Looking for support snd friendship have a long journey ahead



  • jancat33
    jancat33 Posts: 6 Member
    I am new here also but not new to the weight loss struggles. I have gained and lost the same 50+ pounds, three times. I need to make it stick this time as I am getting older and it is only going to get harder. I find communities like this helpful and the accountability is a big thing. Sometimes we just need a little support from someone who understands the struggle.
  • cnred_06
    cnred_06 Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me!:) got this app in feb.2015 and it works! But alas,I wasn't ready to commit then,but now I am,and I'd definitely love any acountabilibuddies out there! Together Everyone Achieves More, right?!?!
  • taebofreak
    taebofreak Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me. I know a lot about losing weight. I'm also diabetic.
  • mn_andi
    mn_andi Posts: 8 Member
    I send s request. I am getting back to tracking again on MFP. Need to lose 100+
    Really want to concentrate on tracking what I eat and making healthy changes a bit at a time. Would like to be part of a group to keep each other motivated. Please feel free to friend request me. :)
  • akotlarz1
    akotlarz1 Posts: 12 Member
    I sent a request I have about 90 more pounds to loose I've lost 7 so far. It's a start but I need people to talk to who are in the same "weight loss boat" as I am. Wishing you the best of luck, you can do this!