Who has a Mirena?



  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i dont have anything bad to say about it...other than i bled for about the first month non stop that it was in. Ive had it now for 7 months, and i get a VERY light period once a month that last 3 days tops.
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    all of this info is absolutely brilliant!!!

    thankyou so much ladies!! you're all little super-stars :):drinker:

  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i have one and love it. i was fat, and i didn't notice a big weight gain from the mirena... but i was fat and overweight already anyway...

    love it love it love it.

    i don't get periods, and if i do they last for about 2 days and are ridiculouly light, so i just love it.... who wants a period anyway, they are gross. i'm done having kids, so i was going to get my tubes tied after this first mirena, but i'm so loving not having to deal with periods, that i'm going to get the mirena again because i'd hate to have to go back to having regular periods again, they are just something i don't want or need in my life anymore.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    I have had two Mirena's for a total of about 8 years. I spotted for the two weeks when the first one was put in but then didn't have anymore periods. I have suffered from PCOS since my teens and have horrible periods, so I loved this. I am not one to remember to take a pill every day (my daughhter Breanna is a miraculous exhibit A) so this worked really well for me. I have to be honest though, after reading the other replies I am a little concerned. I have always had issues with my weight, but this became worse in the last few years. I have also had depression/anxiety issues that have progressively gotten worse over the last few years. Now I am wondering if there is a connection. This is still a better option for me though than anything else they offer at the moment.
  • sassyfit04
    Hi, I had a Mirena inserted about five years ago. Although I went to the ER for pain the day after having it inserted, they only gave me pain meds and sent me home. They didn't even check for the strings, so I was unaware it had perforated my uterus. To make a long story short, I got pregnant but I had a hole in my uterus so I lost the baby and prolapsed my uterus. I have had to have a hysterectomy due to all my complications.

    I hope you have better luck than I did!!
  • ktspac
    ktspac Posts: 32
    i've had mirena for about about 15 months. haven't had a period in almost a year now :) i think 3 times in the last year i had the faintest spotting - usually after bragging about how wonderful mirena is, no period, no cramps, no babies. then i get the spotting that night. so i'm sure it will happen tonite now :P

    i tried to get it at my 6 week post partum check - for whatever reason it hurt way too bad & i made doc stop. i finally got brave enough to try it about 6 months later and there was no problem then - like bad cramps that's it & it's mainly when they measure the depth of the uterus.

    no probs with strings - neither of us can feel them.

    i love it - didn't have the guts to have my tubes tied after #2 but pretty darn sure we are done so this seemed to be the easiest route - have been on the pill or the ring for years and years.

    i didn't notice any particular weight gain with it either
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I had the Mirena for 4 years and LOVED it. I still had my period but very light and very random. I had it removed last September after i developed a Hypothyroid with tumors (may or may not be caused by the mirena) I gained over 20 lbs and started getting extreme pain in my kidney area. Since I had it removed I never get the pains anymore. Although I am now stuck with these tumors on my thyroid that have to be biopsy every 6 mo to test for cancer, I am glad I removed it. I miss the light periods and not having to worry about protection.
  • seatern
    seatern Posts: 15
    I've had a Mirena for 2 years and also love it. So much easier than having to take a pill everyday, way less hormones and I only get one day of spotting every few months.

    Of course everyone is different, but as far as birth control goes the Mirena tends to fix things that mother nature gave you (like heavy periods) without giving you the side effects that many other forms do (i.e. weight gain, mood disturbances, heavy periods.... all these things are POSSIBLE with the Mirena but just much less likely).

    The biggest downside is the pain with insertion and the upfront cost but overall I think it's the best form of contraception out there.
  • mags911
    mags911 Posts: 8 Member
    I have had both the copper and the mirena iud and before that birth control pills. From my side mirena is the best-no having to remember pills every day and it is good for 5 years. I went off birth control and got pregnant with my first son after that my doc suggested an iud and I chose copper thinking more natural well I bled pretty heavily but kept it in for a year and a half until we decided to go for number two and had no problems getting pregnant. After my youngest son was born I researched the heavy period thing and decided to go mirena and haven't looked back. I love it no periods at all. Fabulous! I will tell you insertion after a baby is soo easy I hardly felt it but after replacing iud after 5 year lapse and no baby is a different story. I reccommend the strongest pain killer you can get and maybe ask about a medication that helps dialate you a bit for easier insertion. I am hypothryroid and have been since I was 18 so birth control to copper to mirena no difference. As for weight gain I have gone up and done over the years all on my own. Good luck and best wishes.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Hi, I had a Mirena inserted about five years ago. Although I went to the ER for pain the day after having it inserted, they only gave me pain meds and sent me home. They didn't even check for the strings, so I was unaware it had perforated my uterus. To make a long story short, I got pregnant but I had a hole in my uterus so I lost the baby and prolapsed my uterus. I have had to have a hysterectomy due to all my complications.

    I hope you have better luck than I did!!

    So Sorry you went through this.
  • caitlinsmum
    caitlinsmum Posts: 55 Member
    I had my Mirena inserted about 7 months ago. The insertion wasn't fun, but I survived :ohwell: I now very rarely have periods and if I do it is vey light and much less painful than before. I have lost 48 lbs since just before I had it fitted. I won't say it was due to the Mirena, because I have made significant changes to what I eat and the amount I exercise, but I don't think the Mirena slowed my weightloss down either. The only thing I do find a bit odd is that I still get PMS like symptoms (not as severe as before) but then don't get a period - it might even be my imagination ...perhaps I should track it and see if tere is a pattern... :huh:
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    Again, thankyou so much everyone for writing your experiences!

    I'm so sorry for those of you that have had awful experiences with this method of contraception and a special thanks goes to you for sharing this with us all. It means a lot and I'm sure will not only help me out in my decision, but also anyone else who has wondered about this bc method.

    love to you all
    Ales xx
  • angie_roo
    angie_roo Posts: 55
    I've had Mirena for four years. Before I ever took birth control I had fairly painful cramps. Nothing to stop me from functioning though. Birth control got rid of those. When I got Mirena, they came back, but more as a sharp stabbing pain and not lasting for very long. Better over all. For me, my period stopped being regular like it was with the pill and became kind of irregular (I was often a week late). I did gain some weight but I'm not sure if it was related to Mirena or changes in my eating habits over all. My period did lighten over a year to the point now where I only need a liner now. That's a nice change!
    Because the gyno cut my strings too short, I have to get an ultrasound once a year to make sure everything is properly in place.

    Oh I have not given birth and I didn't find Mirena painful to get inserted. I took a couple of extra strength advil beforehand as I read lots of recommendations to do so.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I got it today so I'm no help.
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    I'm on the second round of Mirena. I got one in 2004 then the next on 2009. As far as the insertion, well let me just say that I have had 3 c-sections so my cervix has never been stretched as in a vaginal delivery which makes it a little more painful, but not intolerable. I have had some very light spotting the first couple months but nothing after that. My DH never complains or feels the "fishing" wire but you do need to check that often so you know it's still there and didn't go back into your uterus. Prior to Mirena, I used to have short periods but I had crazy painful cramps. It all stopped! no cramps! yay! I can say that the weight I gained was from poor food choices because I did lose weight before but then the twinkies found me! lol Just my experience. :drinker:
  • ishtar163
    ishtar163 Posts: 25 Member
    I got a Mirena placed at my 6 week postpartum visit to my midwife after the birth of my third child. I thought it was great for a long time...no period, no worries, no nothing. Unfortunately, I actually WAS having side effects, I just didn't know the were Mirena-related until everything else was ruled out. I was angry ALL the time (and I'm not an angry person ever normally), to the point that I found myself screaming at almost anyone who spoke to me. Additionally, I was growing facial hair and having a lot of trouble losing weight. I didn't connect the dots because I generally GAIN weight on hormonal birth control, and I hadn't this time, so I thought I was sympton-free. I was tipped off when I decided to do some searching about my anger problem because the hubby told me that he didn't want to be around me anymore and I was going to ruin the children. Also, I had been wondering why I had been very careful about my diet and exercise routine (controlled calorie and carb, plus half-marathon training) for over six months and had only lost a net of about ten pounds (normally I lose weight pretty easily). So anyway, I did some scavenging and found that these ARE sometimes side effects of the Mirena, so I had it taken out yesterday, after having it for just short of two years. I had never been fond of hormonal birth control, but everyone had convinced me that it was so great so I tried it. At any rate, I already feel better, and can't wait for my normal hormones to regulate so I can get back to my normal, happy self again.

    On a side note, I truly believe that hormones affect everyone differently, so just as everyone has slightly different pregnancy symptoms, so too will everyone have a slightly different experience with a given BC method. Some people have every imaginable issue, and some people have none at all. While it's useful to see what range of experiences people have, it really doesn't mean that you will experience all or any of what anyone else did. Sooo, don't let the bad testimonies dissuade you if you really want it, and don't let the good ones convince you that you couldn't possibly have issues yourself. Whatever you decide, good luck!
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    thank you all so much for your posts!!

    I'm gonna give the mirena a go and if it doesn't settle/ I don't like it, then I can always have it removed.

    I've not had any children, who else here has had it put in without having any kids and was it more painful than shall we say, having a piercing or a tattoo done? ( have both and didn't really think they were horrendously painful tbh. perhaps only for a few seconds with the piercings)

  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Ive had various IUD/IUS devices over the last 15 years, excluding the times ive had my children.
    With the mirena i found i gained weight on it, but apart from that it was fine. Not nearly as many problems as with most hormonal contraception, which i just cant be doing with.

    I now have a copper IUD which i much prefer. I hate artifical hormones. Havent had any bad side effects from it, hasnt affected my periods at all really, and no dulling of moods and depression and libido problems like most hormonal contraception causes to some extent