Weight loss/workout accountability buddy wanted

I think my title explains it. I just want a buddy to go through this with


  • sarahgrable
    sarahgrable Posts: 7 Member
    Molly, I desperately need workout accountability too! I do really well on the food part (as long as I keep a diary, I am completely honest in logging everything I eat and sticking as close as possible to my calorie goals) but I just can't seem to get myself to the gym! I have worked with personal trainers for the past 4 years and as long as I had a training appointment, I would not break it. That is how I got myself to the gym for three intense workouts per week. I've decided that training is too expensive to keep doing, and I need to find a way to keep myself accountable for getting in my workouts. I haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks (and counting) since my last set of training sessions got used up.
  • dawling11
    dawling11 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Molly, you can add me.
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    Feel free to add me, too! I find that seeing people's burns and losses inspires me so much.

    Do you have a set routine?
  • a_brooklyn_girl
    a_brooklyn_girl Posts: 7 Member
    I am interested in finding an accountability partner, or a small accountability group. Please let me know if we could all work together, or someone is still in need of a partner. Cheers! Amy
  • nickiepix
    nickiepix Posts: 1 Member
    I need accountability too!!!!! With food and exercise!!! Let's make 2016 the best year it can be!!!
  • A_shot_of_Ri
    A_shot_of_Ri Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'd love a workout buddy as well. Anyone want to be my friend?
  • englishjames
    englishjames Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, you can add me too. My highest weight was 266lbs, current weight is 189. I want to reach my goal of 175 by the end of Feb. I need motivation to keep working out as I'm pretty bored of it! Feel free to add me.

  • sjscott6045
    sjscott6045 Posts: 1 Member
    I would to like to be added. I lost 68lbs about 2yrs ago and have gained 40back. I could use your help!
  • Janes_MFP
    Janes_MFP Posts: 102 Member
    u can add me.
  • Justdoitkelly
    Justdoitkelly Posts: 23 Member
    You can add me as well. :)
  • KellzNew92
    KellzNew92 Posts: 214 Member
    Add me if you like x
  • MaddyT122
    MaddyT122 Posts: 152 Member
    You can add me as well..
  • motive140
    motive140 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me too! My goal is to run a marathon by next year. I have 5ks under my belt and love kickboxing but gave up gym membership. Have school kids so meals are all over the place. But if any one else can help keep things in perspective help with accountability, that would be awesome!!