One more question, how often do you weigh yourself?

lolowjc05 Posts: 22 Member
Through doing a couple different diet plans, I have been instructed a little differently as to what the frequency should be for weighing myself. One plan said, do it weekly and the other one said do it daily. Thoughts?


  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I weigh daily, but I'm trying to learn which foods bloat me and how the tom affects my weight. The ups and downs of daily weighing do drive me a little crazy though. I think lots of people prefer to weigh less often.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I do daily. Yes, there are ups and downs. But in the long run, more data = more accurate trending.

    The individual variations are mostly irrelevant (although setting a new record low is fun) but the trend over weeks/months tells the real story. There are times where I would have thought I'd gained if I weighed on a weekly basis, instead I could see that my one Sunday happened to be a very dehydrated day (and in fact I felt dehydrated when I woke up) and the following week I was retaining some water on that day.

    Water weight fluctuations will confound you no matter how often you weigh - with daily weighing you can see the full story and recognize fluctuations for what they are.
  • tim201200
    tim201200 Posts: 146 Member
    I weigh daily..I need the check-in to keep me on track
  • lolowjc05
    lolowjc05 Posts: 22 Member
    I am leaning towards daily, I just need to remind myself that if I'm up a 1/2 pound or something that it's not a deal breaker but rather just a fluctuation with water or something. Especially if I have done all the right things with food and exercising.
  • Bostonbee79
    Bostonbee79 Posts: 40 Member
    edited January 2016
    I weigh daily knowing that there will be fluctuations. For example, between yesterday and today I "gained" 3 pounds. I know that's highly unlikely, so I don't worry about it. I weigh every day just to learn patterns about myself, food, water, etc. I do an official weigh in every Saturday morning and record it on MFP.
  • kdcomstock89
    kdcomstock89 Posts: 54 Member
    I try to weigh daily.
  • nellybelly2277
    nellybelly2277 Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh in every Monday. Mondays suck anyways - so if I'm going to be disappointed, then it's on a sucky Monday anyways
    if my weight is down - it turns a crappy Monday into an awesome day.
  • Flab2Fab2016
    Flab2Fab2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Just to buck the trend, I am planning to weigh WEEKLY. I think (for me) daily weighin would be demotiviating if I didnt see what I liked after what I thought was a good day the day before.

    But, its whatever works for you :smiley: Good luck :smiley:
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    People will tell you tons of different things. See what works for you.

    Personally, I weigh when I feel like it. Always in the AM, wearing nothing, after the bathroom, before eating or drinking for the day. But whenever I feel like it those mornings. Sometimes it's a few times a week, sometimes once a week, sometimes even less. Whenever.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    My weigh in day is on Saturday's but sometimes i'll do it several times a week out of curiosity. I've asked a few people the same question and some people find motivation in daily weigh ins and others get discouraged. Like someone previously said, it's whatever works best for you!
  • Runagain_4
    Runagain_4 Posts: 97 Member
    Daily, because it works for me. It doesn't work for everyone. My weight can easily fluctuate a couple of pounds daily so I pretty much disregard the actual weight on the scale. I just log it into a trending app, and then I refer to my trending weight as my actual weight. Whatever works for you is what's best.
  • Natyhimex
    Natyhimex Posts: 27 Member
    The 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. I used to weigh myself daily but I somehow caused me to binge :neutral:
  • ise311
    ise311 Posts: 107 Member
    Up to whatever you feel comfortable. I'm trying to start it daily (when I wake up each morning) from this year onwards.
  • RobotPhysique
    RobotPhysique Posts: 25 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    I do daily. Yes, there are ups and downs. But in the long run, more data = more accurate trending.
    Personally, I weigh myself daily then take a weekly rolling average to account for fluctuation and compare that to the following week's rolling average.

  • scotts87
    scotts87 Posts: 23 Member
    I weigh daily at the same time in the morning, or as close as I can manage. I find its a great way to add granularity to the long term tracking, and it provides a convenient way to keep up the habit of logging into MFP daily.
  • DanaLark
    DanaLark Posts: 7 Member
    Every two weeks because I have a lot to lose and get discouraged if I do it more often...daily would not work for me now. Once I lose the weight I think daily or weekly will be my norm...but not now! I love to see a big number so every two weeks helps you to just that. It feels awesome.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    You'll have to see what works for you. I weigh weekly (Saturday morning, without clothes, after using the bathroom and before eating), and that has worked fine for me for nearly two and a half years (losing 30+ lbs in about four months and maintaining that loss for more than two years). For people who are weighing daily to have the data and keeping track of the trend, that seems like a great approach. Some people who weigh daily may be thrown by normal weight fluctuations, but that can probably happen to some people weighing on a weekly basis, too. I don't use any of the tracking and trending programs, just logging on MFP (and on paper, which I was doing before MFP, just not as regularly -- but I like having the paper record in case MFP goes away). I average my four or five weekly readings each month, and that's what I tend to look at for trends.
  • BoaRestrictor
    BoaRestrictor Posts: 194 Member
  • daltonjsmom
    daltonjsmom Posts: 74 Member
    Daily, nekkid, after RR use. I tend to binge eat and my mind plays tricks on me. If I don't weigh every day and log my food the night before I am likely to discover I have gotten off track without realizing it. Is this for everyone? Do I wish I could eat whatever whenever and be skinny? Sure. But I have accepted that is never going to happen. This is what works for me most of the time. Every day is a struggle, and I am just blessed to still here doing it! If anyone needs any MFP friends, feel free to add me...I always appreciate the support and enjoy anytime I can help others... this girl keeps it real!
  • myssjaxson
    myssjaxson Posts: 89 Member
    I weigh every day or every other day. For me, the scale was a big enemy, I didn't like seeing my weight emotionally, it was hard. So I made myself weigh daily for a while, to make myself understand that it fluctuates and get used to my weight, it really helped me be more comfortable with the number. Because I had to realize that's all it is, a number.