Trying not to be a control freak... Numbers, numbers, numbers

Been logging for 60 days now - dropped 20 lbs. Finally corrected my starting weight as I only weighed myself one week after starting logging and I now weigh myself everyday.

Also reset my activity level to 'sedentary' as I have an office job and MFP DOES NOT include exercise in the 'activity level' - right?

Really trying hard to just live and eat day by day and not let the numbers suck me keeping a very close eye on my net calories and a more or less watch my macros. I figure as I get closer to my goal weight (another 20 lbs to go) I will have to tighten everything up again - weigh food even more closely than I am now, etc.

Also I have started only eating back half of my calories from exercise after reading everyones advice (Thanks!!!)... I think this is a sensible approach.

Here's to 2016 and not getting sucked into the numbers too much!!


  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited December 2015
    That's quite an aggressive rate of loss, if you had 40 to lose in total - about 2.5 lbs a week. Why can't you drop it to 1/2 or 1 lb a week? It would be easier.
  • momallnight
    momallnight Posts: 52 Member
    Wow great job so far. I'm so impressed. Please be easy on yourself too. It's ok if it takes a bit longer to lose the last pounds. U r ok as u r now. I guess I just sense that u r stressed my dear. I am proud of u. Don't give up and be kind to u first.