Still hungry, what should I do?

i have a couple of questions and hope someone out there can help. I have my activity level set to sedentary because that is what I used to be but now that I have started here I am exercising more (at least 30 mins a day either walking or the wii) and have started the c25k program. I am finding that the calorie allowance does not satisfy me. I have it set to lose 1 pound a week and don't know if I should change my activity level or the way I am eating, like spacing snacks and meals into a regimented schedule. Has anyone ever experienced this? What have you done to help this? Please help.

I will make my diary public and please more that on 6/14 husband was in er so the day is a bit off


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I've had these hungry periods happen about 3 times since joining MFP. Each time, i bumped up my calorie intake. You can do a sanity check with a TDEE calculator and/or Harris-Benedict formula (google them). For whatever reason, outside calculators seem to give me a more realistic (i.e., higher) calorie allowance than MFP does.

    Raising my calories has never hurt my weight loss. In fact, I've been done with weight loss mode for the past month.

    Edit: after reading some of the comments and browsing your diary, I think I may have spoken too soon. I agree with the idea of replacing the empty calories with better options. Always try to eat complex carbs, lean proteins, good fats. Avoid or limit simple carbs and sugars. Try that first. Wholesome healthy foods are more satiating.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    At a quick glance? Cut out the soda & fast food and use the calories for more filling foods.
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    If you are logging your exercise then no becuase you can eat those calories back. If you are doing all of those active things and then not logging/eating the cals back then change the level.
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    I agree with Dawn. You have 500 calories in soda alone. Plus eat more for breakfast, that always helps me. I go through these phases like once a month, usually it is when I am losing the most, so I just up my snacks. And try to make sure my snacks are fruit and nuts or string cheese, something somewhat healthy : ) good luck and log that exercise : )
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    You need to eat more protein 75-100 grams (maybe more) and half the carbs you are currently eating. I would skip the soda and drink more water. Just fruit for breakfast is not enough. You need to have protein with each meal.
  • enlarsh
    enlarsh Posts: 67
    Ditto on the soda. Adding some high-fiber foods will help also. High fiber cereal like Kashi Go Lean is a good one. Make sure to drink lots of water as well. HTH!
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Where are your fruits and veggies? I'd ditch the mcdonalds and soda and add more fruits and veggies.

    Your sodium levels must be through the roof!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    How long have you been working towards weight loss? I am still in the beginning stages (maybe 2 weeks now) and I still get hungry. What has helped me is eating low-calorie more filling foods like broccoli, oatmeal and apples. I also increased my water intake--that helped alot. I discovered that sometimes I'm not really hungry, my body just needs water.
  • mrsfeuer
    mrsfeuer Posts: 69 Member
    The coca cola and fast foods and quick foods are what's holding you back. Try going simpler. Chicken, veggies, find other lower calorie alternatives to regular things.

    I removed mayo from my diet and use Weight Watchers or Laughing Cow cheese wedges: 110+ calories VS 30/35 calories.

    If I want a soda I drink a diet soda which is 140 cals VS 0 cals

    Arnold Sandwich thins 100 calories VS regular bread which is a lot more. I use Grilled and Ready Chicken Breast Fillets and make a sandwich with them and bring it with me so I don't eat fast food.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    A few things that might help:
    -drink water every time you feel like you need a snack; sometimes those signals get mixed up and we think hungry when we should be thinking thirsty (it will also fill you some, so if you do really need to eat, you'll eat less)
    -get rid of most of the "empty" calories: gatorade (this was designed for the college/pro athlete, not necessary for most of us), soda, even some of the refined starches, are filling up your calories and not satisfying you nutritionally
    -stock up and fill up on fruits and veggies, plus whole grains. Veggies are very low cal and can add to your feeling of fullness. whole grains take longer to digest so you feel full longer. This is especially true when paired with a protein (or some fat)
    -eat SLOWLY. No kidding. It takes time for your body to recognize that it's been fed. When you eat slowly and savor your food, you get to enjoy it longer and you feel full with less than if you eat quickly or on the go.

    When we are used to overeating (which is what got us overweight in the first place), it takes some time to get used to being satisfied with less. Have you given yourself time to get used to the change? Also, make sure that you are only eating when hungry. It's a bad habit that many Americans are in to eat when bored, sad, happy, tired, excited, etc ....
  • Mandired78
    Mandired78 Posts: 69
    First, I wanted to say kudos to you for opening your diary to everyone and accepting feedback-that is not easy to do!

    After looking at your diary, I would try a few different things. More whole foods(fruits and veggies, etc). More protein and whole grains and less simple carbs. More water every day and little or no soda.

    When you eat simple carbs/sugar, your blood sugar peaks and crashes rather quickly leading to constant hunger.

    This journey isn't always easy...every day make better and better choices until it is habit to eat healthy. Best of luck to you!
  • PandaFAmBAm
    PandaFAmBAm Posts: 111
    I would agree with skipping th soda maybe if you really miss it and need to slowley get off it try the soads that have zero calories I believe it will up your sodium but it might help you get use to not drinking soda
  • smile72101
    smile72101 Posts: 26 Member
    As I was looking over your diary it seems that alot of others posted what I was thinking...try replacing some of the carb and sodas with higher proteins and challenge yourself to only drink will see how much better it is to eat the calories instead of drinking them! I personally don't like diet sodas so I have done that exactly and if I start tofeel my belly rumble, I is usually a sign of thirst more than hunger!

    But increase protein, decrease carbs and sodas to allow for more healthy and fulfilling food options..

    Good luck!
  • jenttifer
    jenttifer Posts: 90 Member
    I agree with the other posts. When you start to change what you eat and swap bad choices for good choices you'll be amazed at how many extra calories you'll have when you actually feel full! Nix the soda, slow down on the high carb foods, and try to change your carbs to whole grain foods, fruits and veggies. Fast food is the enemy! And packaged foods are high in sodium and calories, even the "healthy" ones. This website is amazing and really keeps you accountable for what you put into your body. And everyone here is very helpful...the page is full of information if you're just willing to look, listen, and learn! Good luck on your journey! :)
  • beach_chelle
    beach_chelle Posts: 221
    Thank you everyone. I have been doing this for two weeks now. As far as fast food goes I have only had it twice since I started and that was because my husband has been really sick the last week so it has been hard and fast food was all I could find at the hospital without going far from him. I know soda is high in my diet, it is an addiction and I have cut that down at least by half sunce starting. I do enjoy it and don't want to cut it completely out but down to 1-2 cans at most once a week. I will try to have more protien in my diet. I do try to eat 5 fruits an vegs a day and I am trying to up my water. Today was just a really bad day with husband being in the ER most of the day. and it was really getting to me that I am still so hungry.
    Tomorrow is a fresh day and I will take all of your advice into it.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I wouldn't change your activity level setting. Just log your exercise as exercise, and eat the extra calories that your exercise grants you. :)

    Replacing soda with diet soda is also a great suggestion. Diet soda may not be a healthy drink, but it can be a great substitute as a stepping stone towards something better.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Add green veg. Even a small salary will fill you up and keep you full. Just don't go crazy on the dressings. In fact it's better to make you own with a bit of olive oil, herbs and vinegar .

    Also try cutting back on the processed foods. They trigger both hunger cravings and sugar cravings.

    Buy a few travel water bottles and keep one with you where ever you go. Most places have a water fountain, so it's easy to fill up. It will also help resist the temptation to drink other stuff.