

I'm new to this kind of weight loss approach and i hope this will help me achieve what i want. I'm currently 175cm tall, 29 years old and at this moment bang on 182lbs. Every scale and 'healthy weight range' chart shows i'm well overweight, and i need to lose 17lbs just to get into 'healthy' range....i have many issues with it all, mainly that everyone i know thinks i'm not overweight, but the whole thing just depresses me and really bings me down.

I'm trying to do something about it and MFP seems a good approach....

My main concern on browsing this forum is everyone on here seems to be doing MFP along with some other type of diet or fitness plan.......all the success stories talk about some form of other diet or fitness plan i find myself questioning whether MFP is even worth it if everyone's doing other stuff in order ot shed the pounds....

Please someone tell me i'm wrong and that just using MFP will help me achieve my goals, and that i can do it...i'm really at rock bottom.



  • meparker56
    meparker56 Posts: 36
    :smile: MFP works because people pull together to support each other no matter which method they use to lose weight. I haven't gone on a diet, I have just gone to having smaller portions of the things I do eat, and MFP is a good place to keep track of the calories you are taking in and using up with exercise. If I have a craving for something, I have in, but in moderation, and I work it into my daily intake. This is a great place to utilize if you are serious about losing weight or even just maintaining so.....you have nothing to lose and everything to gain (except weight, lol). Welcome to MFP! :smile:
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    Not that I'm a huge success story (yet), but I use just MFP (along with being smart about what I eat and trying to be active most days). Basically, MFP allows me to see, in a list, what I'm eating in a day--it gives me perspective. As long as you're smart about what you eat, stay active, and TRACK, TRACK, TRACK (that's the key), MFP is amazing! :)
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    I personally am using it to help track my food and exercise. I am not using a diet or anything but just making healthy choices. I have started to see some real results that I was not seeing without the site. I exercise regularly and try to eat healthy. It for me is about making healthy lifestyle changes. Another thing that i have found wonderful abou tthis site really is the community of people who you may never have met who support you.
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member

    I'm only using MFP in so much that I'm not on a particular diet (Atkins, WeightWatchers, Tony Ferguson etc) and count the calories and other nutrients to stay within goal as for fitness plan, I'm guessing you mean stuff like the C25K or 30DS and so on rather than doing exercise. If so then that's me as well! I do workout several times a week but its doing things I enjoy doing rather than following a particular plan. Its working for me - I've lost 10kg in about 3months so far.

    You can just use MFP without exercise to lose weight as it builds in a calorie deficit so by staying within your goals each day will result in weight loss, many people do this entirely successfully however if you are able to incorporate some exercise into your life it will help tremendously with your health and may make yourself feel better and more positive about your body.

    As for if you can do it, of course you can but, honestly, it isn't a quick process or at times an easy one but as you start seeing that weight go down it gives you the encouragement to stick with it and soon enough the new healthier choices you make will become second nature and you'll have new energy. But you must be honest and track everything.

    The other thing I have found which helps lots is to have some friends on here - like a cheering squad really! Its nice to be able to post about a struggle and have people 'help' you through it and equally to post something good (like going down a clothes size or doing a new exercise) and have someone share your joy. It is really all about the community on here!
  • Bettyboopsie39
    Hey there...
    Im pretty new to the site.. just a week now.. and i find the tools of tracking your food and whatever exercise you do, do (even just a walk - will tell you how many calories you burned)
    I was shocked to learn that what i thought was a healthy choice, in fact, was loaded with calories and would probably explain why i have not lost any weight.
    it can be somewhat tiresome of always logging.. but once you take just a few minutes to do so, and you discover WHAT it is your really eating, it will give you some incentive and push you to make better choices..

    Wishing all the success!