Hi!New to the community part of MFP

My names Peggy and I'm 35. I've been using MFP for several years on and off. I'm pretty good about logging in but I get bored with one app and use another Sometimes. I started on my fitness journey about 6 or 7 year ago. I was about 195 and I started with WW but as many of you know it can get pretty expensive. so I Continued On my own. Sometimes I go back to the whole points thing but at the moment I'm not. iv lost about 55 lbs. Im still trying to lose about 20 more. Its very slow. But I'm just so happy I've gotten this far! I'd love to have some new friends on my journey.


  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Best of luck to you! You're well on your way. Hopefully MFP can help you reach the next leg of your journey.
  • Pegitha13
    Pegitha13 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! Hope so. :):):)