Any teachers out there....



  • sbroz2683
    sbroz2683 Posts: 1 Member
    Assistant Principal here! I'll add you!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    What's great about working at a school is that many of them give you access to their gyms/weight rooms. I also like the structure of the day, I (almost) always have the same schedule and can plan accordingly.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Me! I taught Mathematics at a local college and after a while I needed a change, so now I teach Elementary and Middle School Math. During the summer off, I decided to get in shape and it's stuck with me ever since. Feel free to add me! :)
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    What's great about working at a school is that many of them give you access to their gyms/weight rooms. I also like the structure of the day, I (almost) always have the same schedule and can plan accordingly.
    Totally agree, despite having a nice little home gym, and a membership to the local gym, I still get most of my workouts done during lunch break at school.
  • ljo239
    ljo239 Posts: 16 Member
    Does being a school counselor count? If so, I am a middle school guidance counselor in NJ, restarting MFP and looking for friends. Thanks.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Special Ed teacher. I've lost and kept off about 60lbs, but I've got about 10lbs that has been off and on. Currently it's back on again.
  • Jaymefirst
    Jaymefirst Posts: 268 Member
    Jaymefirst wrote: »
    5th grade teacher in PNW! Most of my friends have gone inactive...feel free to add me!
    Jaymefirst wrote: »
    5th grade teacher in PNW! Most of my friends have gone inactive...feel free to add me!

    Good to befriend you. Let's motivate one another

    Request sent ;)
  • Bostonbee79
    Bostonbee79 Posts: 40 Member
    A question for everyone - how do you fit in exercise during the week? I find that I'm exhausted at the end of the day, and am not a morning person so doing it before school would kill me! I'm usually at work from 8:00-4:30. Then I come home and walk my dog for a half hour or so (shorter or longer, depending on the weather!). She's my first priority after school because she's been home alone all day. After that, I spend time preparing and cooking dinner. That does leave me plenty of time after dinner to work out, but I just have no desire to! At that point, I'm tired and want to relax for the evening. I'd love to hear everyone's exercise routines!!
  • chrisnawoo
    chrisnawoo Posts: 27 Member
    Hawaii Middle School Sped Teacher...feel
    Free to add me and goal to lose 40 lbs or 1 lb a week...trying to lose the baby extra weight
  • msquinn493
    msquinn493 Posts: 2 Member
    Teacher here from Massachusetts!
  • 5LeRue
    5LeRue Posts: 4 Member
    1st grade teacher from Texas here.
    A question for everyone - how do you fit in exercise during the week? I find that I'm exhausted at the end of the day, and am not a morning person so doing it before school would kill me! I'm usually at work from 8:00-4:30. Then I come home and walk my dog for a half hour or so (shorter or longer, depending on the weather!). She's my first priority after school because she's been home alone all day. After that, I spend time preparing and cooking dinner. That does leave me plenty of time after dinner to work out, but I just have no desire to! At that point, I'm tired and want to relax for the evening. I'd love to hear everyone's exercise routines!!

    That's the problem I seem to run into but I tend to stay really late at work. I tend to not leave until 5:30 or 6 pm so I find it hard as well to have any energy to do anything after school. For Christmas I got a stationary bike... I just need to use it.
  • Bostonbee79
    Bostonbee79 Posts: 40 Member
    msquinn493 wrote: »
    Teacher here from Massachusetts!

    I taught in MA for 8 years, in Boston! I miss that city!
  • amarz298
    amarz298 Posts: 36 Member
    Special education teacher k-8. Ready to get back on track. Have 55 pounds to loose.
  • briters89
    briters89 Posts: 10 Member
    I teach severely handicapped in California. I'm having a hard time fitting in exercise. I also teach home and hospital before AND after school, so I work 7am-5/6pm. Then I have to write IEPs and all of the other fun paperwork associated with special education. Then when I get home I have two very young kiddos (oldest just turned 2, and the youngest is 9 months) that I'd rather spend time with than exercise. :) with them, cooking dinner, cleaning, meal prepping, and finally seeing my hubby (he's in class until 8-9 each night. He's home with the boys until 2pm, though) I just can't figure it out.
  • zcash_91
    zcash_91 Posts: 8 Member
    IL middle school teacher here! Add me n let's motivate one another on our journeys! I am looking to lose some body fat and tone muscle.
  • tjkonyha
    tjkonyha Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm a middle school teacher. My 16 year old daughter has convinced me I need to eat healthier and loose some weight. My goal is 40 lbs. I'm determined to do it this time and would really like to have some outside support. Please add me as a friend.
  • ccbwaynefoster
    ccbwaynefoster Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All, an Aussie Science teacher here who is going to lose 23kg in 2016. Yo-yoed around on MFP for the past couple of years but haven't done it properly by joining the community and seeking the support I need. Happy to be part of this teacher support network if you'll have me.
  • catladyteacher
    catladyteacher Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I teach 8th English in Newark, NJ. I'd love some support from fellow educators!
  • sassynsweet2014
    sassynsweet2014 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm a teacher, feel free to add me!
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    <<< Retired Teacher , after 40 years full time...... I am proud to say I am still a teacher. .. yet not proud of the challenge of maintaining a healthy weight. It is a matter of lifestyle. As long as most of you are working full time, my MD said.. to exercise before the work day begins. This is a sacrifice of an hour of sleep.... but you can exercise in your home, in front of a tv.... using an exercise video. If you have cable, there are free thirty minute exercise programs. As for food intake, start cutting out the things you don't need: potato chips when you are grading papers..... chocolate candy bar at mid day for " energy," or. ... the Pizza on Friday night.... Start cutting your vegetables on Sunday Night....Prepare your lunches.... brown bag.... dont' go out for big lunches.... and stock up on fish, skinless chicken breasts.... Then... tell your family or people in your inner circle this statement>" Thank you for your support for the next few months. I am going to be on a fitness plan that will need support and encouragement. If you love me, you won't offer me large quantities of sugar, fats, and carbs. If you want to take a walk with me.... let's do it. I love you all, and I love me."