burned 750 at the gym according to my HRM and the calorie counters on the machines (I average out the numbers) and then just under 300 when I got home and did my Jillian Michaels DVD. It says I should be eating 2100 calories today and that just won't happen.
    but there is a HUGE difference between not being able to hit 1200 a day and not being able to get in 2100 cals.:flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Once again thank you. And its not at all that I'm choosing to eat this way, I was actually a little concerned about it, which is exactly why I posted the bulliten. It is just that I am not naturally that hungry and I would have to literally force myself to eat more then I am already eating. When it comes to hunger I am always completely satisfied, so I do not feel starved in the least
    Would eating more dense calorie foods perhaps help you? nuts, PB toast, glass of milk, trail mix...things such as that are healthy yet pack more cals per serving .

    just a thought :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    argh.....good luck, FC. This one is the ongoing battle that makes me go away from the boards. They want to listen to the person who is trying to get BELOW their healthy weight, and wh hasn't lost but a pound or two instead of those of us who have lost - how much? 198 POUNDS!!!!! You go FC! Or Tami - what 140 pounds lost? Or viviakay, 85 pounds lost. My measely 44 pounds is nothing :blushing: - but guess what? I ATE my exercise calories :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    ruh roh, double post :laugh:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    try it for a few days your body really will start to use the calories and crave them. I was surprised but I actually got all of my 2400 in today and my body is still energized. I can tell you from a lot of years of experience that low cal diets make you fat. My calories have been restricted by doctors, parents, health teachers etc, but no one ever told me to eat more until last year and I lost 22 pounds in 12 weeks eating 2400 calories a day. Before that they always told me 1200-1400 max. I would lose the first week then stall and start gaining. That is because your metabolism gets set at the point you set it. If you regularly feed your body 1200 cal. and burn 600 of those for a net of 600 calories then your metabolism gets set at 600 and anything over that you will gain like crazy. But if you continuously feed it more like 1800 it will get used to burning that and be much less likely to gain again. My trainer consitently eats 2400 cal a day and works out 30-45 min 3 days a week to maintain her weight(she was 81 pounds heavier when she started 6 years ago) and she says when she goes on a cruise or out to a big birthday dinner she sees no difference on the scale because her body is already used to eating the calories. Must be nice see that is what I'm aiming for. A highly revved metabolism that likes to burn not store fat.
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    I know what you mean by not being able to eat your calories. Today for example I burned 750 at the gym according to my HRM and the calorie counters on the machines (I average out the numbers) and then just under 300 when I got home and did my Jillian Michaels DVD. It says I should be eating 2100 calories today and that just won't happen.

    this happened to me today too.

  • i can show you my fat pictures if you need proof that under-eating WILL put you in fat-storage mode!..when i got fat it wasn't from eating delicious greasy sugary decadent bad foods...i was eating less than 1000 cals a day, working out like a maniac - sometimes twice a day, 6 days a week, and i truly wasn't hungry...the results were great in the beginning but then your body realizes that it's self destructing and then guess what - the pounds of fat stick on (and it isn't muscle weight you'll be gaining - definitely NOOOO muscle being built when you aren't feeding your body)....the more fat i gained, the less i would eat and the more i would work out...before i know it i am up 20 pounds in a year (you don't think you can get fat just eating celery? wanna bet?!?! sucks but it's true)...my advice to you is 1 - see a nutritionist who can check your metabolic rate to determine EXACTLY what your body's caloric needs are (my body needs about 2250 cals per day just to maintain!!!! who knew!!!! poor starved body - i was purely evil to myself)....2 - if you have problems with hunger and not being able to eat, you need to find calorie dense foods (like fitchick said in her post - PB, avocado, protein shakes, etc)...it's only a matter of time before your body will begin to feel deprived (for me it was about 6 months of mega skinny heaven) and then - poof - lights out - everything shuts down and you WILL be a different person within a year :sad:
  • I am 49 years old and battled weight all my life. I have been on diets that you have never even heard of.
    But I have also had periods where I was in shape. What it all boils down to is that you are burning a candle at both ends and sooner or probably NOT very much later your gonna pay a price for this.
    I could make a list of the things that your doing to your body but I don't have all night to type.

    Here is a link you need to read:
    Its not you exactly you but its where your headed!

    Your not exactly a heavy hitter here in terms of the weight you need to loose but you have some really serious nutrition issues you need to address. I suggest you do some research and start with the link above and get some balance in your life. I taking my second run at this site and I finally got it right and I have nearly lost your goal already in 40 some days with very little exercise.

    There is very little reason for you to go to the gym! Without the proper nutrition you are just compounding the damage you are doing to your internal organs, muscle and skeletal structures.
    Which if you continue may not be reversible.

    And finely one more point . The medical school at Loyal University ( one of the finest medical schools in the country) just released a in depth 10 year study which shows absolutely NO CORRELATION between weight loss and exercise! NADA! ZIP! ABSOLUTELY NONE!

    Don't get me wrong, exercise does wonderful things! But weight loss isn't one of them!
    In fact I have long suspected that taking a heavy hitter such as my self and telling them that they can eat their exercise calories is like taking a alcoholic and saying if you don't drink any whiskey today you can have a beer with dinner. LOL I saw a post today where a newbie was wanting to know how many calories you get from shopping!!

    Point is eat the proper nutrition and follow your guide lines and the 26 lbs or what ever it is will disappear before you know and then you will be nutritionally capable of actually getting some benifit from exercising!
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    thank you ladies.

    the people like Crystal and i really benifit from the people like you!

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    i can show you my fat pictures if you need proof that under-eating WILL put you in fat-storage mode!..when i got fat it wasn't from eating delicious greasy sugary decadent bad foods...i was eating less than 1000 cals a day, working out like a maniac - sometimes twice a day, 6 days a week, and i truly wasn't hungry...the results were great in the beginning but then your body realizes that it's self destructing and then guess what - the pounds of fat stick on (and it isn't muscle weight you'll be gaining - definitely NOOOO muscle being built when you aren't feeding your body)....the more fat i gained, the less i would eat and the more i would work out...before i know it i am up 20 pounds in a year (you don't think you can get fat just eating celery? wanna bet?!?! sucks but it's true)...my advice to you is 1 - see a nutritionist who can check your metabolic rate to determine EXACTLY what your body's caloric needs are (my body needs about 2250 cals per day just to maintain!!!! who knew!!!! poor starved body - i was purely evil to myself)....2 - if you have problems with hunger and not being able to eat, you need to find calorie dense foods (like fitchick said in her post - PB, avocado, protein shakes, etc)...it's only a matter of time before your body will begin to feel deprived (for me it was about 6 months of mega skinny heaven) and then - poof - lights out - everything shuts down and you WILL be a different person within a year :sad:

    Fletcher I'm so glad you posted....this is an excellent example of WHY we all share with new folks how important it is to EAT the cals allotted and a good portion of your excercise cals as well. Society pounds it into our heads that the less we eat the better off we'll be..

    Well folks, Fletcher was kind enough to share from her own life the battle and the damage that can be done by not eating enough to fuel our body!!

    Thank you thank you thank you!!:flowerforyou:

  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    it's 10pm and i should down a 300+ calories.

    boy am i temped to drink it! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    (wine is my bad)

    but i will not drink. :smile:

    any suggestions?
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