Need Vegetarian ideas

akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
Starting tomorrow my boyfriend and I are giving our healthy lifestyle and weight loss journey a boost and for the first 30 days of the new year we are going totally plant based, no processed foods and hopefully less processed starches (gonna try to stay away from pasta unless it's homemade!).
We've been trying to get healthier and started exercising, but we both need to recharge and cleanse and get all the bad stuff on the way out! So what I need help with are some awesome veggie heavy recipes (we are not giving up dairy or eggs). Thanks!


  • rebeccaj822
    rebeccaj822 Posts: 92 Member
    Easy stuff:
    1. roasted brussel sprouts. Use a good quality olive oil (about 0.5 tbs per serving). Roast for ~ 25 min at 400 until the edges are brown and crispy (vegan bacon I call it). Them drizzle a good quality balsamic vinegar - you don't need much.
    2. Baby Bok Choy. Cut into long slices. Pan fry hot and fast with sesame oil and a thick soy sauce (Japanese style if you can find it).
    3. Roasted winter squash soup. Cut winter squash into peices and massage in some Olive oil. Roast until they are soft and a little brown. Cool, peel and cut. In a soup pan, put a little EVOO and brown 1 small red onion cut into little peices. Then add the cooked squash with some salt and pepper, 1 heaping Tbs of cumin, and about 2 cups of veggie broth ( I use the reduced sodium better than bullion veggie broth which I get on the Internet). Cook for 30 minutes. Then dump the whole thing into a blender and liquefy. This stuff is addictive. has wonderful vegan recipes.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I've been vegan for over a decade, and a body builder for a long time. I've been a gourmand and amateur chef (who's worked with professional chefs)

    My go to recipe site is

    Good luck.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    akern1987 wrote: »
    Starting tomorrow my boyfriend and I are giving our healthy lifestyle and weight loss journey a boost and for the first 30 days of the new year we are going totally plant based, no processed foods and hopefully less processed starches (gonna try to stay away from pasta unless it's homemade!).
    We've been trying to get healthier and started exercising, but we both need to recharge and cleanse and get all the bad stuff on the way out! So what I need help with are some awesome veggie heavy recipes (we are not giving up dairy or eggs). Thanks!

    These are contradictory. Dairy and eggs don't come from plants. You might get more helpful advice if you were clear and consistent. I was all set to launch into recipes using beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, to ensure you get enough protein, until I read the last sentence. And to point out the need for B12, except if you're really only doing this for 30 days, it's not that important, since your body stores a long-term supply of B12 when you do eat foods from animals.

    Anyway, one thing that is a problem for a lot of people when they're just starting on a plant-focused diet, is that a pile of broccoli or spinach or brussels sprouts doesn't cut it as an entree -- no matter how much they eat, they still feel like all they've had is a "side." They want something that feels like an entree, and since you say you won't be eating processed foods, that pretty much eliminates substituting "fake meat" patties and crumbles for meat.

    Beans and grains can provide some of the heft you're used to getting in meals from meats.

    Portobello mushrooms (grilled or broiled, like a steak) can also help fill that meal "centerpiece" role, plus give you that umami sensation you may be missing without meat. You can convert any chili recipe into a meatless recipe by subbing beans for meat; I've also done lentil chili (lentils, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, garlic, chili powder, cumin -- after it's cooked, top with cheese and/or sour cream and/or greek yogurt).

    I also like eggplant when I'm looking for a vegetable to take center stage -- sliced lengthwise in planks, it also gives you something substantial on your plate. I do a mean faux eggplant parmesan -- quicker and lower calorie. Slice eggplant into planks; salt, let rest, and blot off liquid if you're bothered by eggplant "bitterness"; broil or grill the eggplant, arrange in a shallow baking pan or casserole, top with good-quality tomato-based pasta sauce (commercial or homemade) and mozzarella (fresh or aged, your choice), and bake for about 20 minutes (until cheese starts to brown a little). Remove from oven and top with parmesan; return to oven for a few minutes if you like to melt and brown the parmesan a little.

  • msammunition
    msammunition Posts: 8 Member
    Zoodles are an awesome alternative to pasta. Zucchini noodles are one of my favorites.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,720 Member
    The Ottolenghi site should provide plenty of inspiration.
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    thanks for all the replies and recipe sites! I am excited for this venture, and have been having a great day one so far!!! I appreciate it. Hope everyone has a wonderful start to their new year, 2016!
  • Amanda_Tate28
    Amanda_Tate28 Posts: 168 Member
    Look up gordon Ramsay's Broccoli soup recipe. So so good. We don't add the goat cheese, olive oil, or walnuts and it is so so good!!! Crazy low calorie and taste amazing dispite how simple it is. Just broccoli, water, and salt.
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    that sounds great, we love Gordon Ramsay, so I'm sure it will be amazing! thanks for the tip :)
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    Not a vegetarian, but I love this soup:
    It is great especially for this cold weather, and it really fills you up.
  • CeciliaBobilia
    CeciliaBobilia Posts: 246 Member
    I was a vegetarian for 6 years and while I am too lazy to write out any recipes, I'll give you a little advice (and a link to a recipe).

    Beware of relying too heavily upon dairy. If you want a cheesy taste without the calories, try nutritional yeast. It sounds gross, but it is soooo good in recipes.
    Unsweetened almond milk is the shizzle...and it's only 30 calories for an 8oz glass.
    As @lynn_glenmont suggested, eat mushrooms--they will give you the sensation of eating meat and you will feel much more satisfied with your meals. is a blog with lots of great vegan recipes. This is the BEST food I've ever made!
  • GemFromJannah
    GemFromJannah Posts: 58 Member

    I love making this! 2 large eggs, 1 handful baby spinach shredded, 5 mushrooms cut small, 1 tomato sliced. 1minced garlic clove, 1/2tspn course black pepper, 1/2tspn Turmeric Powder, 1 Tspn mixed dry herbs, pinch sea salt, 1tbspn olive oil.

    Fry the garlic mushrooms & tomato with the herbs & spices for about 4min. Whisk 1 egg up with the salt and pour it over the veg in the pan and semi-scramble it all together. Next crack another egg on top of that and let it cook slowly, sprinkle on the chopped spinach leaves. Done!
  • SamiHearken
    SamiHearken Posts: 178 Member
    Keep protein in check! You'll feel fuller with more protein. It's harder but totally doable. Quinoa, lentils and eggs are great. Beans and substitute meats are also good
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member